Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I went to The Donald's site and sent this message

Dear Mr. Trump,

You are not alone in wondering if Mr. Obama has fulfilled one of the three demands in the U.S. Constitution to be eligible for the American Presidency – the other two being that a candidate be 35 years of age and a resident of the U.S. for 14 years.

As you can see below, I wrote three articles on this issue, two of them going back to the time before that fateful (for our country) November presidential election. I know you’re probably too busy to read my articles, and that’s okay, but they do contain some still-relevant and perhaps helpful information.

Your challenge to Mr. Obama – to simply present his long-form birth certificate to the American public – came out of the blue, but I can assure that multimillions of people around the country cheered loudly, not only because your legitimacy is irreproachable, but also because you refused to be intimidated by the harridans of “The View,” who routinely dismiss such questions by hurling insults at those who pose them.

I have only four words to end my note to you: Keep The Pressure On!

Sincerely yours,

Joan Swirsky
Great Neck, NY
P.S..I don’t know if you’re familiar with Harlem’s famous Pastor James Manning, but here is an apology he issued to you after you questioned Mr. Obama’s birth certificate:
Dr. Manning Apologizes To Donald Trump:

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