Monday, November 9, 2009
Unite Behind JB Williams-Pledge Your Support, Let me hear it people Are You With Us !!!!
37 Responses to “United We Stand - Divided We Fall”
1.bill Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 9:43 am
Just pledged up.I can only ask everyone who reads this “What
is your Freedom worth ? “
2.darrell Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 10:37 am
I just pledged up.
3.Tuxkabin Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 10:59 am
I pledge two hundred and change. I pledge to become a freedom fighter as well. I would pefer to give to freedom than Obama and his NWO.Let’s kick butt.
4.thistle Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 11:55 am
I pleadged….and the amount was triggered by the news this morning that the *^&% Dems in Senate approved the climate bill, again without any input from the Republicans. I’m hoppin’ mad right now. I’m sure they did this so Obama can go to Copenhagen and sign over our sovereignty next month.
5.Bob Snyder Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 12:03 pm
Pledged $100 and passed this on to 20 others…I would be willing to pledge a monthly donation if this thing takes off like I pray it will!
God Bless America!
6.Robert Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 12:08 pm
You’re right about America being “Devinely inspired”. You can read in the Book of Genesis how ancient America and Great Britain inherited the Birthright Promise. It was ordained 6000 years ago that these two nations would control most of the world… for a short time. You can also read about our split with Great Britain. This “split” was necessary for prophecy to be fulfilled. Understanding prophecy is not hard if you will allow the Bible to interpret itself and not try to read something into it that is not there.
7.William Jones Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 4:51 pm
Me Too!!!!! I pledged!!!! I want my country back!!!!
8.French Canadian Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 6:19 pm
That is a great idea. But make sure that you only pick conservative republicans who believe in the Constitution, which means that they believe that the POTUS must meet the requirements of the Constitution.
That is the first step and the most primordial one. If you elect republicans in 2010 who leave the Usurper in the Oval office till 2012, then you might as well have vote for democrats since it will be the same thing. With a Usurper sitting as POTUS, your Constitution will still be moot no matter how many republicans you will have voted in. Make sure they will be willing to kick the bum out.
9.MtnMyst Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 7:11 pm
I pledged most of the money I’d been saving for Christmas - folks will be getting cookies this year! After all, without Freedom, there’d BE no Christmas!
10.NewEnglandPatriot Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 8:36 pm
I’m going to sign right now. I’d visited the pledge page before and was one of those people whom J.B. Williams identified last night as completely unable to give. My husband and I must let go of three apartment buildings on which our entire retirement was based, so I have been unable to give to anything in several months. With high unemployment and tenants who don’t pay the rent and destroy the property, we have gone from doing well to practically impoverished. I even went to apply for energy assistance yesterday, explaining that we’ve filled all of the oil tanks for our remaining tenants but can’t afford to fill our own.
At any rate, I will pledge the $1.00 that Neil suggested.
Did anyone read on Orly’s site that several congressmen are writing or have written a letter to Obama asking him to show his original birth certificate? One of them is running for governor in his state and evidently had the guts to start it. It’s at the top of Orly’s site this evening.
Let’s pray, and I’m going to pledge.
11.NewEnglandPatriot Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 8:38 pm
Just pledged the $1.00. I wish it could be more. I know everyone is suffering right now.
12.roderick Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 9:35 pm
Go to and sign on. Also spread the word.
13.Follow the Constitution Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 10:45 pm
Jesus! Now they are openly talking about it!
U.K. Green Advisor: Cut Britain’s Population in Half,2933,510377,00.html
UK population must fall to 30m, says Porritt
I say we agree with them and start with all liberals first! LOL
14.WRM - MO Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 3:01 am
My pledge is in and I too am ready to be a Freedom Fighter!
15.Jo Ann Allen Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 3:37 am
I just wish I could pledge some money but right now I just can’t afford with things the way they are money wise these days I have to be very careful of every thing I spend but will do so when I feel I can spare a little money for a great cause I am with you 100% and if I can help any other way I will be happy to.
16.usfrog Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 3:47 am
I will pledge, $100 is a small price to pay for our freedom. And for the D’s passing the climate bill, etc. behind closed doors, surely this is illegal. Pelosi for one, needs to end up in jail at least for signing those two different documents vetting BHO for President.
17.Alexander Gofen Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 5:12 am
I pledge $2000 (receivable only via the attorney Dr. Orly Taitz) to the first - and only the first - sitting Senator or Representative who fulfills the following three conditions:
1. The recipient officially acknowledges that he/she is guilty in overlooking illegality of Obama’s campaign and in being negligent to understand what the Natural Born Citizenship really means (both parents must be US citizens).
