Monday, July 27, 2009

America...Spinning Out of Control

Halt Obama Nation and Rebuild America

Monday, July 27, 2009 9:54 AM

By: John L. Perry

The conundrum facing America is not how to drydock Barack Obama’s Marxist juggernaut. It’s how to restore national sanity and security.

What’s needed now is nothing short of reforming an entire nation, its economy, its politics, and its culture to the critical juncture from which America most recently lurched off course, under the auspices of Obamaism.

The first necessity is to halt that Obama ruination. The next, to reconstitute an entire nation, only the greatest ever known in history. Not duck soup.

The purpose of that reformation is to set forth, once again, toward the future the Founding Fathers intended for this country. That destination simply cannot be reached from where Obama, his leftist majority in Congress, and their running dogs in the masscomm elite have, ruinously, taken these United States.

Stopping Obama’s onslaught on capitalism and individual initiative in its tracks, arduous as that obviously will be, is child’s play compared with the far-larger feat: reversing things and restoring them to the status quo ante.

Undoing what this new president hath wrought is nothing so routine or flight-tested as reversing thrust on the four jet turbines of a landing Boeing 747. For one thing, it’s never been tried, for the simple reason no socio-economic experiment of this magnitude has ever before been undertaken in this country.

How do you unwind a tornado? Reverse a tidal bore? Return a hurricane to the horse latitudes? Un-belch a volcano full of pumice ash? Un-strike, recoil, and defang a rattler? Walk an insidious civet cat backward?

Initially, you have to sell most Americans, or at least enough of them short of a majority, that it’s a good idea, let alone a self-survival necessity. At first hearing, this sounds a lot like old-fashioned, reactionary Republicanism — turning back the clock, retreating to the bad, ol’ days, and all that awful stuff no one in his right mind wants in the 21st century.

That’s going backward from where you are, and it’s not at all what this is about. This is a reversal of direction, and it must be undertaken with no time to spare.

Even to allow Obama’s socialist programs a mere toe in the water could prove to be too late. These programs are like flypaper or unspeakable social disease. The elevator to the hell of a Marxist society goes in only one direction – ever higher into costs taken from appropriations of individuals’ earned incomes.

It is no exaggeration that government programs, once launched, are nigh impossible to return to port. What government agency ever died of old age, committed suicide, or was allowed to perish from lack of taxation nutrition? These monsters are beyond big-game species that can be felled by a bullet between the horns. They shrug off attempts to drive a stake through the heart.

What creates big-government statism what perpetuates it. Around each new or enhanced program instantly coalesces a protective coating of dependent constituencies, drone-bee lobbyists, and parasitic tributary programs with their own subsets of tax-suckers.

Add a few billion in taxpayer dollars to an agency’s budget, and that automatically becomes the floor below which next year’s appropriators dare not go, out of fear of retribution by re-election-funding special interests. In the Obama lexicon, enough is never.

Margaret Thatcher spent more than a decade trying to cleanse the United Kingdom of its frolic with the welfare state. She still couldn’t rid it of socialized medicine, which to this day saps the very character of that once-great people.

It won’t be enough for Republicans just to be “the party of no” and stop there. They will also have to propose national alternatives that begin all over again where Barack Obama first seduced America into his leftward-spiraling, all-consuming maelstrom of latter-day Marxism.

If they fail, this nation will be down on its hands and knees for decades, scouring floors in an Augean stable where no one-time sluice will suffice to eradicate the bacilli of socialism from forever attempting a comeback.

John L. Perry, a prize-winning newspaper editor and writer who served on White House staffs of two presidents, is a regular columnist for Read John Perry's columns here.

© 2009 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mr. Perry. It's time to revamp the system. The two party scam is finished. We need a new party that will sign a charter of intent to function only under constitutional guidelines. No Republicans and no Democrats anymore - just genuine Americans for America.



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