Sunday, November 8, 2009

America has always been a Good and Decent Land

Whether I receive howls of indignation as expected from the left or not, I'm a bit weary of Obamabots waving the Slavery issue as their flag,and their agitatingly devisive intentional chants of "Stealer's of the Red Man's Land," let's just think about this for a moment.

Slavery- was it wrong, yes. Did we do something about it? yes about 150 years ago and at the cost of about 20% of our adult male population of military age killed and another 20% wounded.

Was slavery unique to the American experience. Let's see, "them damn Jews" were slaves to the Egyptians for hundreds and hundreds of years. The Romans liked to take a prisoner or two, and sell them into bondage. Then there was Genghis Khan, The Vikings, The Tribes of Africa were pretty good at catching their share of slaves. The Native American just loved taking captured women from other tribes and have them do their cooking and cleaning.

The British were known for "Impressing" Americans into "service" on the high seas. Many of our first European citizens arrived as indentured servants, no room for abuse there. Anybody ever wonder why Shanghai was so named in China??

Servants or serfs or slaves whatever you wish to call them, all led a life of mortal servatude. It has occurred in every land in the world. Obama thinks his "experience" has been unique. I guess he has something of a point, since for the first 10 years or so, he wasn't even anywhere near America, getting all profiled up. I don't think he ever sat foot on the mainland as a non infant until he was 18. "His so called racial indignation smacks of Holiday Inn Express Racism. -----"I was never here to feel the burn, I was surfin' and tokin' an sh*t all up in Wakiki, but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night!"

Basically through the ages, we have all been slaves, at one point or another. Nobody owes me, I don't know of any slaves my share cropper Grandfather who picked cotton ever owned. He couldn't afford any, living in a dirt floor, one room shack, in Arkansas. But he did produce a future Harvard Phd. Physist (not me), and a few other credits to society.

Stuff happens, get over it.

The Noble Red Man. My best friend in high school, was Oglala Sioux. Yes he lived on an actual Indian reservation, in Oklahoma and North Dakota before moving to the town where we became best friends. I learned a lot about injustice from his perspective. I also tried to enlighten him, that injustice was not a one way street or it rarely passed over everyone through the ages.

Obama dealing in his usual half truths, has his brain programmed minions out among us, striving to strengthen his coalition against White America. Just last Friday, Obama "The Great Divider" was addressing the 576 tribes of America's Native Americans Conference. You Asian Americans are next, along with the "We'll do anything for Amnesty, Hispanics."

When the Pilgrims landed in 1620, did they start shooting down every Native American they came across? Weren't the Iroquois and Huron's 4ehva making war on each other. With hundreds of tribes, how did they keep which tribes to raid, and which tribes to intermarry into straight ?? Stealing, Capturing, and General Mischief were their ways of having fun and recreating. Life as a Warrior, just had to hold some excitement in it or else what was the use of a Brave being brave. These guys weren't out to peacefully convert the world to Wakantanka. They wanted to mix it up some with others in the area, keep things lively.. As to the land, was it theirs, or was it theirs as long as they stood upon it. Some Indians claimed some small patches of land as sacred tribal land, or traditional hunting grounds, but for the most part, these nomads claimed little in specific as their land, much like the Bedouins. Land was something to be crossed, or hunted, they cared little for ownership. There was vast amounts.

Was the White man wrong for coming to this land where, the norm was, if you can stand on it, you can keep it. Our ancestors were doing nothing any different than the people who were here. Was the Native American here first? Ask that of Adam and Eve.

The main thrust of all this is We have evolved, however Obama seems rather to have devolved and wants to take us back over some very rocky ground. Like I said before, we've all experienced our troubles, and anybody who wishes to rehash some things, I don't think many of us, are any longer, in a mood to listen. We either get past this as a people or we get that ball rolling again.


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