Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Sellout Emerges

By Aaron Cantor USAF (ret)  ©
Breaking News from
Republican and Democratic Congressional leaders are indicating they have agreed to a compromise debt ceiling deal with the White House. The framework of the deal includes $1 in cuts for every dollar raised in the debt ceiling; no new taxes; and no more votes on the debt ceiling until after the 2012 election.
Excuse me but 1 for 1 sounds like a zero sum game, and no more votes till after the 2012 election has just handed Obama the relief he wants to campaign without being bothered about that pesky debt limit until 2013.
I was with my neighbor yesterday when her grandson called her from Afghanistan, and it seems that the young men and women who are serving there are still being shot at and blown up on a daily basis, and yet Admiral Mullen the outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, when asked about the possibility of not being paid said: “I can’t answer that because nobody has given me a briefing on the financial situation, but whatever is owed to you I am sure you will eventually get in full.”
What kind of a message does this idiotic administration think they are sending to the troops, and what does this do to the morale and the re-enlistment rate of these young men and women who are asked to go in harm’s way?
Do you morons in Clowntown D.C. really want to use and abuse several hundred thousand trained and ARMED personnel in such a stupid fashion?
The year was 1789 and the French Army sided with the people and turned against the King as well Barak, so you might want to use that supposedly brilliant mind of yours and do the right thing, and while you are at it be thankful that we here in AMERICA do not have a national razor known as the guillotine.
As far as the bogus rumor that you have a brilliant mind (and the other rumor that you were a law PROFESSOR), I personally don’t think you possess the ability to find your way to the outhouse even with a seeing eye dog. 
Amazingly, I am still hearing a lot of people trying to lay the blame for all of this mess on George W. Bush, but I would like to point out to all of you who seem to vote with your butt instead of your brain, The President doesn’t spend the money, that power is in the hands of Congress, and I would further point out that the Democrats were the majority in both houses from 2007 clear through 2010, not to mention the fact that Obama has been in office for almost three years, so you explain to me in detail, how it is the Republicans who are responsible for this mess.
Don’t get me wrong, as I have pointed out on many occasions and in many columns, there are no saints on either side of the isle, they are all a bunch of posturing jackasses wrapped up in their own self importance, but in this particular instance the Democrats have it hands down.
The bottom line as far as paying the troops on time is concerned, should be, no paycheck for congress or senate or Obama until the troops get paid and paid in full (none of that partial pay crap which I have seen in the past)!
Let’s see how far that idea will fly with the D.C. crowd.

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