The international “left” led by the Chicago Cabal currently engaged in a full frontal assault on all American principles, values and individual rights, fear only one thing…. The U.S. Charters of Freedom! That’s because the Charters of Freedom are the ONLY thing standing in the way of total Global Socialist control of the Unites States of America…
They fear only one group… The American patriots who are willing to stand and fight for the Charters of Freedom!
But they aren’t too worried yet, and that’s why no matter how many patriots protest on the steps of Washington DC offices, they march full speed ahead in their efforts to ram ‘Cap and Trade,’ socialized medicine, amnesty for illegals and global climate scams down the throats of US citizens.
They aren’t worried yet because divided across more than 2000 individual grassroots organizations and moving in a hundred different directions, the patriots cannot muster the collective power to put a stop to the current march into unbridled Marxism followed by national bankruptcy.
The left won’t tremble, until they see the people uniting in opposition! Not even RNC leadership is worried yet, demonstrated by Michael Steele’s foolishly cavalier mocking of Tea Party folks in response to media questions about conservatives and constitutionalists “RINO hunting” in the upcoming elections.
Good News about the People
Five days ago on November 2, 2009, a team of patriots helped me establish a pledge site,, which is designed to gauge just how ready “the people” really are to accept the call to unite in the common cause of freedom and liberty.
A deadline date of November 11th was established as a target date to gauge support for a nationwide patriot initiative that would operate not in place of, but in addition to all of the local and regional grassroots initiatives already underway across the land.
The pledge goal for a “top-down” nation wide strategy was $10,000,000 ...
Early results indicate that more time may be needed to get to the magic pre-launch number, but that $10,000,000 may be an extremely conservative figure, as millions of patriots appear to be willing to pledge a lot more than $100 apiece in the effort.
Quite clearly, the people are READY to UNITE! People are pledging from all walks of life and all 50 states… They understand the need to stand united!
What about Leaders of the regional Grassroots Organizations?
We have been contacted by many of the Tea Party – 912 and town hall organizations as well, and will soon make some announcements about early signs of partnering with several key groups.
Others know that while there may be no operational benefit in direct partnering, there are still benefits in working together in common on different facets of both “bottom-up” and “top-down” strategies that only compliment each other and make both more effective.
But a few seem somehow threatened by any initiative to unite the masses, as if such an effort threatens their hold on a piece of the world, even though we encourage ALL patriot organizations to stay focused upon and engaged in their individual initiatives, while we work together on a nationwide campaign at the same time.
Several wanted us simply to shift our strategy and funding to their individual organizations. But doing so with any existing organization would immediately raise the question among all others, why didn’t you choose us? The division would begin on this basis alone and this is no way to unite the masses in a cohesive unit able to succeed together.
Early Signs of Unity
With very few details released about the plan, the people are still excited about the possibility of uniting all patriots nationwide in a single, tangible, targeted and immediate “game-changer” strategy. The early returns are very impressive.
Many of the organizations across the country are also showing early signs of interest in working together on a national strategy while local and regional grassroots initiatives continue.
Patriots and TEA Partiers Nationwide Ban Together to Create 527 ...
United We Stand - Divided We Fall
Our greatest challenge at this moment is the fact that our message has not yet gone “viral.”
Our message is certainly resonating with patriots all across the country, but we have not yet broken through and reached the masses with our message.
If only thousands of patriots unite in the common cause of freedom and liberty, the load on each patriot is too much to bear. In order to make our strategy a reality, our message must reach millions of patriots. Our story MUST go “viral…”
Simple Math = Simple Strategy
The more complex the problem – the more simple the solution must be. Complex solutions are never fully implemented.
Keep it simple… 1 million patriots can raise $100,000,000 real fast, at only an average donation of $100 each. 10 million patriots can raise a BILLION.
60,000,000 US citizens voted against this Marxist garbage a year ago and even more oppose it today, now that they can see the Marxist agenda with their own eyes… Where have they all gone? Have they given up freedom without a fight?
Do the math. While you have your calculator out, figure the odds of surviving the current administration as the following headlines continue to pour onto the front pages…
Jobless Rate Tops 10%
War at Home: First Responders Describe Carnage at Fort Hood
Democrats Push Climate Bill Through Panel Without GOP Debate
Fast-Growing Coalition Opposing Cap-and-Trade Goes National
Copenhagen Agreement is a Plan for World Government
U.S. National Debt: 11.4 Trillion & Clicking
The global Left has only controlled the U.S. government for a little more than ten months and already, we can’t afford to leave them in power for another day…
What is your freedom worth?