2. In order to correct the mistake, the recipient shell immediately initiate a prosecution of the impostor in the Congress for perjury, fraud, multiple social security numbers.
3. The recipient shell immediately become a plaintiff in Dr. Taitz’s law suits claiming illegality of Obama’s presidency.
18.merrygale Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 8:52 am
I pledged the $100. I’m unemployed right now and this is a stretch for me, but it’s also a small price to pay for the future of my daughter and my grandson. I want their future to be freedom so I’m fighting this fight for them. I believe in what you’re doing and will spread the word to those in my network.
19.Hoyt Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 10:32 am
I pledged $200. But I agree with the French Canadian. We need to kick the bum out. We all so need to educate every one we come in contact with about our Constitution. Every one needs to understand that Obama is not legit according to our constitution. Jefferson Davis made it perfectly clear when he said “We can say with confidence that a natural born citizen of the U.S. means those persons born whose father the U.S. already has an established jurisdiction over, i e. born to fathers who are themselves citizens of the U.S.” People we need to kick our own rear ends if we let this outlaw sit in our White House. Personally I would like to throw him out on his head today but if we can throw him out on his last day in office that will work also. Makes everything he has done null and void.
20.Carol Jones Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 12:29 pm
I pledged $100.00.
21.Robert Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 12:42 pm
Alexander Gofen, I’ll see that $2000 and raise you a thousand…
22.Mary Oele Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 12:47 pm
I can do this!
23.leisureal Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 1:46 pm
I am on S.S., but I signed up for $50 and if this becomes a go deal, by God, I will find another $50.
I have often said we have too many independent groups trying to fight these crooks in Washington and we need to combine our efforts into one huge campaign and battle to win!
24.leisureal Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 1:49 pm
I will be sending the email to iver 100 people and requesting that people read JB Williams reports and consider making a pledge.
25.Sam Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 3:31 pm
I have to tell you that I already pledged my life, my honor and my fortune to my country so the $200 I posted is a token meant not to demean the less fortunate as the real gift is the honor of giving for the sacred laws of liberty and freedom.
26.Robert R. Olds Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 6:07 pm
I pledged and urge EVERYONE to get on ONE bandwagon so we can take back our country from the devil’s advocates in DC !!
If we ALL vote together, we CAN DO IT !!
27.disenchanted Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 8:22 pm
just read this - it is horrific- you can be sent to jail for 5 years if you don’t adhere to peliese’s plan
this bill must be stopped
PELOSI: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail
JCT Confirms Failure to Comply with Democrats’ Mandate Can Lead to 5 Years in Jail Friday, November 06, 2009
Today, Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.
In response to the JCT letter, Camp said: “This is the ultimate example of the Democrats’ command-and-control style of governing – buy what we tell you or go to jail. It is outrageous and it should be stopped immediately.”
Key excerpts from the JCT letter appear below:
“H.R. 3962 provides that an individual (or a husband and wife in the case of a joint return) who does not, at any time during the taxable year, maintain acceptable health insurance coverage for himself or herself and each of his or her qualifying children is subject to an additional tax.” [page 1]
“If the government determines that the taxpayer’s unpaid tax liability results from willful behavior, the following penalties could apply…” [page 2]
“Criminal penalties
Prosecution is authorized under the Code for a variety of offenses. Depending on the level of the noncompliance, the following penalties could apply to an individual:
• Section 7203 – misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
• Section 7201 – felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.” [page 3]
When confronted with this same issue during its consideration of a similar individual mandate tax, the Senate Finance Committee worked on a bipartisan basis to include language in its bill that shielded Americans from civil and criminal penalties. The Pelosi bill, however, contains no similar language protecting American citizens from civil and criminal tax penalties that could include a $250,000 fine and five years in jail.
“The Senate Finance Committee had the good sense to eliminate the extreme penalty of incarceration. Speaker Pelosi’s decision to leave in the jail time provision is a threat to every family who cannot afford the $15,000 premium her plan creates. Fortunately, Republicans have an alternative that will lower health insurance costs without raising taxes or cutting Medicare,” said Camp.
According to the Congressional Budget Office the lowest cost family non-group plan under the Speaker’s bill would cost $15,000 in 2016.
