Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hit'em In Their Wallets and Vidal's

Maybe this is how we awaken the pathetic 50% who are "brain disengaged".

I know the gancha has left ya feeling especially mellow, the Teeth Grinders has you lovin' everybody, that X-Full Circle, just keeps on calling out to you, and dammit the games on, it's fantasy time in the fantasy league so go ahead, fight for your right to parrrrrrtyyyyyyy, and that you majorly must get in additional reps at Club Ripped, before de Nochas, hook-up con Senorita Bonita Conchita... but guess what? In just a couple, your take home is going to be noticably dedollared. Now before you go tear the payroll clerk a new one, Guitar Hero, maybe get your head out of your own self absorbed apathically, complacent butt, and read about what's been going in the real world these past few......

Try living up to the example set by some of the "freaks" who have gone into harm's way 3 tours, 4 tours, 5 tours for your miserable no tour detour gutless hide, while you strut your stuff by making it rain at the local Rave. How about lifting a finger sometime besides the middle one.


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