PRESIDENT OBAMA has been caught in a shocking cheating scandal after being caught in a Washington, DC Hotel with a former campaign aide, sources say.
PRESIDENT OBAMA has been caught in a shocking cheating scandal after being caught in a Washington, DC Hotel with a former campaign aide, sources say.
A new Rasmussen poll shows J.D. Hayworth gaining on John McCain:
Incumbent John McCain now earns just 47% support to challenger J.D. Hayworth’s 42% in Arizona’s hotly contested Republican Senate Primary race, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely primary voters.
McCain has been losing ground since January when he picked up 53% of the potential GOP Primary vote and Hayworth had only 31% support. Last month, the longtime senator and 2008 GOP presidential candidate earned 48% of the vote, while 41% of likely primary voters supported his challenger.
Meanwhile, Democrat Rodney Glassman trails both of them:
Newly announced Democratic candidate Rodney Glassman, a Tucson City Council member, earns 32% support to Senator John McCain’s 54%. Eight percent (8%) would vote for some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.
If McCain’s GOP Primary challenger, former Congressman J.D. Hayworth, is the Republican in the race, he gets 48% support, while Glassman picks up 39% of the vote. Seven percent (7%) would opt for some other candidate, while another seven percent (7%) are undecided.
What part of ILLEGAL don’t progressive liberals understand? Is it kind of like the whole Bill Clinton depending on what the meaning of the word is ‘is’? Anyway, much to the hatred of progressive liberals, Texas lawmaker Debbie Riddle said today that she agrees with the controversial immigration bill passed in Arizona and plans to introduce a similar one in her own state of Texas to combat the flow of illegal immigrants. More from ABC:
She says that like Arizona’s Gov. Jan Brewer, who is under fire from both Democrats and Republicans over the state’s new anti-immigrant law, her first priority is to “make sure that the safety and security of citizens is well established, not to determine whether I get positive or negative or no attention at all.”
“The people who are saying [these laws] are racially motivated are trying to divert attention for their own selfish greed,” said Riddle.
“To say police will be grabbing every Hispanic person off the street, that’s ridiculous,” she said. “That would be an abuse of the law.”
Each officer would have to have “reasonable suspicion” to ask an individual for identification, said Riddle.
“If you’re here legally, then by federal law you have to carry that green card on your person,” she said. “So if you’re here legally, there really shouldn’t be a problem.”
Riddle said that while her district is near Houston and isn’t directly on the border of Mexico, illegal immigrants use her community’s hospitals and schools and leave the bill to “tax-paying citizens of Texas.”
Since 2008, an ongoing controversy has raged as to whether President Barack Obama was actually born in Hawaii as claimed. Barack Obama has rejected all demands for the public release of his original Hawaiian birth certificate, which would presumably include the actual hospital that performed the delivery and the name of the attending physician at the birth.
The U.S. Constitution requires that no one can be sworn into office as President of the United States without being a "natural born" citizen.
Article. II. Section 1: "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."
The Senate approved Senate Resolution 511 on 4/30/2008, recognizing that Presidential candidate John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution. The Senate was silent with regard to candidate Barack Obama's "natural born" status.
Since only citizens who are "natural born" Americans are eligible for election to the presidency, if Barack Obama was born outside of the United States, he cannot constitutionally hold the office to which he was elected in 2008. This status is only established at birth, and can never be won or gained.
The Obama campaign posted an online, computer-generated document, a Certification of Live Birth (COLB), which it offered as a birth record. The truth is, this document could have been created recently by submission of sworn statements, even if no document from 1961 existed. This COLB is not a standard birth certificate. It lacks common, standard identifiers such as a hospital name and an attending physician signature.
Adding to the confusion, the Obama campaign provided two different hospital names at one time- Queen's and Kapiolani. NO ONE has ever vouched for the fact that Obama was born in Hawaii in August 1961. No doctor, nurse, hospital administrator, friends, or neighbors. However, since the beginning of 2009 there seems to have been a change from Queen's Hospital to Kapiolani as the place of birth. The Washingon Post and Wikipedia (presumably at the suggestion or with the approval of people associated with Barack Obama) now claim that he was born in Kapiolani Hospital, even though Kapiolani Hospital refuses to confirm or deny the truth of this statement or to provide a copy of a hospital birth certificate or record.
However, Obama's paternal grandmother, Sarah Obama, stated that Obama was born in Kenya. (affidavit) http://www.scribd.com/doc/18010847/Berg-v-Obama-Kweli-Shuhubia-Affidavit
A Kenyan, an Anabaptist Minister. testified that a civil registrar affirmed Obama's birth at Coast Province Hospital in Mombosa, Kenya. (affidavit) http://www.scribd.com/doc/18010847/Berg-v-Obama-Kweli-Shuhubia-Affidavit
A United Press International report from Nov. 4, 2008 states:“Obama described his birth at Queen’s Medical Center in Hawaii Aug. 4, 1961...”
Kenya's Ambassador to the U.S., Peter Ogego, affirmed Obama's birth in Kenya in a November 2008 radio interview. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14
A United Press International report from Nov. 4, 2008 states: “Obama described his birth at Queen’s Medical Center in Hawaii Aug. 4, 1961...”
Update: Now UPI scrubbed the story (without explicit notice of update via the following screen capture (confirmed via Google’s cache).
Update: The previous link for the Google cache of the below has similarly been changed. (copy of screen shot from WorldNetDaily):
The MyBarackObama.com campaign website cites his birthplace as Queen’s Medical Center.
Extract: “Barack Hussein OBAMA was born on 4 August 1961 at the Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii...”
Dear Patriots;
I’ve been researching the eligibility issue for 18 months now and there’s no other conclusion to be reached except Obama is not a natural born citizen and therefore is a usurper. Gino DiSimone is a true patriot; dedicated to fighting this abomination by removing Obama as Commander-In-Chief of Nevada, if he fails to produce proof within 5 days of Gino’s election to Governor of Nevada.
So I’ve decided to go to Nevada (from Denver) and to do everything I can to help Gino win. I met him on my internet radio show; Obama Exposed 2010 (monday nites) on http://www.plainsradio.com, about 5 weeks ago. He’s a real person, with real American values, and willing to fight for the Constitution with every erg endowed him.
HELP US WIN THIS CAMPAIGN; America can be saved by the sacrifice of the few true blue. Please, go to http://www.GinoForGovernor.com and if you can help out….if you can’t spare a few bucks, I can relate; but can you help us by finding out about Gino and helping this campaign go viral?
PlainsRadio.com has gotten behind Gino, and he can now be heard every Tuesday night at 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern. Go GIN GIN!