28.Bobbie Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 8:44 pm
My pledge is in! I’m on SS, but I will scrimp and save to get it up and give more if I can. We The People will stop this madness in our government one way or the other. Let’s roll!!! God Bless America. Don’t forget to pray for our Country.
29.Kenneth Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 10:24 pm
Just read that Rep. Steve King of Iowa is asking for citizen protest again Saturday at 1 PM on capitol east wing to again protest the Health Bill.
Even shorter notice than before but perhaps some can make it.
See his web for information. Article also on American Patrol Report. I do Not have the web links handy to post, sorry.
30.Ralph Says:
November 7th, 2009 at 2:56 am
I just signed up and pledged $25.00 I also am on SSI disability and money is tight, but will get it there when needed.
31.Richard Lombardi Says:
November 7th, 2009 at 3:22 am
I just pledged. Lets keep our country. Let freedom ring!!!
32.bill Says:
November 7th, 2009 at 9:27 pm
made my pledge, i give it for freedom before the government takes all of it
33.Can “We the People” Really Unite? Tea Party News Watch Says:
November 8th, 2009 at 12:55 pm
[...] United We Stand – Divided We Fall [...]
34.Linda Says:
November 8th, 2009 at 3:43 pm
I just pledged $100. This is the first time I’ve ever given money to a political cause. This time the caues is freedom. My parents escaped communism 37 years ago with me and my brother to come to America. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let this great country go down the same route. Vote all the RINOs out in 2010 and vote only conservatives in.
35.The People WANT to Unite! But can they? ~ By JB Williams « -THE "G" BLOGS ~ Gunny G Online - Says:
November 8th, 2009 at 6:41 pm
[...] Patriots and TEA Partiers Nationwide Ban Together to Create 527 … United We Stand – Divided We Fall [...]
36.Wayne Says:
November 8th, 2009 at 11:20 pm
I pledged $25 to get things going but unless we repent as a nation and turn back to God it will all be for nothing.
37.Steve In Texas Says:
November 9th, 2009 at 1:07 am
I pledged and am requesting my blog readers pledge as well.
We at Give Us Liberty are in full support of JB Williams and his idea. We need to get ALL 2000 Patriot groups, and blogs on board. Perhaps we need a National Conference meeting or an online conference to speed this process up.
37 Responses to “United We Stand - Divided We Fall”
1.bill Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 9:43 am
Just pledged up.I can only ask everyone who reads this “What
is your Freedom worth ? “
2.darrell Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 10:37 am
I just pledged up.
3.Tuxkabin Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 10:59 am
I pledge two hundred and change. I pledge to become a freedom fighter as well. I would pefer to give to freedom than Obama and his NWO.Let’s kick butt.
4.thistle Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 11:55 am
I pleadged….and the amount was triggered by the news this morning that the *^&% Dems in Senate approved the climate bill, again without any input from the Republicans. I’m hoppin’ mad right now. I’m sure they did this so Obama can go to Copenhagen and sign over our sovereignty next month.
5.Bob Snyder Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 12:03 pm
Pledged $100 and passed this on to 20 others…I would be willing to pledge a monthly donation if this thing takes off like I pray it will!
God Bless America!
6.Robert Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 12:08 pm
You’re right about America being “Devinely inspired”. You can read in the Book of Genesis how ancient America and Great Britain inherited the Birthright Promise. It was ordained 6000 years ago that these two nations would control most of the world… for a short time. You can also read about our split with Great Britain. This “split” was necessary for prophecy to be fulfilled. Understanding prophecy is not hard if you will allow the Bible to interpret itself and not try to read something into it that is not there.
7.William Jones Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 4:51 pm
Me Too!!!!! I pledged!!!! I want my country back!!!!
8.French Canadian Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 6:19 pm
That is a great idea. But make sure that you only pick conservative republicans who believe in the Constitution, which means that they believe that the POTUS must meet the requirements of the Constitution.
That is the first step and the most primordial one. If you elect republicans in 2010 who leave the Usurper in the Oval office till 2012, then you might as well have vote for democrats since it will be the same thing. With a Usurper sitting as POTUS, your Constitution will still be moot no matter how many republicans you will have voted in. Make sure they will be willing to kick the bum out.
9.MtnMyst Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 7:11 pm
I pledged most of the money I’d been saving for Christmas - folks will be getting cookies this year! After all, without Freedom, there’d BE no Christmas!
