Wednesday, December 14, 2016


THURSDAY –  DECEMBER 15, 2016 –  

by TPATH, ©2016
(Dec. 13, 2016) — As the Demonic Democrats and their cohorts in the media continue their attempts at creating scandal out of thin air regarding DJT, the most criminal of all activities of the Obama Administration is about to be presented to the public and news outlets.  Most likely this will be the last time this information will be presented to the public.  And it will be completely snubbed by the establishment, just as it has from the first day it was discovered.
Outgoing Sherriff Joe Arpaio, having lost his re-election effort in Arizona resulting from Soros spending millions of dollars in Maricopa County to defeat him, will end his long career, midnight December 31, 2016.  He and Cold Case lead investigator Mike Zullo have been investigating Obama’s Birth Certificate which is posted on the White House website.  As many will recall, it was finally posted after several years of delay because of a challenge from then-businessman Donald Trump.
Both Zullo and Arpaio have said from the very beginning that the investigation had nothing to do with where Obama was born or if he was eligible or ineligible to hold the office of the President.  The investigation centered entirely upon the possibility that the document presented to the American people, by the Obama Administration, is not what they claimed it to be.  That is, that it is a photocopy of the original Birth Certificate of one Barack Obama, as issued by the state of Hawaii.
If a government document is manufactured or altered, that is a federal criminal offense.  If any document is provided by an individual in support of certification for that person in an effort to deceive the government and that document is forged or created in a graphics program, that, too, is a federal crime.  The person or persons who create a forged government document as well as anyone involved in the deception and presentation of that document are guilty of yet another federal crime.
Experts in graphic design and many people who have had occasion either for work or other activities who looked at the birth certificate posted on noticed some strange anomalies related to it. These people and others have, for a long time, known that there was something uncomfortably wrong with that document.  As a result, Sheriff Arpaio was asked by several citizens to look into it.  After having done so, utilizing several experts and some basic common sense, the lead investigator, Mike Zullo, called a press conference during which he laid out what they had discovered.  Their determination was that there were significant reasons and facts to state the high possibility that the document in question was a forgery.
Since the use of and the creation of a forged document would be a federal crime, Zullo turned over all his data to Congress for them to begin an investigation which would ultimately discover who actually produced the document and, of course, why.   Update: Congress refused to look at the documents.  So there it sat for several years.
Zullo however, was authorized to continue his investigation during these past few years.  At every turn, new areas of deception and new leads which needed to be followed were uncovered.  What has been found has been described by Zullo as astounding. While Congress, it appeared, would rather drink acid through a straw than touch anything that involved White House criminal activity, Zullo continued on, one path leading to another and another.   That investigation is now as much as 95% complete and the time has come for the American people to be given the chance to see what has been uncovered.  That will happen in a live-stream Facebook news conference this Thursday, December 15th at 6:00 pm EST.  The mainstream press has been invited but no doubt they will be busy checking for Putin’s DNA in Trump’s dirty laundry basket.
It is imperative that I state very clearly and unequivocally that no legal action will be instituted nor will the establishment show any interest concerning the revelations of this news conference. Obama will be protected for a generation.  That is a given.
But, for those of us who have suspected that something was very wrong with the history and documentation of Barry Obama and are interested in hearing what the Cold Case Posse’s years-long investigations have uncovered, this news conference will be quite an eye-opener.  Of that I will promise you.
The live stream can be viewed here:
CONTACT TPATH HERE                              

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Saturday, December 10, 2016


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Sheriff Arpaio Dec. 15th Press Conference will be LIVE-STREAMED...



DEC. 15 

@ 4:00 PM MT 


This event will further address the MCSO investigation into Barack Obama's birth certificate and it is anticipated that significant additional information will also be provided.

The press conference will be streamed initially to the Face Book page of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and then later disseminated through appropriate channels.



Obama praises Obama's policies for 'breaking the back' of terrorismDecember 7, 2016Yeah, okay. More

Monday, December 5, 2016


Biden: I'm Going to Run for President in 2020

Image: Biden: I'm Going to Run for President in 2020

Friday, November 25, 2016

If the Clintons are allowed to get off scot-free once again, how can we expect these new federal judges to enforce the law when our chief executive, the one who appointed them, looks the other way?

The Clintons must be prosecuted!