God Bless You!
Joe Saebi
Host, Obama Exposed 2010, http://www.plainsradio.com
We used to have a few names for people selling nothing but hot air… con-men, snake oil salesmen, charlatans and thieves. But today’s society has been indoctrinated to think “carbon credits” (hot air) are a good deal, worth enriching only a handful of leftist elitists like Al Gore, who are raking in billions in cold cash selling nothing but hot air.
More...U.S. District Judge James Zagel ruled Friday that lawyers for Blagojevich had not produced sufficient evidence that Obama would have anything material to say on the witness stand.
Defense attorneys had claimed that the president could shed light on charges that Blagojevich schemed to sell or trade Obama's former U.S. Senate seat.
Blagojevich has pleaded not guilty to the charges. The trial is set to start June 3.
Patriotic tea partiers in Quincy, Ill. (photo: Jim Hoft of BigGovernment.com) |
When hundreds of tea-party protesters – including many elderly women – gathered outside a civic center where President Obama was giving a public speech Wednesday, they were surprised to be greeted by police dispatched in full riot gear.
Obama spoke in Quincy, Ill., at the Oakley Lindsay Civic Center. The event was open to the public, and about 2,000 tickets were distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.
About 200 protesters peacefully rallied outside the civic center, carrying signs that read "Give Us Liberty Not Debt" and yellow "Don't Tread On Me" flags, the Quincy Herald-Whig reported. Protesters waved U.S. flags and shouted "Remember in November" and "You work for us."
'Look at these extremist maniacs!'
After Obama's motorcade arrived, a Secret Service agent instructed protesters to move across the street. The crowd began singing "God Bless, America" and the National Anthem. Quincy Deputy Police Chief Ron Dreyer ordered police in full riot gear to march up the street and stand between the tea partiers and the civic center.
Snipers were also spotted on the rooftop of the building.
Rooftop snipers (photo: Gateway Pundit) |
The tea partiers complied when they were told to move across the street, behind a sidewalk and into a parking lot. The riot police did not come into contact with the crowd, and the tea partiers sang patriotic songs while obeying the orders.
"Thanks for protecting our president," one tea partier can be heard saying on a video of the event. "He's the anointed One, the Messiah."
Another man said, "Illegals are rioting, and we're as peaceful as you can believe."
Inside, Obama told the crowd, "[W]hen I travel now, it kind of causes a ruckus."
(Story continues below)
Michelle Malkin's blog responded to the incident with the headline "Riot police called in to protect Obama from out-of-control tea party."
"Thank goodness the riot police showed up quickly before something serious happened," Doug Powers wrote. "Look at these extremist maniacs!"
Powers referenced photos of several elderly women at the protest who smiled and wore U.S. flags.
Tea partiers in Quincy, Ill. (photo: Jim Hoft of BigGovernment.com) |
"No word yet on how many crimes were carried out in town while the police were being ordered to monitor this seething cauldron of tea-party rage," he wrote, "but it was a small price to pay to keep the area secure."
(Photo: A Traditional Life blog) |
Organizer Steve McQueen told the Herald-Whig, "We've always been respectful and acted with dignity. We are out to make our case and make it peacefully."
Tea partiers rally on opposite side of street (photo: Flickr / edeldoug) |
Tea-party blog P/Oed Patriot posted the following video of the incident:
The following videos of the event were also posted on YouTube:
The photos and videos sparked a wave of blogger reactions, including the following comments:
THE INVASION OF AMERICA ...and the truth about Villaraigosa.
Both political parties have a similar agenda regarding ‘illegals’ and their entry into this country. Both political parties deliberately lie to the American public when they tell us that any person born on American soil is automatically an American citizen. The 14th Amendment is quoted as the source of this right.
Here is the truth. The 14th Amendment, which is one of three Civil War amendments, was written to guarantee U.S citizenship to newly freed slaves, and the senators specifically said …
"[E]very person born within the limits of the United States , and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States . This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States , but will include every other class of persons." Cong. Globe, 39th Cong., 1st Sess. 2890 (1866). Library of Congress.
You’ve made your political decisions, as is only right and proper in this land we love. Unfortunately, it matters not any more which party you chose. Sure, there are differences which affect us on a superficial level. Irritating? - maybe. Costly? - certainly. Divisive? - absolutely. This is the way we do things – but not for much longer.
There is a concerted effort by both political parties and ex-Presidente Vicente Fox of Mexico to force an open border policy. It is their intention to destroy this land of patriots and create a North American Union similar in all respects to the European Union. NAFTA was the beginning of the shell game and it’s doing irreparable harm to all of us. Several thousand trucks a day have open access to America under this program with almost no scrutiny. That access is soon to be expanded. Homeland security is an oxymoron.
The invasion of America is well under way. The platitude about deserving people who just want to work is no longer true. This is a ruthless plan to conquer America and make it their own. If this inexorable invasion is not stopped, America will be finished as a nation in just a few years. What Castro did to Miami with his hostile Mariel “boat lift,” Fox and our government is doing now on a national scale. The Mexican diaspora is real and escalating. They are not coming to be American – they have a historical resentment of America and intend to reclaim their lands. El Plan de Aztlan and La Familia de La Raza is designed to take our country away from us. It’s well under way. Don’t take my word for it. Check it out. Want to know the name of the leaders of this organization in the U.S.A?. Antonio R. Villaraigosa, The Mayor of Los Angeles . and Armando Navarro. Chair & Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Riverside . They already have the power to control any election in California – and even in other communities around the country.
Sadly, this invasion is driven, not only by Mexico , but by the top industries and commercial entities in this country. They want the illegals for cheaper labor but know they are breaking the law. They want the government to make them legal and save themselves from prosecution – which can result in huge fines and prison sentences. If we are breaking the law – why not get the law changed? They cannot see their ruined future because their focus is only on profit. Soon, they will not be in charge of their destiny – and neither will we.
There’s much, much more. I’ve only scratched the surface here. We have already lost many battles because we have no allies in our government. Legal immigration is the backbone of our success as a nation. Everyone who gains legal entry to America – to be American - is welcomed. But, the decline of morality, the disregard for our laws, the evils of partisan politics at all levels must be stopped. If you believe in the Constitution – if you believe America is a force for good in this world, then it’s worth fighting for.
There is a way to take control of our destiny – peacefully. We are the government “…of the people, for the people.” I do not espouse anarchy, or the dissolution of our form of government. But we must take back control of our government and make it work for all Americans, and not for special interests, select groups, religions, ethnicities, et al. Fairness and honesty must be paramount in our labors for the country, its institutions, and its people.
