Michelle Malkin
June 24,2010
You’ll love this. Remember back in August 2008, when Democrat Rep. Corrine Brown commanded Jacksonville FL city officials to deliver sandbags to her home to protect her from rising floodwaters caused by Tropical Storm Fay? I blogged about the Jacksonville Times-Union story at the time:
U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown’s office asked Mayor John Peyton’s chief of staff to help protect her Jacksonville home from rising floodwater Friday.
Adam Hollingsworth, who once worked for Brown, told city workers to deliver sandbags to her home, something he now says was a judgment error. No one else would get such preferential treatment, he said when contacted by the Times-Union, and Brown will be billed by the city for reimbursement.
Hollingsworth also told city workers to deliver sandbags to City Councilwoman Denise Lee, this time unsolicited.
Peyton did not condemn Hollingworth’s actions, saying Friday he was “delighted our public works employees were able to help save these homes.”
Ronnie Simmons, Brown’s chief of staff, said the congresswoman’s area director called the city’s Public Works Office and asked for help. He said he thought the city offered sandbags to residents whose homes were being flooded.
…About a dozen white sandbags were stacked in front of Brown’s garage Friday night. A man outside the house Friday night told the Times-Union the bags were not delivered by the city. He was wearing a dark blue Emergency Operations Center shirt but said he didn’t work for the city.
Well, residents there have not forgotten her arrogance and abuse of office. And neither has her GOP challenger, Dean Black. He has launched a humorous “Stop the Sandbagging” campaign to remind voters of Brown’s hubris. She’s not laughing:
One day after her political opponent launched a tongue-in-cheek campaign to unseat her, Rep. Corrine Brown fired back.
Dean Black launched a campaign Monday called “Stop the Sandbagging.” It’s a campaign that reminded voters of an August 2008 controversy when Brown requested sand bags be brought to her home during Tropical Storm Fay. Though she denied receiving special treatment from the city, her neighbors said similar requests from them had no response.
Black said that when his supporters contribute $24.95 to his campaign, he will have sand bags delivered to Brown’s home. However, Brown said Tuesday that she will seek prosecution if Black follows through on his pledge.
“Because this is not no game,” Brown said. “Don’t bring no trash to my yard!”
She said if the sand bags come, she is prepared to call the police.
Black is not backing down. Two thumbs up for this clever and inspired campaigning.
Congresswoman Sandbag has gotten a taste of her own medicine.
Here’s Dean Black’s sandbagging donation page
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