Thursday, March 17, 2011

Theresa Cao, American Heroine...

When Theresa Cao gets her full jury trial which she has asked for, and which is her constitutional right, we that attended the LTC Terry Lakin “kangaroo court” court martial should try to make it there as a show of support. Who knows. If the trial is scheduled for after the date of LTC Terry Lakin’s release he may also be able to attend to show his support for her, as she did for him. So let’s follow this trial schedule and see if our “constitutionalist” crew from across the nation can re-unite to show our support for Theresa Cao when she is put on trial by jury. If the government puppets doing Obama’s bidding were smart they would drop all the charges against Theresa for her simply exercising her “political free speech” rights in the “People’s House”. Those political free speech rights are guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. If they take her to trial she will get an excellent opportunity while defending herself in court in front of a jury to exercise her “political free speech” right about Obama’s ineligibility as part of her defense. Obama should tell his appointed puppet judge to just dismiss the case or tell the prosecutor to drop all the charges. Otherwise, it’s going to be not so good for Obama with this full jury trial, imo. Theresa Cao was overcome by emotion and spoke out from her heart and they decided to punish her and intimidate her. It did not work. Now she has got them where she wants them and the press is not going to ignore this jury trial.

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)

1 comment:

  1. Constitutional Rights are subject to the whims of King Cobra and his associates!


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