On the morning Donald Trump won the presidency, no one was happier than I. It seemed as if a black cloud had been lifted overhead. I had felt that the nation was overly inhabited not just by illegal aliens for the last eight years, but in fact had been seized by nearly every imaginable evil element from “outer space” – inter-stellar Muslims and black-Muslims, to anarchists, to atheists, to radical anti-male feminists and radical gay, lesbian and trangender activists, and last but not least to socialists and communists. While this may seem like an exaggeration, I felt that way nevertheless. Making matters worse was the arrogant anti-white, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian strut and attitude of our current president, one Barack Hussein Obama, a man so filled with not too disguised disdain, stoked by his even more hateful wife, Michelle, that I frankly did not feel welcome in the reshaped country he pursued relentlessly. On my numerous trips to Washington, D.C., it seemed as if the city had been hijacked and occupied by every subversive Barack and Michelle Obama could find to further their anti-American agenda.
Coupled with this was a sick feeling that should Hillary Clinton have won the presidency – along with her degenerate husband, Bill, as “First Pervert” and her lovely, criminally minded daughter, Chelsea, the greaser of the Clinton Foundation – the nation would surely go down for the count. And, along with the “Three Clinton Criminal Stooges,” would come the rodent-like felons around them, lowlifes like Harold Ickes, John Podesta, Cheryl Mills, Terry McAuliffe and many others. It would have been the end of the United States.
While I could not, as the head of a public interest group, endorse any candidate for the presidency, in my heart I wanted Trump to win. While The Donald sometimes used inappropriate language to further his candidacy, his heart and strong will were in the same place as mine. The goal: to dismantle the establishment and show them the door. The Republican establishment, not just the Democratic one, had rolled over to the Obamas, Clintons and their ilk at every turn. The cowards were in effect Obama’s and Clintons’ yes men, afraid that they would be branded racists or sexists if they actually applied real force as an opposition party that controlled both houses of the legislature to stop the march to deconstruct the vision of our Founding Fathers and throw the country into complete dictatorial tyranny. We were already seeing the severe effects of their “Mien Kampf,” with the civil war they had ignited against law enforcement of all colors being murdered nearly every day by the Obama, Clinton allies known as Black Lives Matter, Nation of Islam, Al Sharpton, the New Black Panthers Party and of course that vile Nazi-collaborator, billionaire George Soros, who was largely financing this anarchy – all of whom a brave Dallas Police Department Sgt. Demetrick Pennie and I had sued in a Dallas federal court.
With the miraculous election of Donald Trump as president, the good people of this country had thrown off the yoke of Obama- and Clinton-inspired slavery, furthered by the corrupt establishments of both political parties. A new day had dawned, and the United States was being given by God a second chance to right the ship of state.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What scandals might the American people find themselves dealing with in Hillary Clinton’s Administration if she slides into the presidential home plate, trailing a cloud of controversy?

Top 7 Charges Hillary Clinton Could Face While President

 Let us be honest about who suffers from presidential misbehavior—it’s the American people who pay the price, including the literal price of the expensive investigations. The odds of justice actually catching up with Hillary Clinton dwindle to almost zero if she gains the White House. She might have to sacrifice an aide here and there, but if the political system of 1998 couldn’t remove her husband from office for blatant perjury, it’s hard to imagine what could possibly bring The First Woman President down in the even more corrupt and confused political system of 2017.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Hillary will continue to lie and stonewall. We cannot rely upon the media, the Democrats, and the leadership of the Republican party to put pressure on Hillary to tell the truth and do what is best for our country. It is up to the voters to set things straight to defeat Hillary.

Hillary cannot be elected By J. Marsolo

Hillary cannot be elected because she is under a criminal investigation by the FBI and cannot govern if elected. This reason is in addition to her corruption and incompetence. Hillary knows the evidence that the FBI has, and if she has “forgotten” any of it, she can ask Huma.

If Hillary believes that the FBI investigation is not warranted, then she should hold a legitimate press conference where she states the evidence that the FBI has, takes questions from legitimate journalists, and answers all questions. Of course, this would be a new Hillary.

Instead, the Hillary Smear Machine, unleashed against Kenneth Starr and the female victims of Bill Clinton’s sexual misconduct, including the rape of Juanita Broaddrick, is now set against the FBI director, James Comey.

The Democrats, led by Senate minority leader Harry Reid, are attacking Comey on the basis that he is interfering with the elections, that Comey violated the Hatch Act, and that he must release all his evidence against Hillary this week before the election. Hillary and the Democrats are putting their quest for victory at all costs ahead of the welfare of the country. She will stonewall and attack Comey and try to motivate the Obama voting blocs, especially blacks and Hispanics. If she wins, there is the strong possibility that Obama will pardon her, thus ending the FBI investigation.

