Sunday, August 31, 2014
A Who's Who of the Good Guys and Bad Guys in the New Jihad
August 26, 2014
Wars are never simple. With the incredible success of the terrorist group
ISIS, now called the Islamic State, and the recent news that Egypt and UAE have
engaged in air strikes against the jihadists in Syria, Breitbart News has
decided to cut away some of the fog of war and explain who stands where in this
latest Holy War for the future of the Middle East and North Africa.
Algeria: Home to Africa’s third-biggest oil reserves and
10th in the world in natural gas reserves. Dealing with widespread poverty and
Islamist radicals infiltrating the government. 99% Sunni Muslim.
Al Qaeda: Salafist Sunni terror group now run by the
Egyptian Ayman al Zawahiri, with various offshoots spread all over the region.
The Islamic State – formerly ISIS – is a break-off of Al Qaeda in Iraq.
Bahrain: Tiny country primarily populated by Shiite Muslims
but ruled by Sunnis, which has often led to political unrest and anti-regime
Egypt: Run by the government of President Abdel Fattah el
Sisi, the former Commander of the Armed Forces. The government has declared the
Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and is fighting jihadi elements in
major cities, especially the Sinai.
Hamas: Palestinian terror organization at war with Israel.
The Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, its charter commits its members
to "dying in the way of Jihad."
Hezbollah: Iran-backed Lebanon-based terrorist group.
Engaged in "holy war" with Sunni terrorist group The Islamic State in
Syria, and according to latest reports, now in Iraq also. Led by Hassan
Iran: Leader of the Shiite Islamic world. Ruled by
theocratic dictator Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Known financier of Hezbollah and
Hamas terror groups and ally of Syria’s Assad. Committed to exporting its
theocratic revolution.
Iraq: At war with the Islamic State (IS). The new
government has lost control of several major cities to IS. Weakened by
crumbling defense forces and lack of US forces in the country.
The Islamic State: Formerly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq, and
the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham. Lead by the newly announced “caliph” Abu
Bakr al-Baghdadi. Controls a large swath of territory that spans much of Iraq
and Syria. In terms of numbers of fighters, weapons, and available funds, far
outstrips the capabilities of Al Qaeda (even at its most powerful on 9/11).
Israel: Only liberal democracy in the Middle East. At war
with Iran-sponsored Hamas, an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. De facto alliance
with Egypt. Closest formal ally to the US in the region
Jordan: Monarchy ruled by King Abdullah II, part of the
Hashemite dynasty said to be descended from Mohammad. A moderate Islamic
country compared to its Arab neighbors and a close ally of the United States.
Threatened as a potential prime target for the Islamic State for both of these
reasons. Inherently unstable due to a very large Palestinian population and
enormous influx of refugees from Syria and Iraq. Has a small but very capable
military and intelligence service.
Kuwait: Home to US military bases. Top officials recently
suspected of financing terror. Ruling party dealing with allegations of massive
corruption. Emir controls all political power. Recent reports say that Kuwait
may be turning against the jihadi movement.
Lebanon: Although its governmental system is technically
equally divided between Shiite, Sunni, and Maronite Christians, in reality,
both domestic and foreign policy is dominated by the Shiite terror group and
Iran-proxy Hezbollah.
Libya: Ruling party at war with anti-Islamist general
Haftar. Country in a state of lawlessness. The Al Nusra Front, an Al
Qaeda-offshoot that was responsible for 9/11/2012 attack on US consulate, is
still at large.
Pakistan: Home to the Haqqani network and the country where
Osama bin Laden was hiding. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is
known to have been infiltrated by and supportive of radical fundamentalist
interests. Fundamentally dysfunctional, Pakistan has never come to terms with
its Islamic identity or its paranoia for India.
Qatar: Oil-rich gulf state that controls the Al Jazeera
Media Network, which is known as an informal propaganda arm of the Muslim
Brotherhood. Qatari officials have been accused by international leaders of
financing terrorism, particularly The Islamic State terror group. Along with
Turkey suspected of being the largest supporter of jihadists in Syria and Iraq.
Syria: In the midst of a civil war between President Bashar
al-Assad’s Syrian Army and Islamist factions of varying radicalism. Current
death toll estimates around 200,000. A client state of Iran.
Turkey: Previously a stable, secular Muslim state whose
democracy was vouched safe by the military. Now ruled by Muslim
Brotherhood-friendly leadership. Strongly aligned with Hamas despite being a
member of NATO. Along with Qatar suspected of being supporter of jihadists in
Syria and Iraq.
Tunisia: Recognized as the catalyst of the “Arab Spring”
revolts that changed the map of the Middle East. Recently removed from power
Muslim-Brotherhood government.
Saudi Arabia: Ruled as a theocratic absolute monarchy. Preaches
Wahhabism, a salafist fundamentalist branch of Islam. Known for Mecca and
Medina, the two holiest Islamic sites. Top officials have been accused of
aiding and abetting of Al Qaeda and its offshoots. Recently reassessing the
threat of extremists to its own system, it has moved closer to Israel.