In writing the Declaration of Independence Jefferson said “WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. “
Please make your maximum tax deductible donation now to the legal defense fund of a courageous officer standing up for the Constitution.
American Patriot Foundation's Legal Defense Fund will pay for all of LTC Lakin's attorneys fees and costs, and so we urgently need your tax deductible contribution. A noted civilian California trial lawyer has now been hired to be LTC Lakin's lead counsel. It is expected these fees and costs will exceed $500,000 and therefore it is essential that LTC Lakin's supporters come to his aid NOW.
After you click on the Donate button you will be taken to PayPal where you can enter any amount you can afford. Please make your maximum tax deductible donation now. Our nation's future may depend on the outcome of this case.
You may also mail donations to:
American Patriot Foundation, Inc.
1101 Thirtieth Street, N.W., Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20007
Make checks payable to "American Patriot Foundation, Inc."
Thank you.
Northeast Intelligence Network full report
Part II of an investigative series
In the first part of this investigative report, background was provided to identify the core legal and constitutional arguments in the matter of Barack Hussein OBAMA II’s eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States. Using my investigative experience, I performed this investigation in compliance with the same “industry standards” that apply to performing background investigations of individuals selected for corporate positions by Fortune 100 companies.
More...Apr 28, 2010
The US is heading towards becoming a fascist state. The signs of fascism are everywhere in the United States.
Michelle Obama stated during a speech at UCLA on Febrary 18, 2008:
“Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.”
“We will overthrow Parliament in a legal way through legal means. Democracy will be overthrown with the tools of democracy.” Adolf Hitler
“Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise. ” - Adolp HItler
” Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power.” - Benito Mussolini
” The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power. ” - President Franklin Delano Roosevelt - on the threat to democracy by corporate power.
The writing is literally on the wall with posters of Obama displaying fascist slogans like:
1. “Yes We Can”
2. “Change” versus “More of the Same”
3. “Vote for Change”
4. “Change We Can Believe In”
5. “Our Time for Change”
6. “It’s about Time. It’s about Change”
7. “Stand for Change”
8. “Organize for Change”
9. “We are the change we’ve been looking for. Change can’t happen without you.”
10. “I’m asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington . I’m asking you to believe in yours.”
11. “A leader who can deliver change”
12. “Change in America doesn’t start from the top down. It starts from the bottom up.”
13. “Obama Momma”
14. “Women for Obama”
15. “Obama for America ”
16. “A New Beginning”
17. “Help me take back America ”
18. ” America , we cannot turn back. We cannot walk alone.”
21. “We must pledge once more to walk into the future.”
Beware the liberal fascists - the leaders who aim to ’save’ us by controlling everything we do. Barack Obama loves telling us how to live. ‘We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,’ Obama told mesmerised crowds.
Apr 24, 2010
Blasting Arizona's tough new immigration law as "unpatriotic and unconstitutional," Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Thursday backed a boycott of the state and urged Southern Californians to join an immigrant and labor rights march this weekend that police say could swell to 100,000 participants.
"The debate has caused a call to action," Villaraigosa said.
This mayor is so pro-illegal immigrant and he has the nerve to call legislation enforcing OUR American borders unpatriotic??? Viallaraigosa is a fool and a classic example of the leftist politics that are destroying our country!
Steve Malzberg interviews Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin and his attorney. Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin is refusing to be deployed to Afghanistan until Barack Obama shows his birth certificate. LTC Terry Lakin is now facing a court-martial. Support him at http://www.safeguardourconstitution.com
Tags: Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, Standing By Lt. Col. Lakin and Lt. Commander Fitzpatric
Rush Limbaugh has gotten to the bottom of Obama’s opposition to the Arizona illegal immigration bill! No, it’s not because he has concerns about civil rights violations, and no, it’s not because wants to assert the authority of the federal government. He just doesn’t want to have to prove his citizenship!
Arguing that the use of the term “papers” rather than “identification” to discuss what police officers in Arizona are allowed to request from citizens is a direct association with Nazi Germany, Limbaugh tried to be sympathetic to President Barack Obama’s opposition to racial profiling only to make an unexpected birther claim, possibly suggesting the president himself is an illegal alien. “I can understand Obama being touchy on the subject of producing your papers,” he said, “maybe he’s afraid someone is going to ask him for his!”
by Sally Vendée
(Apr. 28, 2010) — Most Americans now understand the Obama eligibility controversy to be much more than about a Birth Certificate—that the Constitution in Article II requires a candidate for the Presidency to both be born on the soil of the United States and have two citizen parents. At the heart of this qualification is the concept of allegiance—the framers were attempting to ensure that the Commander-in-Chief held strong and singular allegiance to the United States. Excellent essays that further explain this Constitutional interpretation of “natural born citizen” can be found here and here.
As this debacle continues to unfold, it is interesting to step back in time and reexamine some facts. In 2008, the Obama campaign, through its Fight the Smears website, advertised the following Factcheck.org statement:
When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children. Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4, 1982.”
One can only speculate as to why the Obama camp chose to make this public disclosure. They could have simply stated that Obama had a U.S. citizen mother, and that he was born on U.S. soil in the state of Hawaii—leaving an investigation of British or Kenyan citizenship law to the blogosphere as fodder for more “conspiracy theory.” In addition, the statement’s inclusion of the term “native citizen” versus “natural born citizen” surely was not mere oversight.
Mario Apuzzo, an attorney in one of the still-active eligibility lawsuits, has extensively researched both British and Kenyan citizenship laws and makes the point that although Obama’s Kenyan citizenship most likely did automatically expire, his British citizenship, however, did not. Note that the Factcheck statement changes course in mid-paragraph and omits further discussion on the British issue. In 2009, Factcheck corrected the expiration date of the Kenyan citizenship to 1984 in another post; however, it again offers no mention of what happened to Obama’s British citizenship. According to Apuzzo, Obama may to the present day have retained his British citizenship.
Many times in the course of discussing this point of dual citizenship, Obama supporters have offered statements such as “What right does another country have to impose their citizenship on citizens of the U.S.?” Obviously, as the Obama campaign openly admitted, both Great Britain and Kenya did have the right, through the citizenship of the father of the child, regardless that the child himself had no choice in the matter.
Which brings up another interesting argument—that a baby, at birth, has no choice. Common law and common sense assert that until a child reaches majority, it is under the protection of the parents. Of course the framers understood this, yet still used the word “born” in their citizenship qualification, rather than “at majority” or some other age. “Born” implies no outright decision to be made by the child, but rather a natural condition following the circumstances of its birth. Just as a baby cannot choose among the laws affecting its parents’ citizenship, it cannot choose its place of birth.
