Tuesday, July 31, 2012

communist obama usurper marxist socialist
47,000 Illegals Illegally Released by Obama Committed Over 60,000 Crimes - Including 19 Murders, 142 Sex Crimes

See Hundreds More Obama Crimes Here

Obama’s Ultimate Cover-up

Barack Obama 10 SC Obama’s Ultimate Cover up
Obama biographer David Maraniss wrote an 1139-word article,“The Audacity of Doubt,” for The Washington Post on Sunday that purported to be a refutation of what some critics have been saying about the President. Maraniss focuses mostly on questions about Obama’s religion and place of birth and pretends to have the answers.
However,Maraniss ignored the fact that the critics were right four years ago when they identified communist Frank Marshall Davis as Obama’s mentor in Hawaii and the mysterious “Frank” from Obama’s book,Dreams from My Father.
Maraniss had written a 10,000-word piece for the Post in 2008,when the information could have made a difference in the campaign,ignoring this critical fact. He told me in an email that he had ignored Davis because he had somehow concluded that Davis didn’t have much of an impact on Obama.
The Maraniss piece,“Though Obama Had to Leave to Find Himself,It Is Hawaii That Made His Rise Possible,” ran in the August 22,2008 edition of the Post.
Not content to slink away with egg on his face for ignoring the story of the century,Maraniss spent years working on a book about Obama,thinking the public would regard it as definitive. He is suffering under a delusion.
Read More at gopusa.com. By Cliff Kincaid.


Those who suggest that there is no distinction between "citizen" and "Natural Born Citizen" would have us believe and accept that such a person might have been eligible to run for President of the US simply because he was born in America. According to defenders of the alleged eligibility of Barack Obama (or Marco Rubio, or Bobby Jindal), any person born on US soil to one or more alien citizens could be the leader of the free world. At some point, according to that path of logic, this should have included Anwar al-Awlaki.

Should Anwar al-Awlaki have been eligible to run for President?

 Should Anwar al-Awlaki have been eligible to run for President?
Anwar al-Awlaki was born in 1971 to Yemeni citizens in Las Cruces, New Mexico. US Intelligence reports that, from the age of seven, al-Awlaki was raised abroad, becoming an enemy of America, indoctrinated by the highest powers of Al-Qaida and studying under the same teachers as Osama bin Laden. He eventually influenced various terrorists such as the Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Malik Hasan, and helped plan the thwarted attack of the "Underwear Bomber," Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Al-Awlaki's phone number was found among the contact information of Ramzi bin al-Shibh, the man known as "the 20th hijacker" in the 9/11 attacks.

Those who suggest that there is no distinction between "citizen" and "Natural Born Citizen" would have us believe and accept that such a person might have been eligible to run for President of the US simply because he was born in America. According to defenders of the alleged eligibility of Barack Obama (or Marco Rubio, or Bobby Jindal), any person born on US soil to one or more alien citizens could be the leader of the free world. At some point, according to that path of logic, this should have included Anwar al-Awlaki.

So, to say that every child born in America is a natural born citizen is also to say that any foreign interest whose child was born in the US could be allowed to raise that child abroad as an enemy of the US and return that child to this country in time to meet the Constitution's 14-year residency requirement for President.

Considering that Islam has been at war with itself and the rest of the world at least since the death of Muhammad almost 1400 years ago, it takes very little imagination to project how a powerful enemy of the US might take the necessary 35 years and other resources to groom a "Manchurian Candidate" for the US Presidency. If we accept the premise that every person born in the US is a natural born citizen, we allow the establishment of a flawed precedent permitting a family such as that of Anwar al-Awlaki (or a communist government, or a Mexican drug cartel, etc.) to gain control of our country through an orchestrated, long-term attack on the Presidency.
This is precisely what the Framers were trying to prevent with the natural born citizen requirement. A note from John Jay to George Washington explains to us why the Framer's included the natural born citizen requirement for POTUS. It was not, as some would have us believe, to discriminate against any particular race or to keep white men in power. Jay stated outright that the goal was "to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government." This is not a proscription against any ethnic heritage. It was the Framer's best effort, within the framework of a free society, to restrict the trust of our highest office only to persons with the greatest likelihood of being reared with an abiding love of American values.
The Constitution itself argues against the assertion that every child born in America is also a natural born citizen. Constitutional eligibility requirements for members of the House and Senate include that they be "citizens," with progressively tighter restrictions on length of residency for Senators and the President. Following that same pattern of progressively increased restrictions, the Constitution also requires that the President must be, not just a citizen, but a "natural born Citizen."

