Wednesday, August 26, 2009

At what point do we take our refusal to be controlled and manipulated by tyrants to the next level?

The Founders would be up in arms…literally


By Robert Moon

Our Constitution and our rights are under attack…from those who are supposed to be representing our interests.

The Founders wrote the Bill of Rights as a protection of the states and citizens against the federal government. They added it to the Constitution specifically to assure hesitant states that this new federal government they were creating would never trample their rights.

And as spelled out in the 10th Amendment, anything not specifically listed in the Constitution as a federal power is a power the federal government does not have, and that belongs instead to the states. That means nearly 100% of the power in this country was supposed to be at the state and local level. The only powers the federal government was ever supposed to have were extremely narrow, including things like defending our borders, dealing with foreign governments, and interstate matters.

But despite the exhaustive pains taken by the Founders to make this unmistakably clear, Democrats still continue utterly trampling everything this country was designed to be and stand for. Whether it be trying to nationalize everything, trying to silence dissent through the “Fairness” Doctrine and Card-Check, or corrupting the Census Bureau for partisan gain, the left is at war with the Constitution.

They rationalize it by deliberately misrepresenting the text, such as the Commerce Clause, which allows Congress to regulate trade between the states. They outrageously claim that anything in any way connected to interstate trade (which is everything) qualifies as “commerce” and is therefore subject to federal intervention.

Why would Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution even bother spelling out the powers of Congress in the first place if anyone involved meant for it to have a general power of legislation?

They also misuse the General Welfare clause, which allows the federal government to collect taxes to provide for the “general welfare of the United States.” They pretend that this is a blanket authorization for the federal government to do anything it wants, as long as it can be construed to benefit the general welfare of the country. But the architect of the Constitution himself, James Madison, emphatically rejected this treasonous twisting of the text, explaining that it would render…

…the special and careful enumeration of powers which follow the clause nugatory and improper. Such a view of the Constitution would have the effect of giving to Congress a general power of legislation instead of the defined and limited one hitherto understood to belong to them.

Barack Obama has no authority under the Constitution to be silencing dissent or bankrupting this country to reward failure and punish success. When he abandons the rule of law to impose total government control over one industry after another while creating czars to avoid any and all checks and balances, he is declaring war on the American people. His ongoing attempts to forcibly redistribute health care from the sick and elderly to illegal immigrants and the rest of the Democrat base is just the latest assault.

The federal government has broken its end of the agreement. And the people are demanding answers, but all they get from Washington is either a dialtone or vicious partisan smears.

According to the Founders, we do not have to take such egregious violations of our rights and freedoms lying down. Thomas Jefferson made it abundantly clear in the Declaration of Independence that man has both the right and the responsibility to rise up and “alter or abolish” government that becomes adversarial to his interests.

We hold the power here, not them. No government is legitimate that we do not authorize. This government has forgotten who is in charge and how this arrangement was supposed to work. The only question now is, when is enough enough?

Where is our line in the sand? At what point do we take our refusal to be controlled and manipulated by tyrants to the next level? The moment is rapidly approaching at which we will need to have definitive answers to these questions.

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