United Arab Emirates: Carried out airstrikes on Libya last
week against Islamist militants. Federation of seven emirates, each governed by
an emir who come together to form the Federal Supreme Council, which makes
executive decisions on behalf of the UAE. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are two emirates
known for being commercial hubs. Interested in defeating the jihadi threat.
Yemen: Home to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, arguably
the fiercest branch of AQ. Large US drone presence to combat radical entities.
Fragile government threatened by jihadists as well as tribal Houthi insurgents.
Myth of arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore's prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now Read more:
August 31, 2014
Arctic sea ice increases by 43% over two years
By Rick Moran
shocker from an NASA-funded agency that keeps track of arctic sea ice.
It appears that Al Gore's prediction that arctic ice would have
disappeared by now has gone by the boards. Instead, according to the Daily Mail, there has been a 43% increase in arctic sea ice since 2012.
(Graphic from the Daily Mail)

It wouldn't surprise me if arctic ice levels shrank next year, nor would it surprise me if they increased again. The difference is, if levels shrink, there will be hysterical editorials claiming we have to do something about climate change. If levels expand, we won't hear a peep from the climate change advocates.
Just like today.
READ MORE...(Graphic from the Daily Mail)
The speech by former US Vice-President Al Gore was apocalyptic. ‘The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff,’ he said. ‘It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now.’The models that Gore based his apocalyptic vision on were obviously, um...flawed. Or crazy. They are the same models by the same people that global warming hysterics are using to advocate policies that would siphon off $13 trillion dollars over the next decade and a half to pay for the effects of climate change.
Those comments came in 2007 as Mr Gore accepted the Nobel Peace Prize for his campaigning on climate change.
But seven years after his warning, The Mail on Sunday can reveal that, far from vanishing, the Arctic ice cap has expanded for the second year in succession – with a surge, depending on how you measure it, of between 43 and 63 per cent since 2012.
To put it another way, an area the size of Alaska, America’s biggest state, was open water two years ago, but is again now covered by ice.
The most widely used measurements of Arctic ice extent are the daily satellite readings issued by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center, which is co-funded by Nasa. These reveal that – while the long-term trend still shows a decline – last Monday, August 25, the area of the Arctic Ocean with at least 15 per cent ice cover was 5.62 million square kilometres.
This was the highest level recorded on that date since 2006 (see graph, right), and represents an increase of 1.71 million square kilometres over the past two years – an impressive 43 per cent.
Other figures from the Danish Meteorological Institute suggest that the growth has been even more dramatic. Using a different measure, the area with at least 30 per cent ice cover, these reveal a 63 per cent rise – from 2.7 million to 4.4 million square kilometres.
It wouldn't surprise me if arctic ice levels shrank next year, nor would it surprise me if they increased again. The difference is, if levels shrink, there will be hysterical editorials claiming we have to do something about climate change. If levels expand, we won't hear a peep from the climate change advocates.
Just like today.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
America’s Hopelessly Corrupt Political-Media Culture
by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD August 28, 2014The United States has dire problems at home and perilous threats from abroad, all of which are solvable, but not with the politicians who are now wielding the power and the journalists who are controlling the national dialogue, few of whom serve the interests of the country or tell the American people the truth.
For Democrats, the only things Americans have in common are our differences. They attain and maintain power by practicing tribal politics, emphasizing and exploiting divisions based on race, ethnicity, gender and income. A united and healthy America is an anathema to the Democratic Party.
Democrats do not offer coherent policies to address national issues, but present a collection of simultaneous arguments embracing grievances and entitlements for which no solutions are ever sufficient and whose demands for redress become ever more extreme.
Democrats are progressive because, in order to preserve their voter base, they must move progressively further and further to the left, inventing new crises, creating greater resentment, telling bigger lies and applying more and more coercion in order to implement their increasingly radical agenda.
O.J. Simpson plans to convert to Islam
Bang Showbiz
August 27, 2014
The former American footballer and movie star has been imprisoned in Nevada since 2008 on charges of kidnapping and armed robbery in relation to an armed robbery that took place at the Palace Station hotel-and-casino in Las Vegas in which sports memorabilia was taken.
After seeing his appeal for a re-trial quashed last and being informed in July 2013 he will serve at least another four years, Simpson has embraced the religion in a bid to change his life.
A source told National Enquirer magazine: ''O.J. really thought that he was going to be successful in a bid for a new trial and eventually be released from prison.
Journalist informed that Michael Brown had a substantial criminal record as a juvenile – including a second-degree murder charge.
Michael Brown’s Criminal Past Revealed To Journalist By St. Louis Authorities
...told by multiple St. Louis area authorities that Michael Brown had a...
Journalist Charles C. Johnson of Got News
confirmed earlier this month that he was told by multiple St. Louis
area authorities that Michael Brown had a substantial criminal record as
a juvenile – including a second-degree murder charge.