The natural born citizen requirement is not an incidental flourish of language, but a national security provision of the supreme law of our land. It is not a "big tent" invitation but an intentionally restrictive, but not racist, prohibition. It serves as a foundation on which to permanently secure and preserve the rights and freedoms which are the heritage of all Americans. Its purpose is to ensure, to the greatest possible extent, that every American President has sole allegiance to the USA by virtue of a childhood steeped in the richness of American culture, anchored in a respect for freedom, emboldened by the spirit of independence and innovation, and committed to the continuation of the noble experiment of a republic created and protected by free men and women and their progeny.

Cheney is in the same recycling bin as Bill Clinton, recently called to the rescue of a flagging-in-the polls Obama.

GOP Old Boys Network still using Pony Express
 Judi McLeod Full Story

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, like so many politicians well past his due date, must be kidding.
In this era of unprecedented destruction from the most unvetted US president of all time, Cheney wants to talk 100 days before November 6 elections about how Sarah Palin was unvetted?

See the Man Who Challenges Obama’s Family Story – Joel Gilbert Rips Silent Media at National Press Club


Bob Unruh / WND

A filmmaker whose full-length documentary, “Dreams from My Real Father,” presents a compelling case that Communist Party USA propagandist Frank Marshall Davis is Barack Obama’s biological father, is challenging the U.S. media to begin reporting the truth about the likely Democrat nominee for president in 2012.
Joel Gilbert, whose website details his research, appeared recently at the National Press Club in Washington to talk about the questions raised in his film.
“What strikes me as most disturbing is that any one of the hundreds of American journalists in this building could win the Pulitzer Prize just by writing about the evidence presented in ‘Dreams from My Real Father,’” he said.
A journalist, after all, is supposed to report the news, truthfully and fairly, he argues.
He cited the National Press Club bronze that lists the “Journalist’s Creed,” as written by Walter Williams when he founded the Missouri School of Journalism more than a century ago.
It states: “That journalists must be public trustees with the full measure of responsibility to the public. That accuracy and fairness are fundamental to good journalism. That a single standard of truth must prevail for all.”
Pointedly, he noted the credo states “that suppression of the news is indefensible.”
continue at WND:
communist obama usurper marxist socialist

RINO Rep. Steve King on Obama's Ineligibility Fraud of the Century:

They'll Deal with It After the Election
RINO House Republicans Refuse to Defund ObamaCare ...They're Complicit and have No Intention of Getting Rid of It
Obama Ignores Plans for Russian Naval Base in Cuba ...Killed by a Communist, JFK, Turns Over in His Grave
White House: Jerusalem Not Capital of Israel
Rep: 'No Question' WH Leaks 'By Design'
The Amazing Presidential Power-Grab
Kyle Stone

What began as a trickle of presidential power-grabs in 2009 has turned into a cascade of executive roguery. More

The Climategate and Jerry Sandusky Scandals: A Common Thread
T.S. Weidler

America, it's time to meet your newest top-secret government employee: a professional cover-up artist with a radical agenda. More

GOP Edge in Swing States
Bruce Walker

Almost wholly overlooked in this year's election punditry is a quite possibly decisive advantage which Mitt Romney will have in thirteen extremely important swing states. More

Save American Medicine and Save Your Own Life
Zane F Pollard, MD

The trials and tribulations for doctors treating Medicaid patients are not getting any better -- not for the doctors, and not for the patients, either. More

Monday, July 30, 2012

Didn't THE BIG DOG rape Juanita Broderick?...Matthews gushes over the criminal Clintons...


The Democrat party has,throughout its existence,represented the bigotry and racism they seek to project onto Republicans.

Democrats’ History Of Racism

klan Democrats History of Racism
Here’s a bit of American history guaranteed not to appear in any government-approved history book. The Democrat party has,throughout its existence,represented the bigotry and racism they seek to project onto Republicans.
The informed readers of this article are likely familiar with the racist roots of the political party aptly portrayed by a jackass,but much of the general population,especially outspoken Democrats,are woefully ignorant of any such facts.
Ask the nearest Democrat about Republicans and race and even the mayor of a substantial American city might just respond with,“They are racist.”
In reference to their own party,Dems will likely say they led the fight for civil rights throughout the years,though a cursory review of the party will prove this assertion wrong. For instance,this was the party that established the Ku Klux Klan as its enforcement arm. Powerful Democrat politicians have appointed klansmen to high-ranking positions in American government for a century,yet have somehow convinced the vast majority of blacks that Republicans are the bad guys!
The KKK was used to intimidate voters,black and white,into voting Democrat –or not voting at all.



