Las Vegas janitor Jay Romero, a close friend of New York cop killer
Ismaaiyl Brinsley, described him as a “god-fearing Muslim,” according to
the UK Daily Mail. I
don’t know whether Brinsley was a devout Muslim or not; based on the
evidence we have at present, he appears to have been a somewhat
unbalanced, maladjusted thug. It does bear mentioning that during a
press conference on December 21, the New York City Police Department’s
top detective, Chief Robert Boyce, told reporters that Brinsley came
from a Muslim family with roots in Brooklyn, New York, and in New
Jersey. Brinsley also reportedly used the phrase “Allahu Akbar” on some
of his social media posts.
What I do find interesting however, are other elements that came out of the Daily Mail story
which resonate with the widespread anti-police sentiment that we have
seen emanating not only from career black activists like Rev. Al
Sharpton, but from radicals who have insinuated themselves into
positions of power, such as New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio (a lifelong
communist), outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder (a lifelong black
nationalist), and – oh, yes – President Barack Hussein Obama (a red
diaper baby if there ever was one, and a lifelong radical with Islamist
since the August shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri by a
police officer, and the death of Eric Garner while in police custody in
New York, race pimps like Sharpton, as well as Obama, Holder, DeBlasio,
clueless black celebrities, and countless others of less influence, have
essentially chimed in on the narrative of America being rife with
racist police who will use the slightest excuse to kill a black
individual. Most notably, protests led by Sharpton in New York included
demonstrators calling for the killing of policemen.
many voted for Obama with the hope that he would be a unifier, but from
the time he took office, Obama himself has stoked the fires of racial
unrest. From his 2009 statement that Cambridge, Massachusetts police
“acted stupidly” when they arrested his Harvard buddy, “renowned black
scholar” (read black radical professor)Henry
Louis Gates, to his support last week for NBA star LeBron James’
donning an “I can’t breathe” T-shirt, Obama has both subtly and
not-so-subtly legitimized the America-as-racist meme. Eric Holder’s
Justice Department has been even more brazen, using taxpayer dollars to
fund demonstrations against George Zimmerman during the jury
deliberations for his 2012 trial for the shooting of Trayvon Martin.
there are riots, or when individuals are assaulted or killed by
militant blacks, the likes of Obama, Holder, DeBlasio, and Sharpton
offer hypocritical lukewarm condemnation, but this belies their
behind-the-scenes maneuvering, as well as the inflammatory rhetoric they
more commonly employ.
on December 20 in Brooklyn, Ismaaiyl Brinsley walked up behind the
parked patrol car of officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, and fired
four bullets into their heads. The double killing followed months of
aggressive anti-police posts from Brinsley’s social media accounts,
where he eventually announced his intent to kill police officers.
Based on the Daily Mail report,
earlier this month, the head of the New York City Sergeant’s Benevolent
Association sent a letter to officers warning of a ‘credible threat’ on
the lives of police from an ‘organized’ group. This group, called the
Black Guerrilla Family (BGF), has strongholds in Baltimore prisons, and
was alleged to be planning just the sort of attack carried out by
Brinsley, according to police sources. One source reportedly told the New York Daily News: “BGF has been talking about getting back at cops for Eric Garner and Ferguson.”
gang, which was founded in California in the 1960s, operates out of
prisons and has “a sophisticated hierarchy and a long reach.” The Daily Mail also reported that this connection was credible enough that the NYPD has sent detectives to Baltimore to investigate.
I have reported previously on numerous occasions, there is a
demonstrated history of both long-standing and more recent radical
leftist militant groups that have seen fit to flex their muscle since
one Barack Obama came on the scene. This is no accident, nor is it a
“mere coincidence.”
fact that the Department of Justice was headed up by a black
nationalist (Holder) who initiated directives by which black defendants
in crimes were not prosecuted in cases wherein the victims were white
let to a scandal all by itself – one which has of course, fallen
completely by the wayside. This story was broken by whistleblower J.
Christian Adams, a former DOJ attorney, in the wake of the New Black
Panther Party voter intimidation scandal… which has also fallen
completely by the wayside.
some are aware of Obama’s treason with regard to having trained and
supplied the ISIS terror group from its inception, with insinuating
Muslim Brotherhood operatives into the U.S. government, and with
engaging in clandestine détente with Iran even after they absconded with
one of our drones and attempted to steal blueprints related to the F-35
joint strike fighter plane, few are aware of his lifelong ties to
radical communist groups that have been intent upon utterly destroying
America for decades.
our concentration here is primarily Obama’s ties to American radicals
and his use of them and their methods in the U.S., this is very much in
keeping with his actions with regard to foreign terrorists as well. His
release of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (the jihadi who went on to lead ISIS)
from U.S. custody, the five Taliban generals he traded for Army deserter
Bowe Bergdahl, as well as five Cuban terrorists last week and dozens of
other Gitmo detainees have been widely criticized as imprudent, but
Obama’s intentions in this area are actually quite malignant.
the Muslim Brotherhood, from which many dozens of Sunni Muslim terror
groups sprang, the Weather Underground (founded by Obama pal Bill Ayers)
gave rise to many other militant groups, some less well-known than
others. One of them was the May 19 Communist Organization, which sprung
cop killer Joanne Chesimard (a.k.a. Assata Shakur) from prison.
