Guardian of the Constitution, hog wash. Good riddance. This has been a banner time for the right. First Kennedy the Drunk, now Byrd the Grand Wizard.
Robert Byrd, never passed up a plate of pork. That is how he stayed in office. Just like Chavez, give the desperately poor a few bucks, get them hooked on the federal heroin, stay in office forever.
The living end wasn't reached today, it was during the Christmas break and then in March.
The Byrd Rule- was added by said Robert Byrd, to the Rules of the Senate in 1995, stating a 51 vote reconciliation applied ONLY on budgetary reconciliation matters. The Nuclear Option, as it is now commonly called, was never designed to circumvent the filibuster. It was never to be a means to pass legislation or destroy the underpinnings of our system of checks and balances. When the opposition submitted motions calling the whole ObamaCare Bill unconstitutional due to the use of the Nuclear Option, Byrd prematurely rolled over in the grave he is yet to occupy, and voted it was constitutional.
Known to be able to recite the constitution verbatum, apparently Byrd was only using this as a cheap bar trick, because as far as upholding the constitution, his life made a mockery of it. From his first days as a Klu Klux Klan Grand Wizard, to his end days as a supporter of a usurper, and pre-rigamorti Obamacare stiff.
May Byrd lie in silence for eternity.
The new President Pro Tempore of the Senate and third in line to the Presidency after Biden and Pelosi is Sen. Inouye, a Democrat allegedly born in Hawaii.
ReplyDeleteInteresting, no?
Interesting yes, and now I need to throw up. Didn't I warn everybody earlier, I got up on the wrong side of bed today. Now I'm really,really pissed.