In the United States, “majority” is usually considered age 18. U.S. naturalization laws require an applicant for citizenship to be at least 18. Logically, then, Obama, after reaching 18, had the legal right to retain or choose his citizenship—ostensibly, among U.S., Kenyan, and British—for at this age, it appears he actually held all three. If so, did he recognize this and pro-actively make a decision to choose one of these when conducting the everyday affairs of his life during that time? If his Kenyan and British citizenships, as his supporters argue, were conferred on him not of his will and without his consent, then supposedly he would not have even acknowledged either of them and, as Fight the Smears has offered, rather let them “expire.”
One has to wonder, why, then, are Obama’s college records as closely-guarded as the infamous long-form Birth Certificate? Could it be that these records, for the time in Obama’s life when he had reached majority and could make legally-binding decisions and actions, would show that he did make a choice, and it wasn’t U.S. citizenship?
In early 2009, the Keyes v. Bowen eligibility suit issued a subpoena to Occidental College. Robert Bauer (currently White House Chief Counsel) and at the time an attorney with Perkins Coie (which represented Obama, his campaign, and the DNC), stepped in, sought and received an injunction to quash Occidental testimony as well as production of any records. (It should also be noted at this point that some have speculated that Obama declared Indonesian citizenship while at Occidental—claiming that he had been legally adopted by his Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. This possible adoption is not the subject of this essay.)
Additionally, Obama has admitted that he traveled to Pakistan during the summer of 1981. Factcheck addressed questions of this trip as “more birther nonsense.” Note that the Factcheck article focuses on debunking the Indonesian citizenship as well as the travel ban to Pakistan during the time period, but fails to mention the fact that under their own admission in other posts, Obama held U.S., British and Kenyan citizen at the time of the trip.
Obama’s passport records are as closely-guarded as are his college records. Did Obama, on his passport application and Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard admission applications, assert and declare either British or Kenyan citizenship?
All of the college admissions and the Pakistan trip transpired before the purported “expiration date” of 1984.
Did Obama make a formal choice or acknowledgment—for some sort of foreign scholarship, or perhaps, as he discusses in his book, in a search for his identity, or just for a “cool” factor—so he could call himself a “citizen of the world?”
There are some who may regard a young man entertaining such possibilities as normal teen angst, not to be held against anyone later in life as an adult. But what about the 18-year-olds who every day in America instead pledge their very lives in allegiance to their country by voluntarily enlisting in our armed forces?
The public would invariably forgive typical college indiscretions or less than stellar grades, as they have with past Presidents. But surely even the most ardent Obama fans would hesitate if they discovered their President at one time voluntarily rejected the very country he later asked to lead. At what point in his life, as his wife Michelle similarly admitted, did Obama first become proud of his country, and did he consider this country to be the United States?
If the speculations in this editorial are true, it explains why Obama’s college records and passport records have not been released to the public. Perhaps they are more damning than the birth certificate. As even the founding fathers acknowledged, but still specifically required—a baby cannot choose the circumstances of its birth—but a young man can engage in life-altering choices.
Obama has implied that questions of his citizenship are “uncivil.” The most “uncivil” act against the very country over which he now presides would have been Obama’s own rejection of his United States citizenship and therefore his allegiance.
"The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and other Anti-American Extremists," is set officially to be released Monday.
The book exposes an extremist coalition of communists, socialists and other radicals working both inside and outside the administration to draft and advance current White House
With more than 800 citations, the brand-new, autographed title from WND senior reporter Aaron Klein bills itself as the most exhaustive investigation ever performed into Obama's political background and radical ties. Klein's co-author is historian and researcher Brenda J. Elliott.
Back in June, 2009, The Obama File discovered an item that suggested that Hawaii was actively participating in the conspiracy to support Obama’s usurpation of the Office of the President of the United States.
Here is my original post from 6/8/2009 — the smoking gun is at the end of this item, in red:
The Hawaiian certification of live birth (COLB) the Obama Campaign posted on the Internet as proof of his eligibility would not be accepted for eligibility for some Hawaiian state government programs.
The website of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, states clearly the COLB touted by the Obama campaign, White House press secretary Robert Gibbels and a host of other Obama defenders, including sitting judges, is not acceptable as a form of identification to qualify under Hawaii’s Homeland program.
The following was “cut ‘n’ paste” directly from the DHHL website on June 8, 2009 (emphasis, mine):
There are two categories of documents used in determining eligibility: primary and secondary.
Primary Documents
The primary documents used to show you are of age and a qualified native Hawaiian are:
A certified copy of Certificate of Birth;
A certified copy of Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, including testimonies; or
A certified copy of Certificate of Delayed Birth.
You will need the certified birth certificates for:
Your biological father; and
Your biological mother
The state Department of Health, (DOH), Vital Records Section, records documents by island and district (geographically) and by the date of the event (chronologically).
If your biological parents’ documents don’t clearly prove that you have at least 50 percent Hawaiian ancestry, you will also need certified birth certificates for:
Your biological father’s parents; and
Your biological mother’s parents.
In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL.
Update — 6/18/2009: Sometime, between 6/8/09 and 6/18/09 the DHHL has changed the language on their webpage. In the past 10 days they have changed the policy above. They will now accept COLBs. Click the link below. Check it out.
The DHHL website as it now exists. http://hawaii.gov/dhhl/
Notice the language has changed to:
“The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands accepts both Certificates of Live Birth (original birth certificate) and Certifications of Live Birth because they are official government records documenting an individual’s birth.
The Certificate of Live Birth generally has more information which is useful for genealogical purposes as compared to the Certification of Live Birth which is a computer-generated printout that provides specific details of a person’s birth.
Although original birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth) are preferred for their greater detail, the State Department of Health (DOH) no longer issues Certificates of Live Birth. When a request is made for a copy of a birth certificate, the DOH issues a Certification of Live Birth.”
A coincidence?
..The Obots continue to change the rules and scrub the Internet for the Obamamessiah.
I’m going to have to start caching everything.
Here are three cached pages from the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands document, “Applying for Hawaiian Home Lands,” that prove Hawaii is actively supporting Obama’s usurpation of the Office of the Presidency by changing their requirements for identification — click images to enlarge:
Cover page — “Applying for Hawaiian Home Lands”
Page 1 — Primary documents — “Certified copy of Certificate of Birth”
Page 2 — “DHHL utilizes information that is only found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth”
Props to FReeper BP2.
Thx: The United States Library of Congress has selected
for inclusion in its historic collection of Internet materials.