This will then mean that the only avenue is to impeach Hillary. Congress can subpoena Comey to produce the evidence. We will be consumed by the impeachment process for the next year or two. This assumes, of course, that the Republican House, led by Paul Ryan, will do its constitutional duty. This also assumes that the Republicans hold the Senate, and McConnell shows a willingness to fight and lead. But there may be enough pressure by other senators, such as Ted Cruz, to force Ryan and McConnell to act.

The media and Republicans should be demanding that Hillary step up to tell the truth about the emails, but the mainstream media will not put any pressure on Hillary to tell the truth, and many Republicans like Ryan, McConnell, McCain, Romney, Bush, and others either oppose Trump or refuse to help Trump. It is clear that Comey would not have announced the investigation unless there is substantial evidence to proceed against Hillary. The Democrats are circling the wagons to protect Hillary at all costs, thus putting a victory for Hillary ahead of the welfare of the country.

The Democrats must know that if the FBI investigation is allowed to proceed, it may result in the conviction of Hillary. This will raise constitutional issues of whether Hillary should step down or if the criminal trial should be postponed until the end of her term. We will have a constitutional crisis because the president will be under a cloud consumed by defending herself and unable to act to deal with Iran, ISIS, immigration, the economy, and other issues. In summary, if we had honest Democrats concerned about the welfare of our country, they would tell Hillary to come clean or get out of the race. But the Democrats are defending Hillary at all costs.

Hillary will continue to lie and stonewall. We cannot rely upon the media, the Democrats, and the leadership of the Republican party to put pressure on Hillary to tell the truth and do what is best for our country. It is up to the voters to set things straight to defeat Hillary

Do some actually believe we should have two standards of justice in America – one for ordinary citizens and another for one who has spent her life feeding at the public trough while reveling in portrayals of herself as “the smartest woman in the world” and the “most qualified person ever to run for president”? Let’s escape this national nightmare and elect Donald Trump the next president of the United States.

No, Hillary, this is what's 'unprecedented' and 'disturbing'

Hillary Clinton’s reaction to the FBI’s reopening of a criminal investigation against her after inexplicably closing one earlier this year was interesting to say the least.
The words she chose to use were these: “It is pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election. In fact, it’s not just strange; it is unprecedented, and it is deeply troubling.”
Now, think about that.
According to Hillary, it’s “strange” and “unprecedented” and “deeply troubling” that the FBI would find new evidence of her participation in espionage crimes and reopen an investigation while she’s running for president.
Let me tell you what’s really strange, unprecedented and deeply troubling: that we have a presidential candidate who got herself into this mess and considers herself entitled to escape investigation and prosecution for crimes that would land other Americans in prison.
Do you realize that only twice in American history have we witnessed an active presidential candidate under investigation by the FBI for felony espionage charges? And both of those candidates are Hillary Clinton – once earlier this year and second now that she is back under scrutiny with new evidence against her having been found.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sexting Weiner's laptop holds 650,000 emails, thousands of them from Clinton's private server, and a proper search will take WEEKS. Democrat faces ongoing FBI probe even if she's elected President

OBAMA LINKED? VALERIE JARRETT LINKED? SAUDIA ARABIA LINKED? MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD & HUMA ABEDIN LINKED? CLINTON FOUNDATION CRIME$?...What damning information is here? Emails go back years!!!!!!! Who is going to flee the country to escape prosecution?...

QUESTION: Who is Huma Abedin?...ANSWER: The enemy from within...See for yourself...MUST WATCH



We are told if Hillary Clinton wins the Presidency, she will “be indicted for her poisonous crimes”—but that Barack Hussein Obama will give her a Presidential Pardon. But we are also told if she instead loses to Donald Trump, Obama will still give her a Presidential Pardon anyway. We are told that during the course of these “legal” atrocities, many others will be crushed and destroyed in a general Government “war.”

Clinton: What the FBI Is Doing Is ‘Unprecedented’ And ‘Deeply Troubling’ … So Was Your Private Server, Hillary


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Whom do you believe: Putin or Hillary?October 28, 2016Regardless of how we got the emails, we are entitled to the truth about Hillary and Obama. More

The liberal media aren’t stupid. They know their coverage is biased, distorted and outrageously unbalanced. But that doesn’t faze them, because they are liberals, and the highest ethic is pursuing their shared agenda, no matter how corrupt their means.