Since then, he has worked to facilitate the posthumous release of his records.
Brown, whose death in a police shooting sparked ongoing protests in
Ferguson, Mo. and across the country, has been portrayed by some as an
innocent victim of a racist officer. Subsequent reports have cast doubt
on that depiction, and Johnson hopes to shed even more light on the
man’s past by releasing details from his prior arrests.
KMOX spoke to a lawyer currently suing to have Brown’s juvenile records released.
Others see the situation differently, including Tricia Harrison, an associate law professor at Saint Louis University.
“To suggest that the general public has a right to know what any juvenile does in any situation is ludicrous,” she asserts.
Of course, the actions of minors are made public for a variety of reasons on a regular basis; and as Johnson notes, it is telling that even legal scholars are unaware of the law in regards to his request.
Johnson wrote that, as part of the suit to gain access to Brown’s records, Burns is citing another case that bolsters his claim. In 1984, he explained, an 18-year-old was beaten and ultimately died after stealing a pack of cigarettes. During a subsequent wrongful death lawsuit, the victim’s parents pleaded for the court to keep his juvenile record private to no avail.
Since then, he has worked to facilitate the posthumous release of his records.
KMOX spoke to a lawyer currently suing to have Brown’s juvenile records released.
“What we’re arguing is that since he is deceased, those documents revert from being confidential,” Johnathon Burns said, “they revert back to the public sphere. Missouri common law applies, and under Missouri common law, court records and virtually all other documents are open to the public.”
Others see the situation differently, including Tricia Harrison, an associate law professor at Saint Louis University.
“To suggest that the general public has a right to know what any juvenile does in any situation is ludicrous,” she asserts.
Of course, the actions of minors are made public for a variety of reasons on a regular basis; and as Johnson notes, it is telling that even legal scholars are unaware of the law in regards to his request.
Johnson wrote that, as part of the suit to gain access to Brown’s records, Burns is citing another case that bolsters his claim. In 1984, he explained, an 18-year-old was beaten and ultimately died after stealing a pack of cigarettes. During a subsequent wrongful death lawsuit, the victim’s parents pleaded for the court to keep his juvenile record private to no avail.
Friday, August 29, 2014
“The world has always been messy,” Obama said. “We will get through these challenging times just like we have in the past.”
President Barack Obama told a group of Democratic donors today
that despite turmoil in Ukraine and Iraq the U.S. faces less of a threat
than it did during the Cold War....
[Full Story]
OBAMA IS THE ENEMY...the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government.
Ex-CIA expert: Obama switched sides in war on terror
A former CIA agent bluntly told WND, America has switched sides in the war on terror under President Obama.
Clare Lopez was willing to say what a few members of Congress have confided to WND in private, but declined to say on-the-record.
She said the global war on terror had been an effort to “stay free of Shariah,” or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates.
Why the switch?
Lopez explained, when the so-called Arab Spring appeared in late 2010, “It was time to bring down the secular Muslim rulers who did not enforce Islamic law. And America helped.”
And why would Obama want to do that?
As she told WND earlier this month, Lopez believed the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government.
Osama bin Laden
Why would Obama order the killing of bin Laden?
Because the president “couldn’t delay any longer,” once the opportunity was presented, Lopez told WND.
There were “no more excuses” available to avoid it and he “thought it might look good,” she mused.
The former CIA operative’s perspective affects her prescription for what the U.S. should do about the terror army ISIS, as she called for caution and restraint.
"The nation and the world have increasingly come to see that Obama views himself primarily as a Muslim and acts accordingly in favoring Islamic interests over Judeo-Christian ones, and the complaint lays out Obama's history in documented detail. This includes his actions calculated to harm the nation of Israel. His facilitating and ordering financial and other material aid to HAMAS, along with his equally anti-Israel Secretaries of State Kerry and Clinton, and the U.N. Secretary General, is just the latest deadly chapter in what amounts to criminal activity which has logically resulted in harm and death to Jews and Christians and threatens the continued existence of Israel. That is why he and the other defendants were sued under RICO and other relevant laws."
Full Complaint: Obama Named In Racketeering RICO Suit; Providing Terrorists Material Support
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- image credit: net stoopid - |
Sued For Racketeering In Providing Material Support
To Terrorist Hamas In War To Annihilate Israel
RICO Complaint Filed By Larry Klayman and Doe Plaintiffs
By Freedom Watch
Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and a former U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor who helped break up AT&T, today announced that he and other plaintiffs have filed a civil lawsuit in federal court in D.C. (Case no. 14-1484) under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act "RICO" for criminal acts by President Barack Hussein Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the U.N. Secretary General for laundering U.S. dollars to the terrorist organization HAMAS. This money has been been foreseeably used to buy rockets and construct tunnels to attack Israel and terrorize and kill American and dual American-Israeli citizens who reside or are located in Israel.