Obama Flunked Kindergarten!!..
Gowdy soft-pedals suspicious link in Benghazi attack
State Dept. witness stonewalls Benghazi panel
5 'significant problems' with GOP's new Benghazi report
Now feds punch holes in Hillary claim on Benghazi security
Media Matters fabricates quotes to smear Hillary critic
Hillary, Panetta misleading about arms to rebels?
Aaron Klein challenges Media Matters to Benghazi debate
Hillary contradicted over Benghazi security
Democrats join GOP in blasting Benghazi bungling
N.Y. Times caught contradicting self on Benghazi
Obama covered Muslim Brotherhood tracks to Benghazi
Is this what Hillary aides scrubbed from Benghazi probe?
76 key questions for Benghazi investigators to answer
'Dereliction of duty': Obama's worst scandal
By Peter Andrew – ConservativeAmerican.org – Leading the way Right.
The list below contains all of the Obama Administration mistakes, blunders, broken promises, flip flops, gaffes, lies, etc. That’s too long of a name, so we called it “the Official Obama Administration Scandals List.” This list covers Barack Obama and his pals from day one through September 4th, 2011. At that point, the list was discontinued. However, you can see information on more recent scandals on our NEW Obama Scandals List by clicking here! We present this list to you as an accurate and complete historic detail of the Legacy of Lies President Obama leaves behind for the time period starting with his youth and going until September 4th, 2011. Not responsible for any broken or out-of-date links. They worked when we posted them. Some may redirect you to the wayback machine.
You can visit all the pages of the Official Obama Administration Scandals List!
SCANDALS By Scandal Number:1-100. 101-200. 201-300. 301-400. 401-500. 501-600. 601-700. 701-800. 801-900. 901-1000. 1001-1100. 1101-1200. 1201-1300. 1301-1400. 1401-1500. 1501-1600. 1601-1700. 1701-1800. 1801-1900. 1901-2000. 2001-2100. 2101-2200. 2201-2300. 2301-2325.The case for impeaching Barack Hussein Obama
We the People of the United States
Pending an acceptable outcome of the vitally-important 2014 election—which affords the opportunity to elect a Congress that is willing to initiate impeachment proceedings against Barack Hussein Obama, and thereby stop, or even remove from office, this fraudulent usurper and his inner circle of collaborators—We the People of the United States of America affirm our allegiance to the timeless principles upon which our nation was founded, as set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, and upon the foundation of those principles, declare the causes which impel us to seek this despotic president's impeachment and removal.
We hereby allege that the history of the current President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over the American people. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world—
ARTICLE 1—Contempt for the Constitution
Mr. Obama has engaged, throughout his despotic tenure as president, in rule by edict and executive decree, bypassing Congress, and thus the will of the people, to enforce policies entirely of his own creation. Ignoring the federal government's foundation of a separation of powers, he has routinely violated duly enacted statutes of the Legislature, as well as defied the Courts, in pursuit of ultimate supremacy over the United States of America. In so doing, he has exhibited an unmistakable pattern of contempt for the U.S. Constitution, which prior to his ruinous tenure had served two centuries as the Law of the Land.
We therefore demand that this criminal, treasonous individual be removed from office without delay and held accountable for his destructive behavior, and that all his unlawful acts as president be considered of no effect or validity. We believe that the only effective way to achieve this urgent goal is to initiate impeachment.
ARTICLE 2—False pretenses
Mr. Obama has attained the office of president in a verifiably fraudulent and criminal manner, and upon a false identity and false pretenses.
We therefore demand immediate release of all currently sealed documentation of who he is; what his true history entails; what his earlier school, travel, and other records reveal about him; what his original (not photocopied) birth certificate makes clear; and all other relevant information in the public record now suppressed or intentionally falsified regarding him. We the People of the United States have a right to know such things about a man who currently serves as Commander-in-Chief of our nation's armed forces and oversees the entire Executive Branch of the U.S. government. We believe that the only effective way to force release of these records is impeachment.
ARTICLE 3—Criminal fraud
Upon taking office, Mr. Obama criminally defrauded Congress and the American people with false promises, uttered repeatedly in the public record about the nature, scope, and effect of his signature legislative achievement, "Obamacare," in a deceptive effort to gain passage of this catastrophic measure, which authorizes a sweeping federal takeover of America's healthcare industry.
We therefore demand that this healthcare travesty be immediately revoked, defunded, and declared null and void, and that this president be held accountable for intentionally misleading and defrauding the citizenry by means of this insidious scheme—a scheme that has already diminished the rightful choice of most Americans regarding their healthcare, has caused millions to lose their jobs due to its workplace requirements, and will cost our nation its material viability and vitality if allowed to go forward. We believe that the only effective way to ensure the dismantling of Obamacare is impeachment.
ARTICLE 4—Deliberate bankrupting of the U.S.
In a deliberate scheme to force the financial collapse of the United States, Mr. Obama and his collaborators have pushed the nation's "public debt"—that is, the difference between public spending and public receipts—to an unsustainable 17 TRILLION dollars, an amount exceeding our nation's Gross Domestic Product (or total value of goods and services) and more than doubling the debt's previous rate of growth. The effect is to impose an indebtedness of over $50,000 upon every man, woman, and child in the U.S., and more than $150,000 per taxpayer, numbers that indicate the U.S. is headed toward insolvency and our posterity will be forced to bear the dire consequences. The effect is even more dire when "unfunded liabilities" are factored in.
We therefore demand that the individual behind this destructive scheme assume all liability, upon his own person, for the amount the national debt has increased during his tenure, in company with all others who have collaborated with him in the Executive and Legislative Branches of the federal government in enacting this policy, listing them by name, and that the American people at large be absolved—by binding decree—of any and all liability for such wanton abuse of the public purse. We believe that the only effective way to attain such simple, reasonable justice is impeachment.
ARTICLE 5—Treasonous national security policy
By insidious design and outright treachery, Mr. Obama has dangerously weakened America's national security—through his emasculation of our military; his unilateral reduction of our missile defense system, thereby weakening American military superiority and inviting nuclear conflagration at home and abroad; his deceitful promotion and arming of radical Islamic interests in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere; his catering, in domestic and foreign policy, to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is on record seeking the destruction of the United States; his fraudulent relations with Iran that will likely ensure this radically hostile nation succeeds in developing nuclear weapons; his continuing disregard for the vital interests of longtime American ally Israel; his unreasonable handicapping of our military's rules of engagement, dangerously favoring America's enemies; his alarming pattern of dismissing high-ranking military officers for groundless or superficial reasons; and similar anti-American policies and actions too numerous to mention.
