Tuesday, May 25, 2010

All The "President's" Men and Deductive Reasoning

Obama. Jarrett, Emanual, Axelrod, Pheffer, or Gibbs. This is the inner circle in the Whte House. At least one of these six is the cat to the Sestak mouse.

Gibbs the buffonic frontman, has said all there is to be said on the subject. The lawyers they consulted have verified nothing wrong was done by ???? u-no-who . "Who's that Joe?" "You know, u-no-who, and that's all I've got to say about that."

Is it Gibbs? Nah, funnyboy doesn't pass out federal jobs, that are almost cabinet level.

Axelrod, today said, "There would be more forth coming in the next few days, then all questions would be answered."

Is it Axelrod? Maybe but I don't think so, he is the political planner,he and Pheffer. Axelrod perhaps may have come up with the idea to make a deal with Sestak, but we haven't seen him out front on much. Mr low profile. So I doubt he is the skunk in the woodpile.
Wouldn't it be rich if the SestakGate drags out like Iran sanctions or North Korean nuke talks. Rich just like a Birth Certificate and hidden records. oh the transparency of it all.

Is it Jarrett? No definitely no. How do I know? Simple, Jarrett is too busy sniffing around for a kick back, or skimming money off of grants for slum property. VJ isn't screwing around with small potatoes Sestak when there's gold in them thar hills. Jarrett is all about money in, not money out.

Definitely not Jarrett.

Is it Rahm Emanuel? Two words Blag O'vich.

Yes it's Emanuel. The offer man. There is a more though, nobody in that inner circle goes to the bathroom, without being asked if they wiped and how many times.

Obama is skunk 1,he decides what and how much. Emanual is the bag man, skunk 2. The rest are accessories after the fact.

A cover up is being concocted, an offense on it's own merits, not that it bothers anyone. I mean how much fear can they have, when they have pulled off the biggest hoax in history. These guys have brass ones, big brass ones. Even Jarrett has a pair.

Currently Sestak owns Emanual. Rahm knows this, and he knows his boss Obama will drop him in the hot grease if need be, without so much as a fare thee well.

Sestak is also golden with Obama as long as he doesn't ask for too much. No despot likes to have their noses rubbed in it. Obama did get mentored by a guy who liked being pee'd on so Mr Kinky just may have a deeper threshold for self humiliation.

Can you believe it. Here we are discussing the man in the highest office of the land in such derogatory terms. Pitiful, just pitiful. I know Abe Lincoln, and Barry you are no Abraham Lincoln.


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