Thursday, October 24, 2013

Let it sink in: We are not going to change the Republican Party. We need a New Republican Party that represents millions of Americans all across this country. We don't have such a party now.

Will a New Republican Party Please Stand Up?

By Kathleen Gotto
Americans know the Republican Party has lost its way and the effectiveness of party conservatives has been neutralized. But it is not just the Republican Party per se that is the problem. All three branches of the federal government have seized our inheritance to the point where now we citizens are the ones who support and defend the Constitution, and career politicians and judges are destroying what is left of it.
It is indisputable that the Republican Party offers no united opposition to the tyrannical Left. Indeed, in the recent government shutdown fiasco, Republican senators repudiated their fellow House Republicans and stood against them with the Democrats. That action was a slap in the face to not just those Republicans trying to rein in the Left's disastrous fiscal policies, but to all Americans who are concerned about the socialist agenda that is destroying our nation. The question before us is what to do about it.
There are two major schools of thought on what should be done. One is to change the Republican Party from within. However, the Establishment members have been so long entrenched in their power positions that there is no way they will just move aside and let the conservative members assume positions of leadership in the party. In a disgusting show of grandstanding, both Democrat and Republican senators and congressmen publicly attacked Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, who are fighting for us and our country. These two conservatives are real statesmen, and by their actions and values, show the contrast with political hacks in stark relief. Political leadership today has more in common with the mafia than with statesmanship.


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