Mr. President, we just received this from Guinness World Records. It's the official application to be recognized as the world's most prolific liar. They said that they can also include you under the category foreign-born American presidents using the same form. I also have an application for Michelle. She, er he can apply as the first First Lady that is not a lady...if you know what I mean sir.
Judicial Watch has reported that the U.S. Border Patrol actually ordered officers to avoid the most crime-infested stretches because they’re “too dangerous” and patrolling them could result in an “international incident” of cross border shooting. In the meantime, who could forget the famous words of Obama’s first Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano; the southern border is “as secure as it has ever been.”
For those of us who’ve been raising alarms about both the jihadist threat and the national-security vulnerability created by the Obama administration’s non-enforcement of the immigration laws, this is not a surprise — particularly less than two weeks before September 11. But it is nonetheless jarring to read. Judicial Watch has just put out this statement:
Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.
Judicial Watch sources reveal that the militant group Islamic State of
Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in
Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from
El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S.
State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone
planning to go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago.
CFP Main Menu HOME Doug Hagmann's INSIDER REPORTS Most Recent CFP Columns Columnists' Archives Cover Stories Canada Politics American Politics American Freedom American Healthcare American Life, History Business, Financial Christianity - Religion Crime - Security Global Warming Energy - Environment Gun Control Media, Media Bias Science, Technology World News CFP Magazine Medical Pages Travel Pages Automotive Pages Weather - Gas - Markets CFP Cartoons Life, Pets, Gardens, Food Letters to the Editor Infrastructure Caruba: Professional Writing Services Costa Rica Homes for Sale Obama seems more concerned about getting his critics to retreat by letting it be known he thinks it's unreasonable of them to expect a strategy from him
Obama: 'We don't have a strategy yet' for defeating ISIS
By Dan Calabrese Full Story

Why would you get all hot and bothered to develop a strategy for
defeating the JV team? Come on, y’all. It’s annoying to the president
when “folks are getting a little further ahead of what we’re at than we
currently are”
By Dan Calabrese Full Story
This man is not cool. This man is unwell. Imagine how the family of the victim must feel. Imagine how we all feel. This man takes sociopathic self-absorption to a terrifying new level. He is our President and he’s a self-absorbed con man.
Ben Stein's Diary
Decline and Fall of Obama’s America
The whole world knows that Mr. Obama is a disaster.
By Ben Stein – 8.23.14
Darkness at Ivano’s Del Lago (Ben Stein)
Starting roughly 150 years A.D., the emperors were so bad that when each emperor died — often by murder — the citizens would rejoice. They thought that the old emperor was so bad that the new one would have to be better. Within a few months, they would be longing to have the old emperor back.
This is exactly what we are now seeing in Barack Obama’s America. We are seeing a President so bad that he makes even the worst prior ones look good (except for Jimmy Carter, who is beyond redemption). I would like to humbly offer a few examples.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
A President's Global Warming Treaty Tyranny
By Arnold Ahlert Full Story

In yet another demonstration of contempt for the Constitution, President Obama and his administration are pursuing what the New York Times characterizes
as a “sweeping international climate change agreement to compel nations
to cut their planet-warming fossil fuel emissions”—absent any input
from Congress.
By Arnold Ahlert Full Story
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
WATCH The Kickoff Of “National Impeach Obama Week”
'National Impeach Obama Week' kicked off in San Diego and other towns across the US on Saturday.
The insidious virus that’s eating America, to borrow O’Hehir’s language, is the race baiting that tries to keep whites feeling guilty and, far more importantly, keep blacks and other minorities from achieving what they could achieve. Until we get rid of the race baiters, the virus will continue to destroy lives that would otherwise be rich and full and successful.
Sorry, Race Baiters; White America is simply Not Buying it Anymore. We've Spent our Guilt and Moved on
By Mike Jensen Full Story

In 1984, I lived in North Philadelphia. At that time (I have not
been back for several years, so I can’t speak of the area’s current
status), the area was almost entirely populated by black and Hispanic
residents. I’m white, by the way, and there were literally weeks that
went by when I didn’t see another white person in my neighborhood.
By Mike Jensen Full Story
...During the interview, Romney also said his experience running
national campaigns would likely make him a stronger presidential
candidate than he was in 2012. However, he maintained a fresher face
would be better for the Republican Party and offered praise for an
entire slew of expected 2016 hopefuls.
"I mean, you hope you learn from your mistakes. But at the same time, there are people who are not yet known by the American public who have extraordinary records, great capability, Paul Ryan being one of them, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio. Of course, people are getting to know Chris Christie. Jeb Bush, they don’t know Jeb Bush as the governor of Florida, and the kind of record he has and had there. These are people who I think have the potential to really ignite interest in our party and potentially win the general," he said.
"I mean, you hope you learn from your mistakes. But at the same time, there are people who are not yet known by the American public who have extraordinary records, great capability, Paul Ryan being one of them, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio. Of course, people are getting to know Chris Christie. Jeb Bush, they don’t know Jeb Bush as the governor of Florida, and the kind of record he has and had there. These are people who I think have the potential to really ignite interest in our party and potentially win the general," he said.
