Sunday, September 14, 2014


Obama's sympathy for Muslims is consistent. America has a Muslim poseur as commander-in-chief, not to mention the Muslims in all other areas of our government and military.
Islam is the KKK for colored folks and should be banned from Western countries as a racist, murderous, subversive cult.
Obama's sympathy for Muslims is consistent. America has a Muslim poseur as commander-in-chief, not to mention the Muslims in all other areas of our government and military.
Islam is the KKK for colored folks and should be banned from Western countries as a racist, murderous, subversive cult.
The sad part is, many saw it, and tried for literally years, to warn of both the upcoming, now in the middle-of, Constitutional Crisis, but about the problems with Obama not being "Naturally Born".
He may well have been born in Hawaii. The real issue, which became muddled by "birtherism" and name calling, was the question, "Where do a childs' loyalties lay, when that child is not 'Naturally Born'?"
Sadly, we are now living the consequences of a child that was raised in Indonesia, with an Indonesian father, when "Naturally Born" is generally read by most as being born of two parentS that are US citizens. Yes, Obama is a US citizen. No, he was not "Naturally Born".
Obama was raised as a Sunni Muslim, went to a Muslim school. All of his idealogies came from a Muslim background, even from his adoptive father, and obviously, his communist mother.
Every action Obama has taken, to date, has been beneficial to Sunni Muslims. In accordance with Sharia Law, Obama is allowed to kill other 
(_!_)bama. IS. A. MUSLIM. His sole purpose in being elected president is/was to weaken this country militarily and economically (fundamental transformation, anyone?) to further the islamic cause of (re)establishing the caliphate knowing it wouldn't be easily done with a strong determined America. Taking the country down from the inside with the most powerful office of the government makes the job much easier. Having his stooges in the AG seat and stacking the Federal courts with commie activists is just icing on the cake insuring the destruction will last long after he retires to his private opium den. (No longer a useful idiot) Manchurian candidate, indeed.
His numerous comments/gaffes and fawning over different aspects of islam told , anyone caring to listen, where his allegiance lies .
The muslim-in_chief dithers as ISIS 'triples it's strength in recent months' as reported on the news.
What's so hard about getting it that Obama is a Marxo-Musloid?
P.S. Case you haven't gotten it yet a communist coup of your government took place in 2009.
It must be so taxing to the Muslim in the White House to consistently lie and deceive the low-information voters in our electorate that he actually cares about defending the US. Yes----I know that taquia is sanctioned by the Koran to permit Muslims to lie to infidels, but to have to do it 24/7? What stress our Muslim president must be under!
Obama is a traitor, he has thrown our interests over for those of Islam, he has committed treason, when he gave weapons to Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and ISIS from Benghazi, he has been working to create a Caliphate, but it is not ISIS.
He has been plotting with Iran, who will step in at the right moment and sweep these brigands to the side, Obama has simply taken the first step and set the Sunni world on fire. All the while he has given Iran everything, even strangling the Green revolution in 2009. Which our first principles say we should have supported them, Obama turned his back on real democracy choosing to support the worlds leader in jihadi terrorism the Ayatollah.
To get the Mideast roiling he chooses to support the Arab Spring which has led to the entire Sunni sphere being in turmoil, with Islam being unleashed:


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