Friday, August 28, 2009

America is locked in a political and cultural battle for her very existence. MUST READ!

“Tyranny, like hell is not easily conquered.” Tom Paine

The wages of sin is death, but the ultimate result of unfettered “progressivism” will be just as dire. Marching under the contrived banner of social “progress” the Marxists have seized the reins of government through a combination of deception and public misdirection and now threaten our Republic with extinction. America is locked in a political and cultural battle for her very existence. This is a fight to the death, and it is a fight we must win, or face losing our beloved country forever. We are running out of time. Events are already beginning to outpace our efforts to react. The “progressive” program of deconstructing America and presenting its prostrate corpse to an eager global audience encompasses a broad spectrum of efforts at both the local and national level. The consequences of their diabolical machinations are more apparent with every passing day.

As border security is further relaxed by the current administration, illegal immigration is increasing significantly. Four years of unimpeded immigration from Mexico, and the resultant millions of newly registered Democratic voters will render the Republicans, as well as true conservatism in general, impotent on the national stage. When Obama signs the inevitable amnesty bill, it will signal a period of one party dominance for at least a generation, possibly longer. The inevitable demise of the Republican Party will speed the transition from constitutional republic to the new welfare state. True patriots will no doubt bid the fat-cat Republicans good riddance, but will struggle to find new leadership. Simple demographics will frustrate any attempt to launch an effective challenge.

Within one generation The southwest will become almost unrecognizable as an American region as hispanic city councils and local governments replace traditionally Anglo institutions. Because of the “progressive” program of open borders anarchy, La Raza’s dream of the “reconquista” is fast becoming reality.

Health care costs will rise rapidly as the system is swamped by non-paying beneficiaries pouring across our southern border. The subsequent passage of a single payer, universal healthcare system will break the middle class financially. Tax rates could reach 55% or greater as is currently the case in Canada.

The drug trade is escalating in scope and intensity. Law enforcement is becoming almost exclusively committed to combating ever more pervasive gang activity. This is most evident along the southern border where police and Border Patrol agents are now engaged in an all-out war, albeit an undeclared one. Community policing will soon be virtually non-existent. Law abiding citizens are realizing that they are becoming increasingly responsible for their own security.

We are witnessing the solidification and expansion of abortion prerogatives. Roe v. Wade will never be overturned. On the contrary, the new “healthcare bill” threatens to force physicians to perform an act which violates their Hippocratic Oath and taxpayers to fund the practice against the dictates of their own conscience.

Heller v. District of Columbia is already being challenged and ignored in numerous municipalities across our nation. Expect it to be overturned completely as the “progressives” appoint more and more of their disciples to the federal courts. Gun rights are disappearing in the larger urban areas extremely rapidly. Erosion of gun rights is proceeding slower in the hinterland, but regardless of the pace, ever-increasing levels of regulation will effectively nullify the 2nd Amendment within 10 years.

Private property is increasingly coming under federal scrutiny and subsequent seizure in the guise of environmental protection and infrastructure necessities. The “climate change” hoax is being used to justify new transportation, energy usage, and ever more burdensome corporate regulatory impositions.

The reintroduction of the Fairness Doctrine by the Democratic Congress is fast approaching. It will pass, be challenged, and will be upheld by the courts. This will result in tax dollars subsidizing “equal time” for leftist radio and television programs which did not survive the free market. Expect to see conservative and traditionalist outlets come under severe governmental pressure.

We are beginning to see “progressive” legislators advocating tighter government scrutiny and regulation of the internet along with taxes on e-mail and many other internet transactions. Surveillance of private correspondence is already intensifying even before a new Democratically crafted “Patriot Act” has been introduced to give it the appearance of legitimacy.

Deterioration of free exercise as protected by the 1st Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is accelerating. “Intolerant” Christianity is being forced into the shadows, and alternative religions and values are gaining in popular currency. Gay marriage is now commonplace, and traditional gender roles will be rendered irrelevant within a generation.

