Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Debt Crisis Obama's Making

Obama can't blame Bush for this one. For the last 2 1/2 years Usurper Obama has pushed wreckless spending amounts. This wasn't done empty headedly. Obama understands the way to retain power is to not tax the poor, give them freebies, while exploiting the wealthy. Money for Votes, it works in South America, it will work in North America.

Waiting until a so called 10 day deadline, to fix the debt crisis, is another in a string of good crisis es not going to waste. This deadline didn't suddenly sneak up on Obama. He's been looking forward to this time for two years. Christmas is finally here. This is to Obama what the 2010 elections were to the Tea Party. A long wait finally over. Obama knew whet the national debt limit ceiling was when he put together his 2012 budget, the one with the $1.8 Trillion overrun. Did he consider that a problem then? Hell no. The purpose was to get the budget through so he could raise taxes on White America. He tried the same thing in 2011, but the weak ass republicans kept issuing "continuing resolutions" to authorize spending without a budget. Same result for Obama, no tax increase though, but the po'folk gotz theys. Their 2012 Votes Purchased at your expense. (Isn't this a wonderful system? You get taxed, to pay for their vote scams, so they can take everything thing you have including your freedom, or you can go to jail for refusing to pay.)

Just like the illegals. Obama wants to admit these poor law breakers, give them citizenship and gain their votes with give aways you pay for.

What is going on right now with the debt haggle, isn't about maintaining our national credit rating, it's a political gambit to gain control. Obama seeks to curry favor with the unwashed with promises of more for them at no charge. Obama doesn't want to make any deal that will not raise taxes. And if you think it's a tax increase only on the rich, then ask why Obama wants to do away with the mortgage interest deduction. Eliminating that tax deduction will cost every home owner household across the spectrum an average $4,000+ a year in added yearly income taxes. More if you have a pricier home. "Oh but that isn't just white folks getting taxed" the obots will argue, "there are Hispanics and Blacks who own homes." Yeah a few, but for the most part they are renters or live 12 to a dwelling. Collateral damage is acceptable, when you are trying to become a one party Junta.


1 comment:

  1. During the last Presidential election, CSpan2 Book TV aired a program where the author discussed the results of his or her research, which suggested that something like 5-10% of Democrats , and 5-10% of Republicans, essentially debated and defined the ideological constructs of each party. The point was that the vast, vast, vast majority of the citizens of this country have their lives dictated by the most active and vocal members of society, who also happen to be more privileged .

    I strongly suspect that the same thing is occurring with the debt ceiling debate. The debate is not really about the debt ceiling per se, but rather a very deep, long-standing debate about the role and size of government. It’s never been resolved, and never will be resolved in our representative democracy. However, in the mean time, the regular folks in our society run the risk of being irreparably damaged. The elites (the upper and upper middle socio-economic classes) on each side of the fence have theirs, their corporate contributions, decent jobs and income, and will fare just fine economically. It’s the ordinary citizens (lower middle socio-economic class) who will most likely get screwed, no matter which side ultimately prevails in the short term.


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