Angela Graham-West
The bullet flying over any Black boy's
head is more likely to be fired from a firearm brandished by another
Black person than by a cop. More
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Then there is the matter of the presidential untruths. The problem is not just that Barack Obama says things that are untrue but that he lies about what Barack Obama has said. MUST READ...
August 26, 2014
The Madness of 2008
A nation became unhinged by trivialities like “hope and change.” It has now awakened.
On the campaign trail, October 2008 (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Victor Davis Hanson
For those who are “shocked” at the present meltdown, of a magnitude not seen since the annus horribilis of 1979, in their defense: Obama certainly did not campaign on a new health-care plan that would force Americans to give up the doctors they liked and their existing coverage, while raising premiums and deductibles, while giving exemptions for insiders and cronies, and while raising the deficit.
BOOKER T. WASHINGTON: There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. A MUST READ...
August 26, 2014
Obama and Holder have shared their
uncomfortable experiences with police as black males. Allow me to offer
a few of my numerous anecdotal encounters with police. More
Monday, August 25, 2014
...the man known as Barack Hussein Obama has failed to furnish any authenticated proof of his Constitutional eligibility to hold office. Contrary to the corporate media, this issue has never been resolved in any court. This raises not merely a point of law, but the subject of allegiance. Look at the world today and ask yourself whether the commissions or omissions of Obama have benefitted the United States. If not, who or what nation appears to be the primary beneficiary of his agenda?
Understanding the ISIS threat
By Doug Hagmann Full Story

The current threats posed by ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and
Syria, to world stability in general and to the U.S. specifically are
very real and extremely dangerous. However, the origins of the group and
hence the threats are not to be believed “as advertised.” We are being
subjected to more lies from the White House to Foggy Bottom, along with
many elected leaders who know the real story but insist upon pushing a
false narrative.
By Doug Hagmann Full Story
SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO: Our Country Is Under Attack & Obama Is the Aggressor – “He Is Rewarding Criminals”
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, August 25, 2014
Arpaio accuses Barack Obama of leading an attack on the United States. The popular sheriff says President Obama is “rewarding criminals.” READ MORE...
Could Obama’s policies be deliberate -- to weaken an America that he views as the world’s biggest problem, a colonizing, imperialistic and racist power that needs to be permanently stripped of its might? Then he has succeeded where none have ever gone before and fulfilled at least one campaign promise: he has fundamentally transformed America for many decades to come.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
...Obama continued with his vacation and was photographed looking as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Suddenly, that megawatt smile that often charmed voters wasn’t so charming. It was vacuous. He looked like an empty-headed frat boy, numb to the world.
Obama’s golf outing after Foley beheading was a huge mistake
August 24, 2014
President Barack Obama, left, bumps fists with Cyrus
Walker, right, cousin of White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, as
Glenn Hutchins, center, looks on while golfing at Vineyard Golf Club
Photo: AP
President Obama’s decision to hit the links and yuk it up with pals immediately after speaking about the beheading of James Foley was no ordinary mistake. Nor was it a simple gaffe.
The decision continues to cause an uproar because, like an X-ray, there is no escaping the image. It shows there is no there there.
With even his media praetorian guard appalled, the golf outing is sparking a wider understanding that Obama is hollow, empty of the routine qualities Americans expect from their president.
Simple decency and respect for Foley’s horrified parents should have been enough to sober him. If that didn’t do it, the realization that the Islamic State had declared war on America in the most gruesome fashion imaginable should have sounded a call of duty in his head.
Instead, Obama continued with his vacation and was photographed looking as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Suddenly, that megawatt smile that often charmed voters wasn’t so charming. It was vacuous.
He looked like an empty-headed frat boy, numb to the world.
Maybe that’s not just an appearance. Maybe it’s the truth. Maybe that’s all there is.
It is a bitter idea to consider. To say he is a failed president, even unfit, does not rule out the possibility he deeply wants to measure up but doesn’t know how.
But what if it’s worse than that? What if, after six years of frustration and failure, he’s just not into being president anymore?
Bill Clinton told Americans, “I feel your pain.” What if Obama doesn’t give a whit what Americans feel?
As commander in chief, Obama swore to defend the nation. Yet the rise of the demonic cult calling itself Islamic State has barely stirred him.
The group he once ridiculed as being like the al Qaeda junior varsity has achieved what Osama bin Laden never did: It controls a huge swath of territory in Syria and Iraq. It is so bloodthirsty that some jihadist groups shun its brand of barbarism as too indiscriminate.
Most important, it makes threats against America, saying, “We will drown all of you in blood.” It vows to raise its black flag over the White House and threatened Chicago and other cities.
All of this, especially the beheading of Foley and the threat to kill another American journalist it holds, are aimed at stopping even modest US support for the Iraqi army.
