Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Clinton & Palin...most Admired Women...

At the end of the 21st century's first decade, Americans have decided on the women they admire the most -- and their picks might surprise some.

One is a woman who once lived in the White House -- Hillary Rodham Clinton. And the other is a woman suspected of harboring ambitions of living there someday -- Sarah Palin.

A Democrat and a Republican. A former senator and a former governor. Two polarizing politicians, both moms, both bestselling authors, both who lost their bids for one of the nation's top elected offices last year.

Are American voters dropping a hint here?

According to a new survey just released by USA Today and the Gallup Poll, the 62-year-old Clinton barely beat out the 45-year-old Palin as the most admired female -- 16% to 15% in a poll of 1,025 adult Americans.

WAIT!!!!! What's to admire about Clinton? She's an Obama lackey, dishonest and ineffective as Secretary of State AND she supports Obama / Hitlercare. She needs to be turfed out along with all the other corrupt politicians and socialists in Washington!

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