Article II Super PAC, Washington Times Daily, Crime Of The Century, 7-30-2012

Former LTC Terry Lakin is scheduled to participate in a rally in support of Sherriff Joe Arpaio this fall.

 Former LTC Terry Lakin Has Accepted Our Invitation !!!
This is the Official Announcement Issued By The Terry Lakin Action Fund This Morning:
 “Former LTC Terry Lakin is scheduled to participate in a rally in support of Sherriff Joe Arpaio this fall. Terry Lakin chose to challenge Obama’s eligibility by inviting his own court martial. Terry was sent to prison for almost six months and discharged from the Army, stripped of rank, pay, and pension. Still, after four years and thousands of requests Obama and his representatives have yet to provide a single, legally valid, confirmation of Obama’s compliance with the Constitutional standard of Natural Born Citizen. Terry led the way with his bold action. His story is compelling, his cause, perhaps the most important in our nation’s history. Terry will be discussing his background on what led to the decision, the trial, his prison experiences, his growth in faith and appreciation for the found fathers, his new book, ‘Officer’s Oath’ and its importance, and responsibilities of our elected and appointed officials and military officers to confront this issue.”


communist obama usurper marxist socialist
Gay Barack

Frequented Chicago
Gay Bath House

Lots of Gay Obama Videos
Maraniss Gets Testy as New Obama Bio Tanks
Jack Cashill

Maraniss spent the last four years on his career book, released it in the heart of a heated re-election season, got the kind of exposure a Kardashian would envy, and now finds the book heading for the remainder racks weeks after its release. More

How to Fight Democrat Intimidation
Sally Zelikovsky

The intolerance, invective, and hate from leftists is at an all-time high. But we're not going to take it anymore. More

What Role Will White Guilt Play in the 2012 Election?
Lee Cary

The unintended consequence of the white guilt vote for Obama in '08 is in the impact it's had on those most hurt by the president's economic policies: poor urban blacks. More

Votes for Sale
Cindy Simpson

Vote-buying is "where the money's at." Those were words recently spoken in my home state of Kentucky, by some who admitted knowing that the practice is illegal but as "everyday" as jaywalking. More

All the Dependency Pieces Are Falling into Place
W.A. Beatty

How does Obama plan to win in November? By consolidating all the Americans economically dependent on him. More

Dancing Nurses and Dead Brits
Jeannie DeAngelis

In the London 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremonies, a bizarre tribute to the Brits' failing socialized National Health Service was offered to worldwide audiences. More
Just One State, this is only one State................what an eye opener!
From the Los Angeles Times Newspaper

1. 40% of all workers in Los Angeles County (Los Angeles County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal aliens working without a green card.

95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

75% of people on the most-wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

9. 21 radio stations in Los Angeles are Spanish speaking.

10. In Los Angeles County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.
(There are 10.2 million people in Los Angeles County .)
(All 10 of the above statements are from the Los Angeles Times)
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.
Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York ) results from immigration.

29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.
We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue!
Send copies of this letter to at least two other people. 100 would be even better.
This is only one State. If this doesn't open your eyes, nothing will.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

CONTACT: Ryan Gill at press@CampaignToDefeatObama.com or (650) 678-7732

Palin's Qualifications to Serve
in White House Should Not Be Questioned

Lloyd Marcus, the Chairman of leading conservative group Campaign to Defeat Obama PAC released the following statement today in response to an ABC news report that former Vice President Dick Cheney criticized Sarah Palin’s qualifications to serve in the White House:

“To suggest that Sarah Palin does not possess the necessary qualifications to serve in the White House is ridiculous on its face. Ever since she was selected in 2008 by the Republican party’s nominee for president, then ratified by the GOP membership at the Republican Party convention, she has proven time and time again to be an extremely capable, inspiring and visionary leader. 

“Palin has proven her mettle in the years since 2008.  She has become one of the most prominent and vocal leaders of the tea party movement, and her campaign efforts have single-handedly influenced the outcome of countless senatorial, congressional and gubernatorial elections because the American people believe in her leadership skills and trust her judgment.
They know that she knows a great leader when she sees one because she herself is a great leader.

“Contrast that with the disastrous record Barack Obama has compiled since 2008.  Obama has failed the people of this nation and brought harm to our economy, national defense and the American spirit.