Chesimard has reportedly been hiding in Cuba since that time.
Obama’s ties to these groups go even farther back than Bill Ayers
helping to launch his career in Chicago in 1995, or even his college
days, as he described in his compendium of lies, Dreams From My Father. Over
the past few years, the lie of his publicized origins narrative has
been revealed bit by bit, although even conservative news organizations
shy away from reporting on the subject.
For example: The debut edition of Osawatomie – the Weather Underground Organization’s magazine, Spring 1975 edition, features on its cover none other than Barack Obama holding a NO! to RACISM sign.
How does a young teen who is supposed to be in Indonesia or Hawaii or
wherever wind up as cover boy for militant anti-United States government
radicals? Because that aforementioned origins narrative was, like the
long-form birth certificate released by the White House in 2011, crafted
from whole cloth.
investigative evidence indicates that even Obama’s alleged parentage is
a lie. For example, his mother was not “Stanley Ann Dunham” (a
completely fictional identity), but Weather Underground member Jo Ann
Newman (a.k.a. Elizabeth Ann Duke). Researcher Martha Trowbridge has
done seminal work in this area, and it was private Investigator Neil
Sankey, formerly of Scotland Yard, whose work in 2008 on Obama’s
multiple Social Security numbers broke awareness of Obama’s widespread
identity fraud. He also established the connection between the
identities of Elizabeth Duke and Jo Ann Newman who, by the way, was the
Weather Underground’s top document forger .
Newman-Duke is currently a federal fugitive – or should I was a
federal fugitive; Obama had her indictment and warrants quietly vacated
shortly after he took office. According to Trowbridge’s compelling
narrative, Obama’s given name is Bâri’ Malik Shabazz, and his father was
1960s activist Malik El-Shabazz, a.k.a. Malcolm Little, a.k.a. Malcolm
X. Newman spent a great deal of time among Nation of Islam members in
the early 1960s as she honed her radicalism (Malcolm was Nation of Islam
founder Elijah Muhammad’s right hand man at the time). Newman was
photographed with their membership, and even wrote a tribute to Malcolm
after his 1965 murder in the Amsterdam News, a
New York newspaper popular among blacks at that time. Presumably, Bâri’
was sired by Malcolm during Newman’s time with the Nation of Islam, and
the familial connection was kept secret, first for reasons of his
safety, and later for reasons that should be obvious by now.

Newman’s tribute to Malcolm X from The Amsterdam News (Click image for larger version).
look at me; I didn’t make this up. I would note that at this juncture,
the foregoing narrative has been accepted as fact by one of the world’s
top intelligence organizations. This also firmly solidifies Obama’s
affinity for and connection to the Muslim world; Malcolm was a Sunni
Muslim, and had ties to powerful Muslim individuals and organizations in
Indonesia and Africa, as well as the Middle East.
Malcolm X’s 1965 assassination, Newman went on to join the Weather
Underground and to found several other offshoot radical groups, one of
which was the May 19 Communist Organization (which, as indicated
earlier, liberated cop killer Joanne Chesimard from New Jersey state
custody). She is also related by blood to the iconic New York communist, Fred Newman, whose Independence Party was instrumental in the ascendancy of both Al Sharpton and Michael Bloomberg.
will note that like George Zimmerman (a Latino who was transformed into
an Anglo for the sake of the racism narrative), neither of the slain
NYPD officers, Ramos and Liu, were white. Ramos was a Latino, and Liu
was of Asian descent. This fits in handily with the 1960s radical modus
operandi: In my book, Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal, America’s Racial Obsession, I
included anecdotes from police and firefighters who had worked in major
cities during the Civil Rights Movement. Back then, for example, it was
commonplace for black militants to shoot at police and firefighters who
responded to calls in black neighborhoods. They also set fires in
tenements which were booby-trapped to trap or kill firefighters when
they were inside fighting the fires.
of the firefighters and police were black, but this did not matter to
the perpetrators. These civil servants were also “the Man,” servants of
“the System,” and so deserved to be killed.
examples of the activities of radicals since Obama came to office are
nearly too numerous to mention, although the antics of the New Black
Panther Party do spring to mind. The Black Guerrilla Family gang (which
had a hand in influencing Brinsley) is indeed reminiscent of 1960s
militant black gangs whose reach extended into prisons, where many of
their membership eventually found themselves (later to be championed by
liberal whites as “political prisoners”).
my part, I have little doubt that in addition to the incendiary
rhetoric that Obama has used in fomenting racial tension in America, he
and his minions are dedicatedly implementing revolutionary tactics –
behind the scenes, of course – long used by leftist revolutionaries such
as the Weather Underground, the Black Panther Party, and so many others
to the same end. For all we know, Ismaaiyl Brinsley could have been a
psychologically conditioned to commit his heinous act by the
administration itself in order to further its agenda, as some have
postulated Aaron Alexis (the D.C. Naval Yard shooter) and James Holmes
(the Aurora, Colorado theater shooter) may have been.
the America-hating 1960s radicals – with Obama’s actual mother at the
helm – are finally actualizing their decades-long wet dream; they have
the political infrastructure well in place, a complicit press, weak
political opposition, and a largely ignorant citizenry.
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