Yet the president, after giving a perfunctory speech about the horror of it all, shrugged his shoulders. Later, his attorney general said a criminal investigation had been opened, as if the beheading was just a crime.
It is hard to fathom what Obama is doing or thinking. No explanation comes close to being satisfactory.
With fellow Democrats faulting him, and with threats to America multiplying, it is impossible to excuse his conduct on the grounds of ignorance. If he only knows what the public sees, that would be more than enough to develop a strategy.
Indeed, it’s possible his military advisers are going public with terrifying claims about the terrorist group because they, too, are alarmed by his passivity. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, normally low-key, said of the Islamic State: “This is beyond anything that we’ve seen. So we must prepare for everything.”
Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called it “an organization that has an apocalyptic, end-of-days strategic vision that will eventually have to be defeated.”
His use of the word “defeated” was in contrast to Obama, who talked only of “containing” the Islamic State when he approved limited airstrikes.
There was, of course, another response from the president last week. After the storm started over the golf outing, White House officials confirmed there had been a secret raid to free Foley and others in July, but it failed.
The release of such classified information ignited a second round of fury, with not a few critics accusing the president of playing politics.
Nonsense. He doesn’t care about politics. The raid was revealed to protect the only thing he does care about: himself.
“That’s the same as the special order 48 issued in 1933 by the Nazis [the so-called Reichstag Fire Decree]. Read that — it says exactly the same thing.”
NSA Whistle-Blower: Obama’s Authority To Label ‘Terrorists’ Is The Same Rule The Nazis Issued In 1933
Former National Security Agency crypto-mathematician Bill
Binney was blowing the whistle on domestic spying long before Edward
Snowden became a household name, and has gone on record describing the
agency’s growing powers as increasingly “totalitarian.” Now the 36-year
agency veteran is explaining the reason for its expansion — “power,
control and money.” “Look at the NDAA
August 24, 2014
But no White House personnel attended General Greene's funeral. More
Saturday, August 23, 2014
The Ferguson Lie Comes Undone
The Big Fat Ferguson Lie has come undone.
First they told us Michael Brown was a gentle giant. That wasn’t true. He was a thug, high on pot, fresh from a robbery a few minutes before a police officer killed him on the troubled streets of Ferguson, Missouri.
Then they told us this 18-year old, 6’4, 280-pounder was shot in the back, trying to get away. That’s not true either.
Then they told us the militarized police caused the days and nights of rioting. Not true. Or the curfew did. Not true. Or the lack of diversity on the police department was to blame. Not true either.
The Golf Address
Score? And seven trillion rounds ago, our forecaddies brought forth on
this continent a new playground, conceived by Robert Trent Jones, and
dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal when it
comes to spending as much time on the links as possible — even when it
seems totally inappropriate, like moments after making a solemn
statement condemning the grisly murder of a 40-year-old American
journalist beheaded by ISIL.
know reporters didn’t get a chance to ask questions, but I had to
bounce. I had a 1 p.m. tee time at Vineyard Golf Club with Alonzo
Mourning and a part-owner of the Boston Celtics. Hillary and I agreed
when we partied with Vernon Jordan up here, hanging out with celebrities
and rich folks is fun.
we are engaged in a great civil divide in Ferguson, which does not even
have a golf course, and that’s why I had a “logistical” issue with
going there. We are testing whether that community, or any community so
conceived and so dedicated, can long endure when the nation’s leader
wants nothing more than to sink a birdie putt.
Buchanan: Obama Will 'Set the Country Completely on Fire' with Executive Amnesty by Labor Day
Buchanan: Obama Will 'Set the Country Completely on Fire' with Executive Amnesty by Labor Day
On the Friday broadcast of PBS’ “The McLaughlin Group,” columnist Pat Buchanan predicted that President Obama would grant amnesty to illegal immigrants via executive order by Labor Day and that such an action would “set the country completely on fire.”
After Washington Examiner Chief Congressional Correspondent Susan Ferrechio argued that “Democrats could gain from Hispanic voters turning out, especially if the president decides to take key executive actions in this summer that would help Hispanics who are here in the country, perhaps living here illegally. That could boost popularity for the party,” Buchanan responded “executive amnesty will set the country completely on fire. I do agree, it might get out the Hispanic vote, but you will have red state Democrats denouncing the president for doing it, for engaging in unconstitutional action. It would be a tremendous firestorm which would really polarize the nation.”At the end of the show, when asked for his predictions, Buchanan said “Barack Obama will do some kind of amnesty for the illegal aliens by Labor Day.”
Question About That Bachelor Party Barack Obama Attended for FIVE Hours
By Debbie SchlusselWere there strippers at the five-hour bachelor party Barack Obama attended on Monday? And were they female . . . or male?
Yup, an immigration crisis at the Southern border, an ISIS crisis worldwide, and the “leader” of the free world is spending FIVE HOURS at a bachelor party. Priorities, baby!
So, again, were there strippers performing at this event?