Campaign to Defeat Obama Vice Chair Andrea Shea King concluded:

“Sarah Palin will never be the safe choice of the GOP establishment blue bloods.

"In bucking the ‘good old boys’ throughout her entire career and proving that she could rack up accomplishments and make big differences --  as both an executive in office and a citizen activist and Tea Party leader -- she has proven she is more valuable than the whole lot of them.

"Sarah Palin’s record and leadership abilities speak for themselves and anybody would do better to emulate them than to marginalize themselves by taking swipes at her.”

“ The Left and their allies in the media will always try to personally malign conservatives for their own political purposes, but it is our responsibility to not only prevent ourselves from being sucked into these tricks and giving credence to these baseless attacks, but also to proactively fight back. This proud American conservative will not stand for these despicable sneering smears against Sarah Palin, and no conservative should.”



Half the American people do not know Obama's religion. Of course they don't. And the reason for this is because his actions speak louder than words. Obama doesn't go to church, he supports jihadist movements, he despises Israel, he derides Christians who "cling to their guns and their religion," and he he doesn't act like a Christian.


"Half of Americans Do Not Know the President’s Religion" .... duh

The media is touting yet another poll, "Half of Americans Do Not Know the President’s Religion," as proof of the ignorance of the American people. I assert the opposite logical deduction. The poll is proof that the American people are smarter than the media gives them credit for. The poll is proof that the media's campaign of deception, disinformation and Obama propaganda is failing. Finally.
Half the American people do not know Obama's religion. Of course they don't. And the reason for this is because his actions speak louder than words. Obama doesn't go to church, he supports jihadist movements, he despises Israel, he derides Christians who "cling to their guns and their religion," and he he doesn't act like a Christian. Born a Muslim (to a Muslim father), he was adopted by a Muslim (Lolo Soetoro), he lived in the largest Muslim country in the world during his childhood, and he studied Islam and quran as a child. It shaped his worldview.
Still, the media doesn't get it, and to whom do they go for comment? Hamas-CAIR. Yes, let's ask what the Muslim Brotherhood makes of the American people's logic. And what does the Hamas group blame? Why the Muslim myth of "islamophobia," of course. lol.
ABC News: Three and a half years into President Obama’s first term as president, half of Americans cannot accurately say what religion he is, according to a poll released this week.
Only 49 percent of respondents said that Obama was Christian while 17 percent inaccurately said he was Muslim.  Nearly one-third of respondents said they did not know the president’s religion, according to the poll released Thursday by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life.
More people – 60 percent – knew that Romney, who has not held elected office in a decade, was Mormon than knew which religion the sitting president subscribes to.
And while only 9 percent of respondents said Romney was a religion that he is not, more than twice that amount said Obama adheres to a religion other than Christianity. The vast majority of those claiming Obama is not a Christian said he was a Muslim.
Nearly one in three Republicans said Obama was Muslim, twice as many as in 2008, the Pew study shows.
“Unfortunately there has been a development of a bizarre echo chamber within right wing of the political spectrum that truth and reality have failed to penetrate,” said Ibrahim Hooper, communications director at Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based Muslim civil rights and advocacy group. “It’s a self-perpetuating, self-reinforcing delusion.”
Hooper said that while the tension between Muslims and Christians has not been as public since the “Ground Zero Mosque” controversy, he has seen “a steady erosion of tolerance and mutual understanding based on this relentless campaign of Islamophobia” since Obama was elected.
“It is visceral hatred for President Obama and to justify it they have to come up with these reasons: he is the other, he’s Muslim, he’s foreign born.”
It's very simple. The American people will not go quietly into the night. I addressed America's loss of confidence in Obama and the religious issue last month in the American Thinker.






This Monday, July 30th at 4:00PM Eastern Time
Dwight Kehoe of TPATH will appear in a round table discussion with moderator and patriot Mr. Gary Wilmott of the nationally heard America's Web Radio.

Author Miki Booth and Jeff Lichter of the Surprise Tea Party of Arizona will also be on the panel.

Ms. Booth is an expert on Obama's forgeries and Jeff Lichter will talk about the state of the Tea Party movement in Arizona.
I intend to speak about what New Jersey has been doing and let Gary's national audience know the Tea Party movement here, has been making history.  The new American Tea Party Congress, now more than 30 member groups strong, has begun a journey that may well shake the establishment right down to it's timbers.

Take an hour tomorrow afternoon, log on and listen.  Being a writer and not a speaker I have know idea how well I will do, but I'll do my best to get New Jersey's conservative message out.  