Public education, already compromised as a serious effort, is throwing off all pretense of academic preparation in favor of political and cultural indoctrination. As demonstrated by intensive polling, 51% of the American electorate already believe that redistribution of wealth is a “good idea.” Teaching of traditional American civic virtues are being entirely replaced by lessons in toleration and acceptance of alternative perspectives and lifestyles. The product will be an ignorant, inefficient workforce and a complacent electorate. The ultimate result will be solidification of the socialist state.

Corporate entities and capital will flee unsustainable taxation rates as the bills for universal healthcare and cap and trade legislation come due. Unemployment will skyrocket. The dollar will decline against foreign currencies. Foreign investment in American debt will begin to recede and will eventually cease altogether, thus ultimately collapsing the entire house of cards.

U.S. Military readiness is declining and funding will continue to dry up as new entitlement programs take precedence over national security. Foreign powers will exploit this weakness, and American energy requirements will suffer as producing nations seek new security arrangements in the absence of American power.

The ravages of “progressivism” will force Americans to adapt to a new and unfamiliar reality. The very fabric of American society is on the verge of being torn asunder. Balkanization is inevitable. As communities find their interests and values dismissed and frustrated by a hostile federal government they will begin to turn inward on themselves.

Gated communities will become the norm. Private security will largely replace reliance on the police. Home schooling and private education will further increase the divide between wealth and dependence. Despite the “progressives” promises of equality and social harmony, friction between the classes will actually increase and intensify leading to resentment, suspicion, and violence. The acceleration of violent crime will only serve to further cement individualistic intransigence in traditionalist sub regions. Ultimately these reactionary communities will begin to challenge federal prerogatives in the interest of their own survival. At this point federal authorities will move with resolve and overwhelming force to reassert their authority. The result could very well be civil war.

The arrival of full-blown socialism will, by necessity, circumvent and dilute the U.S. Constitution’s heretofore almost miraculous ability to make the American “idea” possible. With the Constitution rendered null and void competing interests previously held in check by the realities of equal protection, due process and the unimpeded pursuit of profit will quickly replace national interests with their own. For all its bluster the federal government will soon discover that it has neither the carrots nor the sticks to successfully enforce reconciliation between factions whose interests have, in actuality, always been diametrically opposed.

Civil unrest and armed conflict between varying interests in a regionally fractured America will be an exceedingly complex affair not unlike many of the problems encountered by coalition forces in Iraq. Racial animosity will play a major role by default. However, the recent emergence of a nascent black middle class may well result in bi-racial alliances based on economic interests and shared values in many cases. The overall scope of conflict will defy logical analysis as divided political loyalties, class identities, racial animosities, religious affiliations, nationalistic sympathies, federal, state, and local interests begin the scramble for control and the establishment of autonomous enclaves. America as we now know it will simply cease to exist.

The conflict is likely to be prolonged and characterized by sharp engagements by small units operating against both competing interest groups and federal forces. The new frontier of internecine warfare will be multifaceted and highly complicated with both multiple fronts and multiple threats.

In the history of mankind there has never been a country that even approaches the majesty of the diverse patchwork that is America. Only the genius of the U.S. Constitution made the American experience possible. In the end America will be remembered as a short-lived miracle, a “noble experiment” gone tragically wrong. Her passing will be mourned world wide as the lights of our shining city upon a hill slowly fade to darkness … extinguishing the hopes of millions along with them. It didn’t have to be. Yet this is the nightmare we must face if the “progressives” are not stopped.

Those who would save their country and their children’s future must act now to slay the beast that threatens us all with oblivion. By necessity this fight must be waged at the local level by bull-headed patriots willing to fight and die for their beliefs. To this end the Louisiana Home Guard is prepared to stand in the breach. We are resolved to die with our brothers and sisters rather than sheepishly submit to enslavement and the tyranny of evil men. Join us, and fight. Together we can preserve the light of freedom for our children, our families, our communities, and our nation.

“When war does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard.” - Stonewall Jackson

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