David Limbaugh: 'Can you imagine what kind of free rein Clinton would have if elected?'

We keep reading that if Donald Trump’s personal issues weren’t sucking up all the media oxygen, his campaign might get more traction against Hillary Clinton from the WikiLeaks disclosures, but is that really true?
Let’s concede that the ongoing allegations against Trump are a distraction and damaging to his campaign. Those matters are being litigated, figuratively and literally, so it is hard to argue that news of these allegations is being suppressed.
But could we please put a pin in this for a minute and look at the Clinton scandals? Despite claims to the contrary, one is not automatically defending or covering for Trump by raising issues of Clinton corruption. Somehow Bill and Hillary Clinton always get a pass on their own misconduct by turning the allegations on their accusers and attributing them to smears by their political opponents, benefiting from an unconscionably protective liberal media phalanx.


Pat Buchanan: Clinton would take office with 2/3 of nation believing she is untruthful

Should Donald Trump surge from behind to win, he would likely bring in with him both houses of Congress.
Much of his agenda – tax cuts, deregulation, border security, deportation of criminals here illegally, repeal of Obamacare, appointing justices like Scalia, unleashing the energy industry – could be readily enacted.
On new trade treaties with China and Mexico, Trump might need economic nationalists in Bernie Sanders’ party to stand with him, as free-trade Republicans stood by their K-Street contributors.
Still, compatible agendas and GOP self-interest could transcend personal animosities and make for a successful four years.
But consider what a Hillary Clinton presidency would be like.

In an election season that has been full of surprises, let’s hope the electorate understands that there is at least one thing of which it can be certain: A Hillary Clinton presidency will be built, from the ground up, on self-dealing, crony favors, and an utter disregard for the law.
This isn’t a guess. It is spelled out, in black and white, in the latest bombshell revelation from WikiLeaks. It comes in the form of a memo written in 2011 by longtime Clinton errand boy Doug Band, who for years worked simultaneously at the Clinton Foundation and at the head of his lucrative consulting business, Teneo.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Sean Hannity offers anti-American, foreign-born Obama a free trip HOME to Kenya...

Hannity Offers to PAY 1-Way Ticket for Obama to Kenya After Leaving White House

Fox News host Sean Hannity made a generous offer to President Barack Obama on his show Tuesday night, and it’s one that had conservatives across the country smiling.
He offered to pay for a one-way flight to Kenya for the Obamas.
“I have an offer for the president. I will charter a plane for you and your family,” Hannity said, according to Politico.

Michael aka "Michelle" Obama's HYPOCRISY...