10.NewEnglandPatriot Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 8:36 pm
I’m going to sign right now. I’d visited the pledge page before and was one of those people whom J.B. Williams identified last night as completely unable to give. My husband and I must let go of three apartment buildings on which our entire retirement was based, so I have been unable to give to anything in several months. With high unemployment and tenants who don’t pay the rent and destroy the property, we have gone from doing well to practically impoverished. I even went to apply for energy assistance yesterday, explaining that we’ve filled all of the oil tanks for our remaining tenants but can’t afford to fill our own.
At any rate, I will pledge the $1.00 that Neil suggested.
Did anyone read on Orly’s site that several congressmen are writing or have written a letter to Obama asking him to show his original birth certificate? One of them is running for governor in his state and evidently had the guts to start it. It’s at the top of Orly’s site this evening.
Let’s pray, and I’m going to pledge.
11.NewEnglandPatriot Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 8:38 pm
Just pledged the $1.00. I wish it could be more. I know everyone is suffering right now.
12.roderick Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 9:35 pm
Go to and sign on. Also spread the word.
13.Follow the Constitution Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 10:45 pm
Jesus! Now they are openly talking about it!
U.K. Green Advisor: Cut Britain’s Population in Half,2933,510377,00.html
UK population must fall to 30m, says Porritt
I say we agree with them and start with all liberals first! LOL
14.WRM - MO Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 3:01 am
My pledge is in and I too am ready to be a Freedom Fighter!
15.Jo Ann Allen Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 3:37 am
I just wish I could pledge some money but right now I just can’t afford with things the way they are money wise these days I have to be very careful of every thing I spend but will do so when I feel I can spare a little money for a great cause I am with you 100% and if I can help any other way I will be happy to.
16.usfrog Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 3:47 am
I will pledge, $100 is a small price to pay for our freedom. And for the D’s passing the climate bill, etc. behind closed doors, surely this is illegal. Pelosi for one, needs to end up in jail at least for signing those two different documents vetting BHO for President.
17.Alexander Gofen Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 5:12 am
I pledge $2000 (receivable only via the attorney Dr. Orly Taitz) to the first - and only the first - sitting Senator or Representative who fulfills the following three conditions:
1. The recipient officially acknowledges that he/she is guilty in overlooking illegality of Obama’s campaign and in being negligent to understand what the Natural Born Citizenship really means (both parents must be US citizens).
2. In order to correct the mistake, the recipient shell immediately initiate a prosecution of the impostor in the Congress for perjury, fraud, multiple social security numbers.
3. The recipient shell immediately become a plaintiff in Dr. Taitz’s law suits claiming illegality of Obama’s presidency.
18.merrygale Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 8:52 am
I pledged the $100. I’m unemployed right now and this is a stretch for me, but it’s also a small price to pay for the future of my daughter and my grandson. I want their future to be freedom so I’m fighting this fight for them. I believe in what you’re doing and will spread the word to those in my network.
19.Hoyt Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 10:32 am
I pledged $200. But I agree with the French Canadian. We need to kick the bum out. We all so need to educate every one we come in contact with about our Constitution. Every one needs to understand that Obama is not legit according to our constitution. Jefferson Davis made it perfectly clear when he said “We can say with confidence that a natural born citizen of the U.S. means those persons born whose father the U.S. already has an established jurisdiction over, i e. born to fathers who are themselves citizens of the U.S.” People we need to kick our own rear ends if we let this outlaw sit in our White House. Personally I would like to throw him out on his head today but if we can throw him out on his last day in office that will work also. Makes everything he has done null and void.
20.Carol Jones Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 12:29 pm
I pledged $100.00.
21.Robert Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 12:42 pm
Alexander Gofen, I’ll see that $2000 and raise you a thousand…
22.Mary Oele Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 12:47 pm
I can do this!
23.leisureal Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 1:46 pm
I am on S.S., but I signed up for $50 and if this becomes a go deal, by God, I will find another $50.
I have often said we have too many independent groups trying to fight these crooks in Washington and we need to combine our efforts into one huge campaign and battle to win!
24.leisureal Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 1:49 pm
I will be sending the email to iver 100 people and requesting that people read JB Williams reports and consider making a pledge.
25.Sam Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 3:31 pm
I have to tell you that I already pledged my life, my honor and my fortune to my country so the $200 I posted is a token meant not to demean the less fortunate as the real gift is the honor of giving for the sacred laws of liberty and freedom.