How do you plan on ending the hourly assault on individual liberty while you still can?
Will people who won’t pick up their wallets to save freedom be counted upon to take up arms when all peaceful solutions have failed?
If not the Freedom Force strategy, then behind what strategy will we all unite?
These are the questions that American patriots must ask themselves today. The battle line is not drawn down partisan lines, or at the borders that separate the many patriot movements today. It isn’t a matter of race, economic status or a plethora of special interest issues.
The battle line separates U.S. citizens into only TWO groups… those ready to take a stand for the Charters of Freedom and those willing to let those principles and value vanish into the political boneyard of ideas cast aside. is an effort to unite all who stand for the Charters of Freedom in an effort to return those fundamental concepts to their rightful place as the supreme law of this land.
May God have mercy on a people unable to rally around those basic ideas today, no matter the excuses. When our children and grandchildren read in history books about how our generation let freedom die, no excuse will be good enough.
We either find a way to unite in a hurry, or we won’t like what history has to say about our generation. The people ARE ready to unite. Group leaders need to make sure that they are working with all fellow patriots, not working against each other.
If the nation cannot rally around the Charters of Freedom, then the nation can’t rally against a fascist international regime of socialist thugs eager to end individual freedom in America.
I call upon every freedom loving American to join the Freedom Force initiative. Make a pledge of support and then help us share this message with every American. Divided, we are finished. But united, the left is no match for the powers of freedom. Unite with all other freedom loving patriots today!
I have pledged my $100 today. I will put my money where my mouth is!
I believe the Oath Keepers already have such an endeavor well under way. Charters of Freedom needs to contact Stewart Rhodes.
This was done in defiance od the American people with a demonstration of 10,000+ American citizens the day before – this is the equivalent of President Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats and 1 Republican giving the American citizens the third finger!
This solidifies the fact that they are not here to work with or for the people in any respect but to actually purposely, by design, work against the will of the American people!
In retrospect with what is supposed to be a free American people with rights and a Constitution that is being stomped on, we will believe it only fair that this treasonous 44th President and Government should expect that we the people from here on out will diligently work toward ousting, impeaching and removing members of this Government by any and all means legally necessary! Can the people not join together on solidarity to request the Impeachment of President Barack H. Obama?
Some ideas:
Re:Barack H. Obama accepted rotating status as chairman of the United Nations Security Council, he committed high treason… not only a direct violation of article 1 section 9 clause 8 of the Constitution for the United States of America, which states emphatically:
“No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States; and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall without consent of Congress accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”
JB, you're right, we all need to "hold our nose" if need be and vote for Republicans, RINOs or not, in 2010, but also support those Republicans that are Constitutionalists (as in Chuck DeVore (Conservative Republican) vs Carly Fiorina (RINO) in California running against Babs Boxer (you know, "Don't call me Ma"am, Major, call me Senator, I worked so hard to get that title"))!! We also need to do what JB says and "pony up", sign up for and take over the GOP. The "non-partisan" Tea Party Patriots (of which I'm a member, but don't agree with their non-partisan stance) will end up on the wrong side of history for staying non-partisan (also Libertarians and Independents that are conservative). THIS IS ALL-OUT WAR and we need to "Cowboy Up" and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK before it's too late!! Also, we need to write ALL of our State Reps as well as our Congressmen and tell them we need them to get on the "Natural Born Citizen Birther Bandwagon" and get rid of the Constitutionally Illegal Usurper -- it's NOT about where he was born, it's about WHO's HIS DADDY (a Kenyan, as admitted by Obama himself), which definitely defines him as NOT a Natural Born Citizen, a Constitutional requirement for the Presidency. Research all of JB's articles and you will realize that this is a TRUE CONSPIRACY going on here, and we cannot just sit by and watch what is happening before our very eyes!!!
In a way this reminds me of the war on terror, you're not playing by the same rules as your opponents and your handicapping yourselves.
Too polite and too civilized; you had nearly 2 million people on the White House grounds; you had a nice polite demonstration that nobody covered; had you played by your enemies rules you would have brought camping equipment and refused to leave until you were heard by Obama and the world; most people in Canada don't even know it happened, ditto every other nation on earth.
Get mad, get in their face and get the world to see.
Good Post JB, getting a coordinated front is essential, getting the world to see that united front is also essential.
Cheers and God bless America.
So, go viral with the message! Post this column everywhere you can. As will I.
And thank you again for this vitally important effort.
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