Betcha there were. And I’ll also bet that photos were off limits, probably for that reason.
REMEMBER THIS STORY...A man must be registered to be eligible for jobs in the executive branch of the federal government, which includes president of the United States. Registration is also a condition for U.S. citizenship if the man first arrived in the United States before his 26th birthday. If Obama arrived in Hawaii as a citizen of Indonesia, as his school records and mother’s divorce records indicate, and he didn’t register with SS, he could have been barred from obtaining U.S. citizenship and may not be one now.
The Revealing of Obama’s Selective Service Registration Fraud
August 15, 2014
Obama conspiracy – It’s no longer just a theory
A man who fails to register with SS before turning 26 may find that some doors are permanently closed
By Linda Bentley | March 3, 2010
ARLINGTON, Va. – On Sept. 7, 2008, Barack Hussein Obama appeared on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” and stated, “I had to sign up for Selective Service (SS) when I graduated from high school … And I actually always thought of the military as an ennobling and, you know, honorable option. But keep in mind that I graduated in 1979. The Vietnam War had come to an end. We weren’t engaged in active military conflict at that point. And so, it’s not an option that I ever decided to pursue.”Some people did keep in mind that he graduated in 1979 and noted the registration requirement was suspended in April 1975 by President Gerald Ford and wasn’t reinstituted until 1980 by President Jimmy Carter in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
The Military Selective Service Act required men born in the calendar year 1961 to register on any of the six days beginning Monday, July 28, 1980.
On Oct. 13, 2008, J. Stephen Coffman, a retired federal agent, filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the SS for a copy of Obama’s SS registration form.
Debbie Schlussel broke this story on Nov. 13, 2008, questioning myriad peculiarities about Obama’s registration form. (
Coffman’s FOIA request was processed on Oct. 29, 2008, two days after the SS claimed it was received.
Coffman received a copy of Obama’s registration form along with a copy of the computer inquiry screen, which showed an access date of Sept. 9, 2008, several weeks prior to Coffman’s request.
God bless those who protect and serve! God bless Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Missouri police officer who so courageously protected his own life as well as the lives of so many in his community. He should be thanked and treated as a hero!
Darren Wilson is a Hero!
I'm seriously concerned for my country when my fellow conservatives begin to jump the tracks whenever the police clash with evil individuals or the rampaging hordes that often follow.
We should all be concerned about the loss of our freedoms, our liberties, the disregard for our Constitution by the elected, the rise of the police state, the lack of due process of citizens and the favoritism of the criminal illegal, and the lack of common sense we so often hear and see, but none of that is even in the same zip code with this Ferguson, Missouri. shooting of gang banger Michael Brown.
Anyone who rushes a police officer -- who is in the process of barking instructions, like "freeze" -- needs to realize that doing so can and will and most often should result in a bullet turning your coconut into a canoe. There is no reason whatsoever for the public to be second guessing what happened in Ferguson, Missouri. None!
Friday, August 22, 2014
Jeannie DeAngelis
The brutal execution of American journalist James Wright Foley spurs Obama to go golfing. More
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Race baiters and hustlers continue to ply their wares, while now including the highest levels of political office in the USA
Obama and Holder take over from Jackson and Sharpton By Sher Zieve Full StoryThe Obama-Holder team has now taken over the investigation of the Ferguson, MO shooting. At the same time, that team has, apparently, effectively usurped both the city’s authority and the titles of “biggest race hustlers and race-baiters in America” from the team of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Note: I assume the Jackson-Sharpton team is now demanding royalties from both Holder and Obama. |
Obama violated a “clear and unambiguous” law when he released five
Guantanamo Bay detainees in exchange for Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl,
the Government Accountability Office reported Thursday.
“[The Department of Defense] violated section 8111 because it did not notify the relevant congressional committees at least 30 days in advance of the transfer,” the GAO report said. “In addition, because DOD used appropriated funds to carry out the transfer when no money was available for that purpose, DOD violated the Antideficiency Act. The Antideficiency Act prohibits federal agencies from incurring obligations exceeding an amount available in an appropriation.”
The GAO rejected the idea that the action was legal and sidestepped the Obama team’s suggestion that the law is unconstitutional.
“It is not our role or our practice to determine the constitutionality of duly enacted statutes,” the report says. “In our view, where legislation has been passed by Congress and signed by the President, thereby satisfying the bicameralism and presentment requirements in the Constitution, that legislation is entitled to a heavy presumption in favor of constitutionality.”
“[The Department of Defense] violated section 8111 because it did not notify the relevant congressional committees at least 30 days in advance of the transfer,” the GAO report said. “In addition, because DOD used appropriated funds to carry out the transfer when no money was available for that purpose, DOD violated the Antideficiency Act. The Antideficiency Act prohibits federal agencies from incurring obligations exceeding an amount available in an appropriation.”
The GAO rejected the idea that the action was legal and sidestepped the Obama team’s suggestion that the law is unconstitutional.