We therefore demand that the Obama administration be forced immediately to cease and desist from its treasonous, unconstitutional, conspiratorial plot to take down America, and our allies with it, and that a sane, pro-American policy be adopted in its place for the purpose of protecting our nation from all threats to its continuance. We believe that the only effective way to enforce this urgent demand is impeachment.
ARTICLE 6—Treasonous cover-up of Benghazi
Mr. Obama has deceitfully sought to cover up his administration's involvement in a covert operation in Benghazi, Libya, that ran afoul September 11, 2012. The president's fabricated narrative of the causes and nature of the episode, which resulted in the deaths of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, has been shown to be a cynical attempt to divert attention from what actually happened, including reports of treasonable administration dealings with terrorist insurgents in Syria. The administration's interference with investigations by Congress into the matter, and its the muzzling of witnesses and participants, hints that only the tip of the iceberg has yet been revealed regarding Mr. Obama's contemptuous behavior and dereliction of duty in this bloodstained scandal.
We therefore demand that all witnesses who have firsthand knowledge of the truth regarding the Benghazi fiasco be permitted to come forth without threat of retaliation and give their account of any and all relevant facts—including mounting evidence of Obama administration sympathy for Islamic terrorist organizations. We believe that the only effective way to ensure such unsuppressed testimony is impeachment.
ARTICLE 7—Plot to disarm the citizenry
Mr. Obama has repeatedly attempted to take advantage of isolated acts of violence in our nation involving firearms in the hands of deranged individuals to deprive law-abiding Americans of their constitutionally-guaranteed right to keep and bear arms, in a direct assault on the Second Amendment by someone who himself poses a growing threat to the security and well-being of our nation; and he has repeatedly made known his intention to succeed with his unconstitutional goal of disarming the people despite any setbacks he may encounter in Congress. So intent is he on imposing gun control that he even engaged in a deadly gunrunning hoax known as "Fast and Furious" to incite sympathy for tightening U.S. gun laws, then invoked executive privilege to cover up his administration's criminal involvement. He and his administration have also withheld or destroyed vital physical evidence that would corroborate events at Newtown, CT, in which 20 schoolchildren and six adults were reportedly killed by a disturbed gunman with an assault rifle—an incident the president has shamelessly exploited in his push for oppressive new gun legislation.
We therefore demand that the president immediately abandon such pursuit of tyranny and seek refuge in a nation more to his liking, one that already bans, or severely restricts, gun ownership by law-abiding citizens in consequence of despotic notions of governance. We believe that the only way to hasten this outcome is impeachment.
ARTICLE 8—Undermining U.S. border security
Similarly, Mr. Obama has repeatedly sought to undermine U.S. border security, and by extension America's very independence, by pushing misnamed "immigration reform" that would in reality open wide our borders, overburden the public coffers, and grant amnesty to the many millions of unlawful occupiers who have entered the country by stealth. Unable to achieve this agenda lawfully, through Congress, he has undertaken to achieve it dictatorially, in open violation of the Constitution and statutory immigration law. Ostensibly, the president intends, by his abandonment of longstanding U.S. immigration policy, to create a permanent under-culture of dependent immigrants who have little allegiance to America's founding ideals, upon whom to stand to remain in power indefinitely—either by himself, or in the person of likeminded schemers within his party.
We therefore demand that our nation's borders be made effectively secure, that existing immigration laws be reasonably and fairly enforced, that all persons seeking citizenship play fundamentally by the same rules, no matter the petitioners' origins, and that Mr. Obama's immigration policy and initiatives be rejected by Congress as the threat they are to our nation's security and strength, with his deceptive drive for "immigration reform" relegated permanently to the backwaters of history. We believe that the only way to ensure this outcome is impeachment.
ARTICLE 9—Engaging in mass surveillance
Mr. Obama has engaged in notorious overreach regarding domestic surveillance. A certain degree of targeted domestic surveillance may be considered justified, even essential, to protect American citizens from harm if conducted with appropriate oversight and in harmony with reasonable law—but indiscriminate spying on all citizens is indefensible and constitutes the very essence of a police state.
We therefore demand that the routine eavesdropping now being conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA) be curtailed to conform with appropriate safeguards, to permit only those functions that can be constitutionally defended. We believe that the only way to leverage this outcome is impeachment.
ARTICLE 10—Abusing IRS authority
Likewise, Mr. Obama and his IRS subordinates have notoriously abused the public trust by singling out, and arbitrarily penalizing, patriotic organizations awaiting approval of tax-exempt status so they might fundraise legally. By delaying approvals and sharing confidential information with potential adversaries, for purely political reasons, the Obama administration has violated federal statutes, and unlawfully handicapped these groups in their efforts to counter Mr. Obama's tyranny.
We therefore demand substantial monetary damages for these aggrieved organizations, and expedited approval of all "Tea Party," "conservative," and "libertarian" groups in the future. More to the point, because of its unavoidably political nature, we seek abolition of the IRS itself, and its replacement by a reasonable consumption or flat tax. We believe that the only way to bring about such an outcome is impeachment.
ARTICLE 11—Subverting America's morality
Most far-reaching and adverse of all his insidious deeds, in the acknowledged biblical perspective of our Creator, is that Mr. Obama has undertaken to subvert America's moral strength and means of perpetuation by promoting measures that weaken the natural, God-ordained family, and escalate the unthinkable aborting of America's posterity. As part of this corrupt effort, he has sanctioned the unconstitutional silencing of conscientious citizens and clergy who oppose homosexuality and its growing inclusion in lawful marriage; and he has approved stipulations in his healthcare plan that would force Americans opposed to abortion, or to anything related involving abortifacients or contraceptives, to directly fund such morally-offensive practices. These immoral, destructive policies—integral to the president's sweeping plan to transform America—militate not only against the Constitution, but the foundations of Judeo-Christianity upon which America is historically premised, to which the president appears to have an aversion.
We therefore demand that biblical morality be once again allowed the place of respect it has long enjoyed at the center of our nation's culture—on its own merits, without federal interference of any kind that would violate the First Amendment. We also call for immediately ending the moral and material travesty known as "Obamacare," including any requirement that American citizens or businesses personally underwrite abortion. We believe that the best way to ensure this fortuitous outcome, and reverse these federally-enforced intrusions, is the president's impeachment.
In every stage of these and other oppressions that could be cited, we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms—but our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury and blatant lies. A fraudulent usurper whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant is unfit to be the ruler of a free people, much less their president.