To listen please click the link below or click on the banner above.


TPATH Approved
The London Olympics – celebrating socialism, shopping and sentimental societal justice
 Anna Grayson Full Story
London, England-It’s the morning after the night before. The games are open, national pride is in full bloom and Danny Boyle, the Oscar winning director Slumdog Millionaire and the deeply disturbing Trainspotting  is the hero du jour. The creative mind behind the opening ceremony has got a unanimous national pat on the back for his efforts as a global audience of 4 billion got to watch London awash in a sentimental lovefest of its cultural touch points. The papers are orgasmic with reports of the “best ever opening ceremony” amidst calls for Boyle’s knighthood.
New Docs Further Prove Obama Member of Marxist Party
Documentary Evidence! Obama’s “Car Czar” is a Socialist

Why Obama Has No Intention of Losing This November

I have to confess I have a nagging fear about the upcoming election. Even though all indications point to Romney winning in November, I worry that the usurper currently in office has no intention of leaving and will be manipulating events to keep himself in place. Whether through dirty tricks, voter fraud, a Wag the Dog scenario, civil unrest leading to martial law, or a combination of all of those things, Bam is planning on staying.
Tyrants don’t go quietly.
Obama tells his audiences that he’s not through transforming the nation into…..whatever it is that he’s trying to turn it into. But beyond that, there is another powerful motive for him to cling to power.
Think about it. If Mitt manages to triumph in November – if we are able to cleanse the executive branch of the filthy commies who have taken root there, the aftermath will look a lot worse than it did when the Clintonistas left in 2001. That flurry of last minute pardons by the outgoing Clinton ( aided by Holder), the  vandalism to the White House by outgoing staffers as well as the the missing White House artifacts pale in comparison to what we would see in the wake of an Obami expulsion.
The slimy residue that will be left behind by this current crew will result in not only massive scandals but possibly prison terms when the extent of the treachery becomes known.
The only thing that protects them now, is the firewall provided by Obama’s thoroughly corrupt and compromised Justice Dept. With Holder no longer there to protect him, things could go very badly for Obama and co.
Do you think Obama’s looking forward to no longer being able to assert  executive privilege to protect himself and his fellow partners in crime?
The “Fast and Furious” gun-running fiasco which led to the assertion of executive privilege by Obama  is only the tip of the iceberg.
There is also the question of the horrendous White House national security leaks, that we know  came from Obama’s inner circle.
Not to mention the Solyndra/Green energy boondoggle of which even the cautious Romney campaign is making an issue.

And the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into the State Dept and the White House.

Jon Corzine’s “MF Global”, which disappeared $1.6 billion in client funds, was represented by Eric Holder’s law firm.

Then there’s the question of Obama’s birth certificate,  selective service card, and SS# – all of which have been deemed fraudulent by Sheriff Arpaio’s  criminal investigation.
The point is, without a doubt, all of the scandals mentioned above barely scrape the surface.  We’ll have to get rid of him and put a Republican administration in place to see just how criminally corrupt his administration has been.
And that’s why he is going to do everything he can to make damn sure that doesn’t happen.
Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


THE MUSLIM USURPER..." has traveled to the Middle East multiple times—to accept an award in Saudi Arabia, to give a major speech in Cairo, to hold town hall meetings in Turkey—but never stopped to visit our closest ally in the region.”

Obama Blasted for Failure to Visit Israel

The Emergency Committee for Israel is waging a media blitz to alert voters to President Obama’s failure to visit Israel during his four years in office.

“He’s quite a world traveler. But not to Israel. An oversight? Or an indication?” the pro-Israel organization wondered in a statement earlier today announcing a television advertisement highlighting Obama’s travel habits. “He’s traveled to the Middle East multiple times—to accept an award in Saudi Arabia, to give a major speech in Cairo, to hold town hall meetings in Turkey—but never stopped to visit our closest ally in the region.”
The 30-second spot asks viewers to consider why the president has voyaged around the world, but “hasn’t found time to visit our ally and friend Israel.”
The advertisement will run in critical swing states and those that have large Jewish populations, including Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, New York, and Washington D.C.
In addition to the television campaign, ECI published a full-page ad in 23 Jewish newspapers across the country. It highlights the concerns that Jewish leaders have with the administration’s often-aggressive stance towards Israeli officials.
After highlighting these fears, the ad asks: “What will they be saying after another four years of Obama?”


