Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Review Of Katie Pavlich’s Groundbreaking Book ‘Fast And Furious:Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal And The Shameless Cover-Up’

Fast And Furious Book A Review of Katie Pavlichs Groundbreaking Book Fast and Furious:Barack Obamas Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover Up
There are a long list of books that deal with the “Radical-in-Chief”Obama—including the book of that name by Stanley Kurtz,who famously shouted from the highest mountaintop in 2008 that Obama was a socialist radical that had hung out with none other than domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. One of the problems with Kurtz’s book,however,and many of the other books in this vein is that although scrupulously researched and exhaustive,the amount of material that is presented is breathtakingly convoluted and is clear in no one’s mind except the author. While “Fast and Furious”is a subject that makes Obama’s socialist connections look simple in comparison,Ms. Pavlich’s book does not fall into this rut.
This is the story of how a radical anti-gun President,surrounded by cronies of the same ilk,put into play a program—Operation Fast and Furious— so treacherous that it has left literally hundreds dead in its wake. Of course,its sole purpose was to curtail or even nullify this country’s greatest safeguard against a dictatorship—-the Second Amendment. Although the book is exhaustively and minutely researched and documented,Obama’s deceitful plan is told in a lively,simple yet detailed manner that in the end leaves the reader satisfied,full,and content.
David Freddoso,in Gangster Government, likens the Obama Administration to a “thugocracy.” Obama uses the same tactics as the mob (intimidation,threats,shakedowns,deception,coverups,etc.);I think a direct counterpart to understanding the Obama Administration is the study of the hey day of the mob (the late 1920s/early 1930s),or more pointedly,how a particular mob boss was taken off the streets by a small group of individuals led by Eliot Ness.  Ness,of course,wrote the classic book,The Untouchables,where he describes how Al Capone’s empire was systematically taken apart and Al Capone was taken off the streets. The point is that Ness’classic work,dealing with an extremely complex subject,is told in this simple,lively manner,which allows the reader to become engaged in the action so that it still remains a classic and movies continue to be made of his exploits.
From the very first page,Ms. Pavlich’s book makes one feel like he or she is reading a book written in the same style as The Untouchables. Ms. Pavlich puts you in the action,inside the characters. (This is a scary feeling when she describes how the Obama Administration put the wheels of Fast and Furious into motion and describes the thugs who carried it out). You are sitting in the car with ATF agents as they watch a live video feed of a straw buyer purchasing AK-47s. You are later in the office as an agent bemoans that a rogue boss at the ATF office in Phoenix,taking orders from Washington,  had told them not to pull the straw buyer over after he left the gun shop. With the agent who knows that this straw buyer will deliver the AK-47s to the most violent criminals in Mexico. Who knows that innocents in Mexico will be mowed down with these weapons. Who knows that it is inevitable that a Border Patrol agent will die at the hands of one of these weapons.  Ms. Pavlich takes you for a ride inside the minds and the action of the perfidious Obama Frankenstein Monster known as Operation Fast and Furious that our own government created and still purports to have had nothing to do with.

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