Michelle Obama's Promotion of Misogyny and Date Rape

Michelle Obama laid into Donald Trump for his lewd locker room remarks about women as follows: "I can't stop thinking about this. It has shaken me to my core in a way I could not have predicted" -- whereupon the White House warned Trump to not retaliate against the First Lady.
"And the White House on Thursday advised that Trump continue to steer clear of the president's wife, suggesting that an unprecedented attack on the first lady is a surefire way for the GOP nominee's standing to plummet further."
Well, Eric Schultz (and presumably Barack Obama), here is what you can do with your warning. Donald Trump's statements, which were probably empty boasts in contrast to Bill Clinton's well-known behavior, were indeed lewd and unacceptable. While two wrongs do not make a right, Michelle and Barack Obama have openly promoted rap artists who glorify misogyny, sexual objectification of women, and even date rape. That's right; I am indeed calling out our country's sorry excuse for a First Lady for her and her husband's deplorable legitimization of the most despicable misogynistic language on earth.
In April 2016, the Obamas invited numerous rap artists to the White House to discuss Barack Obama's "My Brother's Keeper" initiative while recognizing them for their "artistic" contributions to minority communities. The rappers whom the Obamas promoted with these invitations include:
  • Rick Ross's,  "U.O.N.E.O." glorifies date rape with the lyrics, "Put molly all in her champagne/ She ain't even know it / I took her home and I enjoyed that/ She ain't even know it." While Ross denies that this was his intended meaning, "molly" is slang for Ecstasy, a well-known date rape drug, and the context of "molly" in his lyrics shows clearly that a man put it into a woman's drink without her knowledge or consent so he could have sex with her. Ross' "Same Hoes" is meanwhile not about agricultural implements as shown by its lyrics, which consist primarily of the F word, a variant of the N word, and "hoes."
  • Common, whose "Go!" includes, "And a ooh baby she liked it raw and like rain when she came it poured" along with a variant of the N word and even more sexually explicit lyrics.
  • Jay Z, who proclaims, "I've got 99 problems and a b***h ain't one."
  • Michelle Obama called out Trump's remarks with the words, "What message are our little girls hearing about who they should look like, how they should act?" Nicki Minaj, another rapper whom she and her husband brought to the White House, answers that question in "Hey Mama," "Make sure mama crawls on her knees keep him pleased rub him down be a lady and a freak" and also "Yes I do the cooking/ Yes I do the cleaning/ Yes I keep the nana real sweet for your eating/ Yes you be the (boss) yes I be respecting." It doesn't take a feminist to dismiss these words as belonging in a fundamentalist "Islamic" country, assuming that they ever belonged anywhere at all.
  • adds, "And of course, who could forget about the Obamas' cozy relationship with Jay Z and Beyoncé, who have been guests of the president and first lady on multiple occasions?" Jay Z joined Beyoncé in "Drunk in Love". The lyrics include, "Slid the panties right to the side/ Ain`t got the time to take drawers off" and "We sex again in the morning, your breasteses [sic] is my breakfast."
  • Beyoncé's "Partition" includes far cruder and more explicit language, whose sole redeeming virtue is to remind everybody that Hillary's husband actually did what Donald Trump talked about. "He popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse/
    He monica-lewinski'd all on my gown," to which she adds, "Hand prints and good grips all on my ass." Beyoncé is certainly No Angel as shown by this line: "First, both of my legs go back on your head/ And whatever you want, yeah baby I'll bet it comes true."
The phrase, "Right message, wrong messenger" applies perfectly here. While Donald Trump's previous statements were crude, coarse, and lewd, nobody who promotes and mainstreams misogyny, subservience of women, and date rape has the moral standing to condemn them. Michelle Obama's words also come across as an obviously partisan attack noting her total silence on Bill Clinton's misogyny and sexual exploitation of women, as well as Hillary Clinton's complicity in the same.
William A. Levinson is the author of several books on business management including content on organizational psychology, as well as manufacturing productivity and quality.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

As promised, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has delivered his third video on leftist corruption: Rigging the Election – Video III: Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Involvement. Hillary Clinton has been illegally coordinating between her campaign, the DNC and Americans United for Change. Looks like they weren’t ‘careful’ enough. Hillary Clinton is giving the orders here and it is exposed in this video. Her followers don’t care about the legality or ethics of all this.
Clinton stooges started showing up at Trump events dressed as Donald Duck. Robert Creamer oversaw it. He wanted Donald Ducks in attendance for the debates. It’s a visual meant to communicate that Trump was ducking the issues, I guess. Stupid, I know… but typically leftist. Earlier this year, people wearing Donald Duck costumes started showing up at Donald Trump events all over the country. Brad Woodhouse is the president of Americans United for Change (AUFC) and he worked with Robert Creamer (now resigned), Scott Foval (now fired) and DNC Rapid Response Coordinator Aaron Black to launch their “Donald Ducks” campaign.

BREAKING: Dems Caught Rigging Polls For Hillary

More evidence that Democrats are working with the mainstream media to rig polls surfaced over the weekend, revealing just how much the liberal media are in the tank for Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
WikiLeaks-published emails from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta spelled out just how to “manufacture” the desired data when conducting a poll. The email began with a request for how to over-sample when polling in order to “maximize what we get out of our media polling.”
The email even included a 37-page guide with poll-rigging recommendations.

Project Veritas Releases ‘Part III’ of ‘Rigging the Election’ Undercover Video Series [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton personally ordered a consultant to use a nonprofit group to troll the Trump campaign with a ‘Donald Duck’ mascot, according to the Democratic operatives who say they arranged it with... [Read more]

DNC Operatives Were Fired Awfully Quick for Veritas Tape to be Edited

If Trump skims 25% of black voters from the Democratic Party he would win the 2016 election in a landslide.

TRUMP on Track to Win More Black Votes Than Any GOP Candidate Since 1960

In the last month the number of black voters for Donald Trump has increased significantly.
At the beginning of October 9% of African Americans supported Trump.
The number doubled and has leveled off at 16% support for Donald Trump.
This ought to keep Democrats up late at night.