Ret.Col. Lawrence Sellin Explains Why Barack Obama Is Not In Jail

Is America Better Off Today Under Obama?

obama flag democrat Is America Better Off Today Under Obama?
Civility in all areas of American life is disappearing more rapidly under this President than during the last 100 years. The gains of the civil rights movement are being thrown away. Dr. Martin Luther King’s exhortation of ”judge a man not by the color of his skin,but by the content of his character”has been turned on its head by BLACK racism. Tolerance has become a perverted catch word for “either believe my way,or we’ll make your life hell!”The women’s movement has been hijacked by a bunch of radical feminists whose litmus test is murder. They have turned the phrase “women’s health”into a synonym for abortion. Religious freedom,under the First Amendment,is under assault by a small minority of loud mouth,intolerant people who want everyone in this country to believe in NOTHING!
The wealthy are now demonized as ”evil”because,according to Obama,they made their money off the backs of the poor.  Obama has put more people out of work and has raised the cost of energy more than any President since Jimmy Carter because of his anti-fossil fuel agenda. Entire industries,like coal,are being threatened with extinction by Obama’s EPA. Political payback is openly practiced by this administration,and taxpayer money is what is being used to facilitate that practice.  Do the “green energy”failures ring any bells? Check out who the investors are who are involved in those companies.
A new “Healthcare law”was defined by the Supreme Court as a TAX! This law was lauded as leveling the playing field for everyone in this country;yet Obama and his Progressive zombies got exemptions for all their favorite patrons (unions both public and private and certain states colored blue on the political map!) Obama refuses to enforce our immigration laws or beef up our Southern border despite the fact that Mexico has a murderous drug war going on that is spilling over into our country. Obama is in reality opening up our borders at a time when we have chronically high unemployment. Our entitlement resources are stretched to the breaking point,and there are unanswered questions about a botched, illegal gunrunning operation that resulted in two federal agents dead as well as hundreds of Mexicans.
Obama’s Justice Department,under the “leadership”of Attorney General Eric Holder,is currently fighting states that have implemented voter I.D. laws to prevent voter fraud. This is in spite of the fact that most Democratic political functions are demanding photo I.D. to gain admission! The First Lady preaches a political message from a church pulpit,an act that would have gotten a conservative crucified in the press for months! Obama has refused to work with either party in a serious attempt to put forth a budget that would clearly show the American people where his spending priorities lie. (It’s a whole lot easier to spend money when you don’t have to account for it.)
Obama has divided this country like no man I’ve seen in my lifetime. Blacks against whites,Hispanics against whites,rich against poor (and the middle class),conservatives against progressives,women against women (war on women?),and youth against seniors. Obama has started a war against religion by trying to force churches to provide “birth control”,whether they believe in it or not. He has recognized “same-sex”marriage. Since when did that become a function of the President? I thought moral and religious questions were supposed to be left to the church?
Obama has negatively impacted our relationship with Israel,a relationship that we have maintained at a very high level since Harry Truman. Our standing in the world is sinking like a stone in the minds of the global community. Our enemies no longer fear us;in fact,they have become quite good at thumbing their nose at us under Obama’s watch.
Obama has done everything he can to skirt the authority of Congress to keep the Executive branch in check. He has repeatedly violated his oath to preserve,protect,and defend our Constitution. He enforces only those laws with which he personally agrees,but the Republicans in Congress have apparently been castrated by the fear of political loss. Therefore,Obama’s dictatorship continues. I ask this of my fellow Americans and patriots:take a good,hard look at your finances and your job (or jobless) situation,and tell me that you’re better off now than you were four years ago. Remember,do not drink Obama’s Kool-aid until AFTER you answer that question honestly.
By the way,Nanny Bloomberg,have you ever considered retiring and pursuing your true calling- being a food commissar for either the Chinese or the Russians? I would bet that you would rise through the ranks quickly,and who knows,we may even see you one day taking the salute of your agency from the reviewing stand in Red Square! Well,I’m going to  finish my Big Gulp now…bottoms up! Adieu.
From Arab Spring to the coming nuclear winter
 Doug Hagmann
Obama's Muslim, Marxist and Communist agenda

Friday, July 27, 2012

Man sues for proof of Obama's eligibility
Tri-City Herald via AP

JUNEAU, Alaska — A Juneau man has filed a lawsuit trying to compel the state of Alaska to prove that President Obama is qualified to be on the ballot.

Gordon Warren Epperly claims in the lawsuit that Obama's citizenship status is unknown, and that Obama was illegally inaugurated in 2009.