We the People, therefore, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do solemnly publish and declare, that because Barack Hussein Obama has verifiably corrupted, compromised, and endangered the essential institutions of the American Republic, as well as threatened the nation's very survival, we hereby appeal to the next Congress of the United States—which will convene in January 2015—to begin impeachment proceedings against Mr. Obama, and his fellow lawbreakers and facilitators within the Executive Branch, for the purpose of removing them from office with all diligence.
For the support of this action, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, We the People mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor, to save our beloved nation and preserve the rights and freedoms bequeathed us by God and protected by our revered Constitution.
Read more at http://www.pledgetoimpeach.com/case_for_impeachment.php#kYyR5mlEz2HbRpqu.99
These are just a few of the problems with this document. There are many other problems with this document that you can read at various web sites such as:
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Adjectives mean something. A “Citizen at Birth” is not logically identically equal to a “natural born Citizen at Birth”. Barack Obama may be a ‘Citizen of the United States’ but he is not a ‘natural born Citizen of the United States’ and does not meet the constitutional standards as to who can be the President and Commander in Chief of our military: http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/03/obama-maybe-citizen-of-united-states.html
The natural born Citizen clause in our Constitution is a national security clause inserted into our Constitution by John Jay and George Washington. Read why the natural born Citizen clause is still important and worth protecting.
Five Citizenship Terms Mentioned in the U.S. Constitution: http://www.scribd.com/doc/11737124/Citizenship-Terms-Used-in-the-US-Constitution-The-5-Terms-Defined-Some-Legal-Reference-to-Same
Of Trees and Plants and Basic Logic and Citizenship Types: http://www.scribd.com/doc/44814496/Of-Trees-and-Plants-and-Basic-Logic-Citizen-at-Birth-NOT-Identical-to-Natural-Born-Citizen
See evidence Obama forged the birth certificate posted on White House servers 27 Apr 2011: http://www.scribd.com/collections/3166684
See evidence Obama is using a SSN 042-68-4425 not legally issued to him: http://www.scribd.com/collections/3260742
See evidence of Obama’s forged and back dated draft registration here: http://www.debbieschlussel.com/4428/exclusive-did-next-commander-in-chief-falsify-selective-service-registration-never-actually-register-obamas-draft-registration-raises-serious-questions/
The Obama constitutional eligibility issue is not a fringe issue! South Carolina Poll Results – A poll done by Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows that almost 2/3 of GOP voters want Obama’s constitutional eligibility and true legal identity investigated. This is not a fringe issue: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.printable&pageId=340805
A Place to Ask Questions To Get the Right Answers published
An election for President and Commander in Chief of the Military must strive to be above reproach. Our public institutions must give the public confidence that a presidential candidate has complied with the election process that is prescribed by our Constitution and laws. It is only after a presidential candidate satisfies the rules of such a process that he/she can expect members of the public, regardless of their party affiliations, to give him/her the respect that the Office of President so much deserves.
All those who have been following the Obama eligibility issue well know that Article II, Section 1, clause 5 provides that “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President. . .” At this blog, I have already explained the importance of the “natural born Citizen” clause. See my essay entitled, Why the “Natural Born Citizen” Clause of Our Constitution Is Important and Worth Preserving, located at http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2009/08/why-natural-born-citizen-clause-is.html. In order for Obama to prove that he is an Article II “natural born Citizen,” he must conclusively demonstrate that he was born in the United States to a United States citizen mother and father. For legal support for this definition of what an Article II “natural born Citizen” is, see, among others, my articles at this blog entitled, The Natural Born Citizen Clause of Our U.S. Constitution Requires that Both of the Child’s Parents Be U.S. Citizens At the Time of Birth, located at
Article II “Natural Born Citizen” Means Unity of Citizenship At Birth, located at
and ‘The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law’ as U.S. Federal Common Law Not English Common Law Define What an Article II Natural Born Citizen Is, located at http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2009/08/law-of-nations-and-not-english-common.html.
At present, there is much controversy regarding where Obama was born. We have seen much contradictory information regarding this issue. Obama maintains he was born in Hawaii at Kapi’olani Medical Center and as his best evidence he has posted on the internet a computer-imaged Certification of Live Birth (COLB, which is a summary of his alleged long-from hospital-generated birth certificate) to prove that fact. According to the laws of Hawaii, this summary document, which does not contain information as to which hospital he was born in or what doctor delivered him, is only prima facie evidence of a birth in Hawaii. On the other hand, there exists evidence that Obama was born in Kenya. For a presentation of this evidence, see my essay on this blog entitled,
Obama Has Not Met His Burden Of Proving He Was Born In Hawaii, located at http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2008/12/obama-has-not-met-his-burden-of-proving.html. Additionally, just over the last few days, we have seen surface on the internet old newspaper articles that were written in African newspapers in 2004 stating that Obama was born in Kenya. http://thepostnemail.wordpress.com/2009/10/16/video-documents-discovery-of-ap-story-declaring-obama-kenyan-born/; http://thepostnemail.wordpress.com/2009/10/16/2-more-african-news-agencies-declare-obama-kenyan-born/; http://thepmnews.com/2008/11/25/two-nigerians-tipped-as-potential-%E2%80%98british-obama%E2%80%99. Because of this conflicting information, the prima facie validity of the COLB must fail. Hence, Obama should present evidence that corroborates his and the State of Hawaii’s position that he was born in Hawaii and that he is a “natural born Citizen. He has without good reason refused to provide this evidence.
It has been reported how past Hawaiian State practices with its birth certificate procedures have presented opportunities for birth certificate fraud. An example of such fraud is that of Chinese native, Sun Yat Sen, one of the founders of the Republic of China, who was born in China but was able to obtain a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth in 1904 based on his fraudulent affidavit and evidence submitted by witnesses to the Hawaiian authorities stating that he was born in Hawaii on November 24, 1870. http://www.scribd.com/doc/9830547/Sun-Yatsen-Certification-of-Live-Birth-in-Hawaii. See also the September 2000 report of the Office of Inspector General, entitled “Birth Certificate Fraud,” which provides an update on the nature and extent of birth certificate fraud, found at http://oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oei-07-99-00570.pdf. Because of critical importance of knowing for sure who the President is, the potential for birth certificate fraud, and since Obama’s original long-form birth certificate housed in the offices of the Hawaii Department of Health can be some type of certificate (even a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth) that is based on some family member’s affidavit of personal knowledge but which includes no documentary evidence of an actual birth in Hawaii, it becomes crucial to confirm whether there exists any corroborating evidence of Obama actually being born in Hawaii. Consequently, various members of the public have tried to obtain information that would adequately confirm Obama’s and the State of Hawaii’s statements that he was born in Hawaii. These concerned citizens have made requests to the State of Hawaii and to various hospitals there for such information. The State of Hawaii, Kapi’olani Medical Center, and Queens Medical Center (originally claimed by Obama’s sister to by his birth place) have publicly stated that they cannot release the needed details of Obama’s birth, including whether his deceased mother was even a maternity patient in any of those hospitals, because of Obama’s state and federal privacy rights. Not being successful, some of these concerned citizens, feeling duty bound to the Constitution and our country, have filed law suits and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) actions against Obama and others to obtain this information.
