Two Dozen Activists Meet at the Offices of Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-49) about Obama’s Fraudulent ID Documents
Posted By
Sharon Rondeau On Tuesday, December 23, 2014
by Neil B. Turner, ©2014

23, 2014) — On Friday, 19 December 2014, about 2 dozen activists met at
the offices of RR (RINO Representative) Darrell Issa (CA-49
– to discuss, among other things (see my letter below), his treasonous
RINO vote in support of HR 83, The Appropriations Act, 2015 (CRomnibus),
which funds Obama’s unconstitutional Obamacare as well as his
unconstitutional Executive Action on Amnesty! (both ‘actions’ lend aid
and comfort to our enemies).
Mr. Issa failed to appear, so all
comments were directed to his Vista Office Chief of Staff, Bill
Christianson – who could only answer by saying “Congressman Issa is
against Amnesty and he is against Obamacare.” We all responded that his
actions speak louder than his RINO words.
My comments, questions, and concerns
were mailed to all 3 of his offices, and were read in their entirety to
Mr. Christianson in the videotaped meeting, and they appear below.
Perhaps if we all sent such letters to
all 545 of our so-called ‘public servants’, someone, somewhere, somehow …
may get the message and begin to honor their oath to support and defend
our Constitution.
In Liberty and In Truth
Neil B. Turner
Carlsbad, CA 92008
19 December 2014
Congressman Darrell Issa
Vista District Office Washington DC Office Dana Point District Office
1800 Thibodo Road, #310 2347 Rayburn House Office Bldg. 33282 Golden Lantern, #102
Vista, CA 92081 Washington, DC 20515 Dana Point, CA 92629
Congressman Issa;
In 2003, you were a co-sponsor of H.J.R.
59, a Constitutional Amendment to remove the requirement that one must
be a natural born Citizen to be eligible for the Office of President,
one of no less than 8 unsuccessful Congressional attempts to remove that
requirement before Obama/Soetoro ran for the Office.
Therefore, we can only conclude, beyond
any reasonable doubt, that both you and all of Congress are fully aware
that Obama/Soetoro DOES NOT MEET THAT REQUIREMENT, that he is a USURPER
committing Treason against the United States, …
… and yet you, in violation of both your
military officer’s oath and your Congressional oath of office for the
last 13 years, refuse to support and defend the Constitution against
this act of usurpation and treason.

The People (your ‘employers’) know that you (our ‘public servant’) know
that Obama/Soetoro uses forged and counterfeited ID’s (Certificate of
Birth and Selective Service Registration) and a self-published stolen
SS# 042-68-4425 that fails E-Verify for employment in the United States,
never mind the national security sensitive Office of POTUS – for
‘proof’ of eligibility for the Office of POTUS.
Therefore, your continuing willingness
to pay homage and give legitimacy to this undocumented Muslim usurper
makes you, along with all of Congress and the Judiciary, complicit in
thses acts of treason against these United States.
My question to you, ‘Honorable’
Congressman Darrell Issa, is: Why do you continue to pretend that you
represent us, We The People, and to honor your military Officer and
Congressional oaths to support and defend the Constitution, when your
acts (voting for the HR 83 Appropriations Act; voting to
‘approve-without-objection’ electoral votes for the usurper – twice) and
your failures to act (not calling for impeachment of the obvious
usurper; not calling for indictments against Obama & Hillary Clinton
for ‘gun-running to our enemies’ at Benghazi)?

Is it because:
a) You have been threatened with the loss of your life?, or
b) You have been threatened with the loss of your loved ones’ lives?, or
c) Something else?
Your personal response of a), b), or c)
is required, so that I and my compatriots can decide now how to proceed
in our efforts to support and defend the Constitution which you and your
Congressional and Judicial compatriots have so ignominiously ignored.
In Liberty and In Truth.
Neil B. Turner
Neil B. Turner
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