Misprision of Felony:
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. Title 18 U.S.C. § 4
In 2008,
- DNC Chair and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi lied to each state by stating Obama was ‘constitutionally qualified’ for the position of president.
- Obama himself knowingly falsely swore in Arizona to be a ‘natural born citizen’, affixing his personal signature to a document which was required for him to be on the 2008 ballot in Arizona. Perjury or false swearing is recognized as a crime in Arizona and other states
The state of Arizona accepted as true the false sworn statements by Obama and thereafter placed his name on the ballots. He was then elected President. The voters in Arizona were directly defrauded by Obama’s false affirmations.
When Obama swore he was eligible, he lied. He didn’t swear that he might be eligible or that there was a good chance he would be found eligible. He swore that he was – in fact – eligible. Obama’s certain affirmations under oath and penalty of perjury are false. He could not have been certain and he should not have sworn that he was. He’s guilty of false swearing despite whatever definition of natural-born citizen comes down the pike.
- The Hawaii Democrat party went against its own rules and certified Obama as constitutionally eligible to appear on their ballot…a mysterious visit to Granny Dunham, her death, and the appointment of the HI Democrat Party Chair as Lt. Governor in 2010 followed.
And they should be told about it. Send them all a copy of Title 18 Section 4. And advise them to quit their jobs before they are all finally ensnared in conspiracy to defraud along with the chief Obutt and his repulsive ‘wife’–herself no stranger to false ids and social security numbers…Guadelupe and Harrison Bonnel, anyone?Oh how the Democrats scream and yell when they are served with legal papers summoning their presence in a lawsuit challenging their Obutt’s name on the ballot. They run away, block your car from exiting the parking lot, or throw the papers on the floor. But there is no way they–the Democrat party’s subdivisions, officers and employees– will be able to avoid criminal charges for their participation in one of the greatest thefts and scams in United States history, second only to the FED and the Sixteenth Amendment.
In the meantime ballot challenges in Pennsylvania, Florida, California, Indiana, Alaska, Illinois, Georgia, and several other states are continuing. In Georgia, plaintiff’s attorney has submitted a motion to suspend the Georgia primary election based on the egregious, arbitrary and capricious actions of Georgia’s SoS and “Judge” Malihi. Don’t forget that Georgia got two nuclear plants in exchange for the Judge and State officials’ betrayal of their citizens.
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