Obama Places USA in Submission to Iran…and Islam Itself
by Sher Zieve, ©2015

Is Obama accomplishing a goal of destroying the United States and installing an Islamic government?
(Apr. 3, 2015) — While all too many of
the American sheeple continue to sleep, Obama continues to destroy their
country. Every day, his treasonous acts grow, and every day our
elected federal officials try to find new dark corners in which to
hide. Even Republican State executives—aka governors–are now bending
and caving to the new ObamaGov that is quickly rising from the ashes of
the now-deceased USA. As quickly as Indiana and Arkansas passed freedom
of private religious (think Christian-only) businesses to sue in court
for not having to do business with the “gay” community, they caved to
said community—when its members said ‘bad things’ about them–and
virtually nullified the original bill. Question: How
much estrogen have these so-called men been taking? But, let’s get back
to the Obama situation now and save the Republican wimps and
Obama-collaborators for another column.
The ObamaGov—which was Obama’s “shadow
government”–long ago left its own dark shadows and has emerged as the
replacement for the American—aka “USA”–Republic. Illegals are let into
the country and the southern Border Patrol agents are told by the Obama
syndicate to stand down and let them all through—even the Muslim
terrorists. Illegals are being given more rights and services by Obama
than U.S. citizens, but the citizens are still expected to pay for the
illegal aliens! Obama has decimated the U.S. economy with his
over-regulation, increased taxation (think ObamaCare) and punishment
tactics used against some of the most successful companies. Note: The
downfall in the U.S. economy did begin under President Bush, but ONLY
after the Marxist-Democrats took control of both houses of Congress.
Obama has written one executive order
after another replacing existing US Law. His new “ObamaLaws” aren’t
really legal, but with the Dems and Repubs going along with them—or at
best not trying to stop them—they become de facto laws by default.
Dictator-in-Chief Obama’s latest tactic is not to even write the laws
down, but to simply speak them into existence as might a Pharaoh…or an
Imam. This is what he and his lackey team have done with the treasonous
anti-Israel/anti-USA Iran deal. In making this lunatic and
suicidal-for-the-US “deal” with Iran, what Obama has effectively done is
say to Iran, “I now submit my country to your commands and to Islam.”
North American Islamic Republic, anyone? This is and has been Obama’s
intent all along. He plans—as Van Jones once told a group of high
school students—to be President of the World. He is on his way. Let’s
take a look at his tactics.
- Obama began his take-down of Mubarak in Egypt for a Muslim
leadership even before he took possession of what was once our White
- Obama took out Libya for a strict Muslim and left it destroyed and
under Islamists. Via his actions, he ensured the murder of Libya’s
leader Qaddafi—who wanted to be the leader of a state to be formed known
as “the United States of Africa”
- He armed Al-Qaeda with U.S. weapons in order to assist them in
taking out Assad. This was an—initially only—failed mission when the
Benghazi murders and eruptions began. However, after a brief period of
time—and with the U.S. press securely in his pocket—Obama began again.
In the last few weeks, Assad has indicated he’s ready to negotiate
- He has heavily armed and trained U.S.-government department members
in military tactics. To fight against whom? C’mon, you shouldn’t even
have to think about this one
- Christians are being subjected to a worldwide genocide and Obama
does nothing. Instead, he goes golfing. In the USA, more and more
Christians are being arrested for their beliefs and being disallowed
their God-given (and U.S. Constitutional) right to free speech. There
are too many to list here, but Google “Christians arrested for free
speech” and you’ll find over 21,000,000 entries
- And Obama’s submitting to the will of Iran—and delivering what may
very well prove to be the coup de grace to the USA— as well as bringing
in hundreds of thousands of Muslims into the USA (see the ongoing
figures by going to the Center for Immigration Studies site). He is now
beginning the establishment of am Islamic country in what was once the
light and engine to the world. It is no more.
Our leaders and new feckless military
have destroyed our country, while too many of our fellow citizens sat
back and let it happen. For those who have wondered what would happen
if the USA was no more…look around. The world is on fire and the leader
of the world coup smiles, laughs and goes golfing. Questions?
“The coming of the lawless one is
according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying
wonders”–2 Thessalonians 2: 9
“And he shall speak
great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High,
and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time
.”–Daniel 7:25
Border Patrol Agents told to Stand Down
Obama provides (almost) free everything to illegals for 2 years
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