Given that Obama and/or his agents have already publicly released some information regarding his place of birth, one commentator, William, has asked me on my blog ( http://puzo1.blogspot.com/. ) whether Obama has waived his privacy rights to such birth information. At least two arguments can be advance that Obama has waived any privacy right that he might have in his birth information located in the State of Hawaii and in its hospitals. One is that he has waived his privacy rights to his alleged long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate by posting his COLB on the internet for the world to see. A problem with this argument is that the COLB does not disclose all his private information (name of hospital, doctors, etc.) and he can argue that his waiver is only as to the information contained on the COLB and no more. As a response, it can be argued that Obama waived his privacy right as to the identity of the hospital in which he was born given that he allegedly wrote a letter dated January 24, 2009 to Kapi’olani Medical Center in which he acknowledge being born there and which letter the hospital posted on its web page (suspiciously posting not a scan of an actual paper letter but only a computer-generated image created with HTML code) for the world to see. For more details, see the WND story on the letter at http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=104146. I have grave doubts whether this letter is authentic given that both Obama and U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie D-Hawaii, who allegedly gave the letter to the hospital and publicly read the letter during the hospital’s centennial celebration, refuse to confirm whether this letter is real.
The second argument is more powerful and convincing. Under Article II, a would-be President must be a “natural born Citizen” to be eligible for the Presidency. Hence, any candidate knows that such “natural born Citizen” status is required to hold the public Office of President. No one winning an election and wanting to fill that public office has a reasonable expectation of privacy as to where he/she was born given that job’s eligibility requirement that one must be a “natural born Citizen.” See my article on this blog entitled, Obama’s Personal Right To Privacy Cannot Trump The Right Of The People To Know Who Their President Is, at http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2008/12/obamas-personal-right-to-privacy-cannot.html. Of course, that person’s obligation to prove his/her “natural born Citizen” status includes providing credible, competent, and sufficient documentary and other evidence of, among other things, place of birth. Clearly and without doubt, the public interest in knowing that the President-elect is eligible for the office he/she seeks to fill by far out weighs any privacy interest that the person may have in his/her birth documents. It is also clear that knowing who the person is who will occupy the Office of President and Commander in Chief concerns national security and the safety of the United States and the whole world. It is not reasonable to believe that such a person’s privacy interest would out weigh the People’s need to safeguard national security and for self-preservation. Simply put, it would be beyond absurdity to honestly contend that such a person has a right to shield from the same People that he/she is constitutionally duty bound to serve and protect information that he/she must provide to them to show that he/she is qualified for that singular and all-powerful public position which would vest him/her with great power to affect every aspect of the People’s lives.
But underneath the privacy rights question lurks a much more serious concern. We can see the absurdity of Obama sitting on privacy rights to conceal his long-form birth certificate from the public. It is downright despicable for our media and Congress and others to apologize for Obama and let him get away with it. They know full well that he has no such privacy rights. The birth information and documents that Obama refuses to reveal to the public surely are revealing of whether his is eligible to hold the Office of President. Why has the media not filed any legal actions against Obama, the State of Hawaii, and other parties, seeking to legally lift any privacy barriers to Obama’s birth information as it has so many times in the past filed actions against others running for public office who sought to prevent the public from learning details of some aspect of their private lives? What is a travesty of justice is that Obama was probably able to win his U.S. Senate seat because the media (Chicago Tribune) filed a legal action against rival Republican Jack Ryan in which it was successful in getting the “kinky sex” details of his divorce released to the public. Why the media in our country would believe what type of sex two consenting married adults practice is more important than making sure that the national security of our country is protected is beyond comprehension and represents the quintessence of warped priorities. I do not believe that anyone who truly cares about our country and Constitution can express enough in words the outrage that he/she feels about how cowardly our political leaders and media have acted with Obama on the question of his place of birth.
Congress has abdicated its constitutional oath and the media, the so-called fourth branch of our government, has failed to perform its journalistic duty to the People of the United States to assure them that Obama’s election to the highest and most powerful office in the land adhered to our Constitution and laws. Congress has been given a chance to correct its failings and still it refuses to perform its constitutional obligation. With the assistance of its media cronies and others, they all ridicule and suppress the efforts of those who are fighting to make sure that our Constitution has been respected in the last Presidential election and that our nation is safe with Obama currently occupying the Presidency and being the Commander in Chief of our military might.
We must then ask ourselves why Congress and the media have not pressed Obama for the necessary and relevant birth information for at least the sake of the integrity of the Presidential election process and the safety of our nation? Moreover, Obama cannot be an Article II “natural born Citizen” because under the British Nationality Act of 1948 when Obama was born in 1961 his father was a British subject/citizen and Obama himself was born a British subject/citizen. See Obama, the Putative President of the U.S., Is Currently Also a British Citizen, located at http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2009/07/obama-president-of-us-is-currently-also_29.html. Like a naturalized citizen who is not eligible to be President, Obama was born with an allegiance to a foreign power and is therefore not eligible to be President and more so not eligible to be the leader of our military men and women. To allow Obama to hide his birth information and to not challenge him for not being an Article II “natural born Citizen” is nothing more than at best, politicians and those in their coterie allowing corrupt party politics, self-interest, and/or cowardice to blind their constitutional duty to protect and defend our country and Constitution, at worst, part of someone’s plot to attack and destroy the United States from within, or both. Given that any attack on the United States will most likely come from within, these latter two scenarios must be given serious consideration and ruled out only after sufficient evidence exists to so rule them out. Hence, the deliberate or reckless failing by those who are supposed to protect and defend our country and Constitution is tantamount to treason.
All members of Congress that have allowed and continue to allow the raping of our Constitution and the placing of our nation at risk to being attacked from within need to be removed from Congress, without any exceptions. As to what to do with those members of the media and others who have failed and continue to fail to do their job to adequately protect and defend our Constitutional Republic, that is a question for another day.
Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
185 Gatzmer Avenue
Jamesburg, New Jersey 08831
October 18, 2009