CONTINUED HERE: http://www.tri-cityherald.com/2012/07/27/2035327/man-sues-for-proof-of-obamas-eligibility.html



SHERIFF JOE TEA-PARTY PRESENTATION VIDEO HERE: http://www.art2superpac.com/arizonavideo.html

-ARTICLE II ELIGIBILITY FACTS HERE: http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html


All things considered, blacks and the civil rights culture surrounding them are the most open and prolific purveyors of racism in America.

Blacks Perpetuate Racism

By Walter Hudson

It shouldn’t matter that I, an author with the audacity to select such a title, am black. The arguments presented should stand or fall on their objective merit. Nevertheless, I declare my racial identity at the outset to defuse any prejudice readers may bring regarding the motivation behind this piece. Indeed, it is in part because I am black that the following must be said.
All things considered, blacks and the civil rights culture surrounding them are the most open and prolific purveyors of racism in America. This is an ironic travesty which spits upon the graves of history’s abolitionists and offends all who are committed to a dream of equality under the law and goodwill among men.
Surely, such a claim is provocative. Unfortunately, it is also demonstrable.

How the Left Sabotages the Literary Right
Jack Cashill

All justice, all sympathy, all honesty be damned. More

Pawns in the Obama Re-Election Campaign?
Steve McCann

The Obama campaign is making a concerted effort to discourage turnout for Romney. Conservatives who surrender to the idea that Romney is not conservative enough and that it is too late to save America, are victims of several fallacies. More

Selling Out Sarah Palin
Steve Flesher

Even though Palin is no longer a presidential threat, the good old boys continue to tear her down. More

Meet Your New M.D.
Deane Waldman

What good is having health insurance if you cannot get the health care you need, when you need it? More

Thursday, July 26, 2012

To remain a free people, a new kind of do-it-yourself journalism is in order. For starters, I recommend every American seek out and watch the two Cold Case Posse press conferences on YouTube. You report and you decide. It’s better that way.

Phony document gives birth to a cover-up
Diana West tells story of Sheriff Joe's men stonewalled by officials in Hawaii
Diana West @ World Net Daily

I’m sorry to report that the substantive findings of the latest press conference held by Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse will not be appearing on Fox, on CNN or in the Washington Post. They will not be appearing in the media, period. I guess the nation’s press corps is too busy submitting its work to Obama and Romney campaign officials for “quote approval” – as the New York Times recently confessed in an outbreak of candor – to report on anything.

To remain a free people, a new kind of do-it-yourself journalism is in order. For starters, I recommend every American seek out and watch the two Cold Case Posse press conferences on YouTube. You report and you decide. It’s better that way.

The bottom line is this: The posse investigation has amassed extensive computer forensics and other evidence that the Barack Obama birth certificate posted on the White House website is a forgery. Again, I urge readers to review the case for themselves. What I want to focus on today is something at least as bad as document fraud. I want to focus on document fraud cover-up.

Listening to posse lead investigator Mike Zullo describe the investigation’s itinerary during the posse’s recent trip to Hawaii, a picture of statewide stonewalling emerges. Dead ends guarded by hunkered-down public officials. The same non-answers to the simplest questions. Canned responses. If CNN, Chris Matthews, Obama press secretary Jay Carney, Rachel Maddow, the Huffington Post and the Los Angeles Times all didn’t know so much better, a neutral observer might say it sounded like a conspiracy – an agreement between at least two people to do something shifty.

Kapiolani Medical Center was the first stop for Zullo and Detective Brian Mackiewicz. That’s where the birth certificate says Obama was born. Why visit? A retired doctor told the posse that when he was a medical resident at Kapiolani in 1970, it was common practice for a nurse to record by hand the name of every expectant mother as she entered the delivery room. After the register was filled, it was filed in the hospital library archives. Those archives are open to the public – with permission from Kapiolani.

CONTINUED HERE: http://www.wnd.com/2012/07/phony-document-gives-birth-to-a-cover-up


Did anyone vet her?...

Proof that Huma Abedin Has Muslim Brotherhood Connections
July 25, 2012

Did anyone vet her? More

...we know more about James Holmes than we do about AKA Obama.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

According to defenders of the alleged eligibility of Barack Obama (or Marco Rubio, or Bobby Jindal), any person born on US soil to one or more alien citizens could be the leader of the free world. At some point, according to that path of logic, this should have included Anwar al-Awlaki.

Should Anwar al-Awlaki have been eligible to run for President?