“It is not our role or our practice to determine the constitutionality of duly enacted statutes,” the report says. “In our view, where legislation has been passed by Congress and signed by the President, thereby satisfying the bicameralism and presentment requirements in the Constitution, that legislation is entitled to a heavy presumption in favor of constitutionality.”
It is not the white man who has prevented blacks from seizing upon the opportunity available to all. It is the debilitating animus, blame, self-segregation, and self-victimization they wallow in. MUST READ...
Blacks Should Be Thankful There Was An America To Come To
A president faced with a scandal created by underlings behind his back would be naturally furious at their misbehavior, and want heads to roll. This didn’t happen in any of these scandals because their point of origin was the White House itself. Promoting the culprits is a way of keeping them quiet.
HOROWITZ: The Hell That Is The Obama White House
me begin by acknowledging that this inspirational title is lifted from a
tweet by screen actor James Woods. And now I will explicate his tweet.
sentient human being whose brain isn’t stuffed with ideological fairy
dust can see that Obama is behind every major scandal of his
administration from Benghazi to the I.R.S. disgrace. How can one know
this? Because the culprits haven’t been fired. Moreover, if they are
serial liars like Susan Rice, they’ve actually been promoted to posts
where their loyalty to the criminal-in-chief can do America and its
citizens even more damage, if that is possible.
president faced with a scandal created by underlings behind his back
would be naturally furious at their misbehavior, and want heads to roll.
This didn’t happen in any of these scandals because their point of
origin was the White House itself. Promoting the culprits is a way of
keeping them quiet.
what exactly is the I.R.S. scandal about — to take just one case? It’s a
plan unprecedented in modern American politics to push the political
system towards a one-party state by using the taxing authority of the
government to cripple and destroy the political opposition. The
administration’s campaign to promote voter fraud by opposing measures to
stop it (and defaming them as “racist” is guided by the same intentions
and desire).
why shouldn’t Obama want to destroy the two-party system since he is
also in utter contempt of the Constitutional framework, making law
illegally, and defying an impotent Congress to stop him? Of course every
radical, like Obama, hates the Constitutional framework because, as
Madison explained in Federalist #10, it is designed to thwart “the
wicked projects” of the left to redistribute income and destroy the free
same desire to overwhelm and permanently suppress the opposition drives
the war that Obama and the Democrats have conducted against America’s
borders and therefore American sovereignty. Their plan is to flood the
country with illegals of whatever stripe who will be grateful enough for
the favor to win them elections and create a permanent majority in
their favor. The immediate result of these efforts is that we have no
secure southern border, and therefore no border; and therefore we have
effectively invited criminals and terrorists to come across and do
Americans harm.
brings us to the deepest level of Obama’s hell, which is his
anti-American foreign policy. When Obama was re-elected in 2012, the
very first thought I had was this: A lot of people are going to be dead
because of this election. How disastrously right I was. Since their
assault on George Bush and their sabotage of the war in Iraq, Obama and
the Democrats have forged a power vacuum in Europe and even more
dramatically in the Middle East, which nasty characters have predictably
entered with ominous implications for the future security of all
one aspect of this epic default: Obama’s lack of response to the
slaughter of Christians in Palestine, Egypt and Iraq. Hundreds of
thousands of Christians have been slaughtered and driven from their
homes in Iraq – over half a million by some counts. This is the oldest
Christian community in the world dating back to the time of Christ. What
was Obama’s response to this atrocity until a group of Yazvidi along
with the Christians were trapped on a mountain side, and politics
dictated he had to make some gesture. His response was to do and say
nothing. Silence. Even his statement announcing minimal action to save
the Yazvidi and the Christians mentioned the Christians once in passing
while devoting a paragraph to the obscure Yazvidi.
this unfeeling and cold response to the slaughter of Christians tells
us is that Obama is a pretend Christian just the way he is a pretend
American. What he is instead is a world class liar. That is because his
real agendas are anti-American, anti-Christian, and anti-Jewish, and
obviously and consistently pro America’s third world adversaries to whom
he is always apologizing and whom he is always appeasing. Obama lies
about his intentions and policies because he couldn’t survive
politically if he told the truth,
socialist plot against individual freedom called Obamacare was sold as a
charitable attempt to cover the uninsured (which it doesn’t), to lower
health insurance costs (which it doesn’t) and to allow patients to keep
their doctor and their plan (which it doesn’t). What it actually does is
to take away a major piece of the freedom that Americans once enjoyed —
the freedom to choose their plan and their doctor, and not to have the
government control their health care or have easy access to all their
financial information.
devious, deceitful, power hungry administration is just as James Woods
described it. But it is also a mounting danger for all Americans. Thanks
to his global retreat, the terrorists Obama falsely claims are “on the
run” are in fact gathering their strength and their weapons of mass
destruction until a day will come when they will cross our porous
borders and show us what years of perfidy not only by Obama but by the
whole Democratic Party have wrought.
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