26.Robert R. Olds Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 6:07 pm
I pledged and urge EVERYONE to get on ONE bandwagon so we can take back our country from the devil’s advocates in DC !!
If we ALL vote together, we CAN DO IT !!
27.disenchanted Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 8:22 pm
just read this - it is horrific- you can be sent to jail for 5 years if you don’t adhere to peliese’s plan
this bill must be stopped
PELOSI: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail
JCT Confirms Failure to Comply with Democrats’ Mandate Can Lead to 5 Years in Jail Friday, November 06, 2009
Today, Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.
In response to the JCT letter, Camp said: “This is the ultimate example of the Democrats’ command-and-control style of governing – buy what we tell you or go to jail. It is outrageous and it should be stopped immediately.”
Key excerpts from the JCT letter appear below:
“H.R. 3962 provides that an individual (or a husband and wife in the case of a joint return) who does not, at any time during the taxable year, maintain acceptable health insurance coverage for himself or herself and each of his or her qualifying children is subject to an additional tax.” [page 1]
“If the government determines that the taxpayer’s unpaid tax liability results from willful behavior, the following penalties could apply…” [page 2]
“Criminal penalties
Prosecution is authorized under the Code for a variety of offenses. Depending on the level of the noncompliance, the following penalties could apply to an individual:
• Section 7203 – misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
• Section 7201 – felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.” [page 3]
When confronted with this same issue during its consideration of a similar individual mandate tax, the Senate Finance Committee worked on a bipartisan basis to include language in its bill that shielded Americans from civil and criminal penalties. The Pelosi bill, however, contains no similar language protecting American citizens from civil and criminal tax penalties that could include a $250,000 fine and five years in jail.
“The Senate Finance Committee had the good sense to eliminate the extreme penalty of incarceration. Speaker Pelosi’s decision to leave in the jail time provision is a threat to every family who cannot afford the $15,000 premium her plan creates. Fortunately, Republicans have an alternative that will lower health insurance costs without raising taxes or cutting Medicare,” said Camp.
According to the Congressional Budget Office the lowest cost family non-group plan under the Speaker’s bill would cost $15,000 in 2016.
28.Bobbie Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 8:44 pm
My pledge is in! I’m on SS, but I will scrimp and save to get it up and give more if I can. We The People will stop this madness in our government one way or the other. Let’s roll!!! God Bless America. Don’t forget to pray for our Country.
29.Kenneth Says:
November 6th, 2009 at 10:24 pm
Just read that Rep. Steve King of Iowa is asking for citizen protest again Saturday at 1 PM on capitol east wing to again protest the Health Bill.
Even shorter notice than before but perhaps some can make it.
See his web for information. Article also on American Patrol Report. I do Not have the web links handy to post, sorry.
30.Ralph Says:
November 7th, 2009 at 2:56 am
I just signed up and pledged $25.00 I also am on SSI disability and money is tight, but will get it there when needed.
31.Richard Lombardi Says:
November 7th, 2009 at 3:22 am
I just pledged. Lets keep our country. Let freedom ring!!!
32.bill Says:
November 7th, 2009 at 9:27 pm
made my pledge, i give it for freedom before the government takes all of it
33.Can “We the People” Really Unite? Tea Party News Watch Says:
November 8th, 2009 at 12:55 pm
[...] United We Stand – Divided We Fall [...]
34.Linda Says:
November 8th, 2009 at 3:43 pm
I just pledged $100. This is the first time I’ve ever given money to a political cause. This time the caues is freedom. My parents escaped communism 37 years ago with me and my brother to come to America. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let this great country go down the same route. Vote all the RINOs out in 2010 and vote only conservatives in.
35.The People WANT to Unite! But can they? ~ By JB Williams « -THE "G" BLOGS ~ Gunny G Online - Says:
November 8th, 2009 at 6:41 pm
[...] Patriots and TEA Partiers Nationwide Ban Together to Create 527 … United We Stand – Divided We Fall [...]
36.Wayne Says:
November 8th, 2009 at 11:20 pm
I pledged $25 to get things going but unless we repent as a nation and turn back to God it will all be for nothing.
37.Steve In Texas Says:
November 9th, 2009 at 1:07 am
I pledged and am requesting my blog readers pledge as well.
We at Give Us Liberty are in full support of JB Williams and his idea. We need to get ALL 2000 Patriot groups, and blogs on board. Perhaps we need a National Conference meeting or an online conference to speed this process up.
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