Anwar al-Awlaki was born in 1971 to Yemeni citizens in Las Cruces, New Mexico. US Intelligence reports that, from the age of seven, al-Awlaki was raised abroad, becoming an enemy of America, indoctrinated by the highest powers of Al-Qaida and studying under the same teachers as Osama bin Laden. He eventually influenced various terrorists such as the Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Malik Hasan, and helped plan the thwarted attack of the "Underwear Bomber," Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Al-Awlaki's phone number was found among the contact information of Ramzi bin al-Shibh, the man known as "the 20th hijacker" in the 9/11 attacks.

Those who suggest that there is no distinction between "citizen" and "Natural Born Citizen" would have us believe and accept that such a person might have been eligible to run for President of the US simply because he was born in America. According to defenders of the alleged eligibility of Barack Obama (or Marco Rubio, or Bobby Jindal), any person born on US soil to one or more alien citizens could be the leader of the free world. At some point, according to that path of logic, this should have included Anwar al-Awlaki.

So, to say that every child born in America is a natural born citizen is also to say that any foreign interest whose child was born in the US could be allowed to raise that child abroad as an enemy of the US and return that child to this country in time to meet the Constitution's 14-year residency requirement for President.

Considering that Islam has been at war with itself and the rest of the world at least since the death of Muhammad almost 1400 years ago, it takes very little imagination to project how a powerful enemy of the US might take the necessary 35 years and other resources to groom a "Manchurian Candidate" for the US Presidency. If we accept the premise that every person born in the US is a natural born citizen, we allow the establishment of a flawed precedent permitting a family such as that of Anwar al-Awlaki (or a communist government, or a Mexican drug cartel, etc.) to gain control of our country through an orchestrated, long-term attack on the Presidency.

We have a Republican candidate for President who is aware of this birth certificate issue and is being pummeled in the press to give up more tax returns so that the Democrats can destroy him by nonsense. And yet this coward, Mitt Romney, refuses to attack this fraud of a President on the birth certificate issue.

The Corruption Of America Is Complete
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 12:50

By Lord Howard Hurts

The corruption of America is complete. The Congress is corrupt. The Supreme Court is corrupt, and the President is both corrupt and a fraud. How can this be possible? Because the citizenry of this nation, for the most part, is the product of an education system that has brainwashed it students for several decades. These "Blind Sheep" only know how to destroy, or pick apart, any subject or person. They are not capable of logical reasoning. This birth certificate issue is one where logical reasoning would apply.

The case has been made by reasonable persons qualified in the field of document analysis that this document is a composite and a fraud. The press doesn't listen and then ask questions about the results found, it asks questions and attacks the persons who have presented the creditable evidence. THE GAME IS RIGGED. We have a Republican candidate for President who is aware of this birth certificate issue and is being pummeled in the press to give up more tax returns so that the Democrats can destroy him by nonsense. And yet this coward, Mitt Romney, refuses to attack this fraud of a President on the birth certificate issue.

All this confusion could be ended in one afternoon. President Obama could let Sheriff Arpaio view his real birth certificate in the vault in Hawaii, under the "protective eyes" of the press, so that it could be ascertained that the Internet version of this birth certificate and the one in the vault are one in the same. But this is not going to happen for two reasons: 1. The two versions of this certificate will not match, and 2.This great distraction is a divisional issue between the Patriot's of America and the Republican, public educated, "Blind Sheep". It is good sport as we say in England.

So now, you say, "Well if the documents don't match, that fact in itself is a crime." Yes, but does anyone really believe that it is worth fighting a civil war over such an issue? Don't mentally jump ahead, continue reading. Then you have the next question: "If the birth certificates don't match, then Obama might not be an American." Well here is where the opposition is using the true facts against the persons using logic. The opposition knows that Obama was born in Hawaii and that both his parents were American citizens. They know that Obama Sr. was not the father of the President Obama Jr. Many of these cowards in the Congress know the answer. The answer would embarrass not only President Obama, but would embarrass the nation. President Obama might not have known the actual truth of his birth until 10 years ago. Of this I am not certain, but I am sure that by the time he knew the true answer to the name of his father, he was already committed, and it was too late to correct the facts. So how do I know all this? Read on………………..

I recognized President Obama as a Marxist and was determined to find a way to "spotlight" his true politician leanings. The birth certificate issue seemed the easiest issue available so I "attacked it". Well, I had no idea that it would take nearly 3 million dollars to get to the truth of the issue. And I spent 3 long years trying to find the "weak link" in the chain to bring this birth certificate to "light".