Sunday, June 26, 2011

WE REPORT...YOU DECIDE...Where does this guy get this stuff?...HIS PEOPLE told him this abstract would be a sound forgery, yet everything about it was so amateurish, it was meant from the beginning to be so bad that it would blow up on Obama...

The Forgery Never Blinks

"Around midnight I heard noises downstairs in our home in Georgetown, inside the District of Columbia. I stepped out of the bedroom on the second floor and shouted into the darkness, 'I don't know who you are or what you want, but if you don't get the hell out of here I'm going to blow your ass off. And if you don't believe me, listen to this.'
"With that I rammed a shell into the chamber of a shotgun. There is no mistaking that sound. Within seconds the intruders, or whatever they were, had fled."
--Dan Rather in The Camera Never Blinks, 1977.

In an exclusive only here, the education you are about to receive will link Dan Rather in the Forgegate Scandal directly to the Barack Obama Birthgate scandal as both of these documents were produced by the same high placed Democratic operatives, for the exact same reasons.

To set the groundwork in this, one must recall the words of Dan Rather in, "I knew the story was real, even if the document was not, the story was real as I trusted my sources".

Interesting admission from Mr. Rather in his sources were so trusted by him, that he literally had his career destroyed over these people, and those people were so connected, that Mr. Rather never dared to expose these criminals.
Dan Rather learned a lesson from the cartels in you might "not see anything" in Dallas when John Kennedy is murdered as you are on the bridge the car drove under, and your silence takes you to the top of CBS, but when the cartel runs and operation on you, you are going to have CBS bitch slap you in court and turn out out to internet media oblivion.

I will repeat the key points. Dan Rather said HE KNEW the story was real and HE TRUSTED HIS SOURCES to the ruin of his career.

Now children, let us visit Barack Hussein Obama. This is the Barry who smugly strode out to the podium, and announced his birth abstract is real, but it would not satisfy everyone.
This is the same Barry who Karl Rove had ears inside the White House who said the birth abstract would be used as bait by Obama for an October 2012 surprise if the GOP could be goaded into focusing on this issue.
If not for a combined effort of Donald Trump for Democrats and Jerome Corsi in the right leaning Joseph Farah, this phase of the drama would not be exposed at this point.

What point is that? That Dr. Onaka, Obama's attorney and Mr. Obama are now guilty of producing a fraudulent document, complete with smiley face in a criminal act.

This blog is about to reveal some things never before explained in what took place, what was taking place and what is going to take place, as it all leads back to Dan Rather in what brought him down.

Barack Obama in his smugness during that announcement was literally baiting everyone to look at this document he just certified as legal. It literally was an FU to America in being diagnosed as insane by Mr. Obama as it was a confession to crime before the entire world.
The upheaval this has caused has had Mr. Obama's attorney flee the White House for an outside post and from Deep Tutu sources there is a meltdown in the White House in they have gone Bill Clinton smear campaign in illegally about to leak information on someone in the GOP to take the heat off of Obama, exactly how David Axelrod illegally smeared Obama's GOP rival with sealed court documents.
Do not at this point forget that Obama threw John Edwards to the wolves in torturing that family to keep the press from the Lawrence Sinclair saga. This is REPEATED PATTERN, and there are patterns in this.

Note the similarities between Dan Rather confidence in his forgery as the "story was real" and Barack Hussein Obama in his forgery as the "story was real".
What is about to revealed next is the reality that Barack Obama has had a plan in this to use this issue, which has been coordinated for 2012, and that he moved on the birth abstract to deflect from Jerome Corsi's work as it was coming to a head too early.

This event was so large in Obama trying to deflect from Donald Trump who baited Obama in this for Democrats, that Obama after dithering for half a year on Sheik bin Laden, had the Sheik murdered to take this all off the table again.

This is where the problem starts in this, as Mr. Obama knows there are several birth abstracts floating about in Hawaii for his various re entry into America incarnations. He though TRUSTED his operatives that they would produce a COLB which would pass inspection in 2012 as he smugly knew "this would not satisfy all" in what Obama released.

In this, Dan Rather and Barack Obama are equal trusting dupes, as THEIR PEOPLE WHO PUT THEM INTO POWER assured them they would handle this and the documents were real, as the story would back up the document.

Focus on that point as it is vital in this, Obama and Rather both were certain they were sitting on solid ground and had no idea a house of cards had been set up for them.
This is why Rather went to the mat and why Obama was smug before America, as just like all of his other crimes, Barack Obama knew the power elite had "fixed this", so he could go before he world and taunt the Birthers in daring them to look at something which Obama was told was a forgery so complete anyone who questioned it would be called...........a kook as Rush Limbaugh keeps calling Tea Party people.

If you observed Barack Obama in his Afghanistan retreat speech, you once again saw an Obama with that wild look in his eyes. He is on shaky ground and if noticed there was no American Flag in that speech behind him.
Remember now that Rahm Emanuel was running the show when Obama gave that ghastly speech before America when he looked like lurch............Obama was set up for that to look bad FROM INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE BY CLINTON PEOPLE, who were later slapped down by the cartel.
Obama's Afghanistan speech was in the same quality made to make him look bad.........that falls to Bill Daley who is now part of the 'take Obama down group'. The propaganda says that Bill Daley was surprised over the Obama abstract being a forgery...........I would observe that Bill Daley in taking down Val-erie Jarrett and cracking the whip on the Obama's that he is not as surprised as he is spreading the word.

This is now the Watergate type trap which Barack Obama smugly strode into. HIS PEOPLE told him this abstract would be a sound forgery, yet everything about it was so amateurish, it was meant from the beginning to be so bad that it would blow up on Obama in thee same exact way that the forgery blew up on Dan Rather.

It is the same operation, and the same power elite operatives on the two sided money coin who instigated all of this.
Reason dictates that the same Clinton Bush clique reached an understanding and it was Bush41 over Rather's ass kicking when 41 was in power, that the old man was not going to let Dan Rather do that to his boy, George W.
When I point out the operative in this are the same core base whether bastard son Bill "Rockefeller" Clinton and the bag men Bush family for the Rockefeller cartel answering to the Rockefellers, some heavy grease was put on the skids for payback to Rather and you can bet Karl puffy lips Rove was in on this in his dirty tricks.

That is the exclusive in Puffy Lips Rove and Hamrod Clinton were thee forces behind this Obama birth abstract. No I do no mean that Rove ran the photo copier and Clinton fed in the paper, but this is their crew at work again as the trademark is there.
This Obama abstract though was created to be so horrid that it would unwind to Obama fast, catch his smug ass off guard, and wrap him in his own tangled web.

This was a counter intelligence operation and Obama just like Rather were set up from the inside. Do not though jump to the point that Obama is some innocent being set up in this, as he knows damn well he is not an American, but is a foreigner in British birth and Indonesian adoption who gained illegal entry into America twice..........OBAMA THOUGH IN HIS 10 YEAR OLD DELINQUENCY THOUGHT THIS WAS ALL HANDLED BY THE PROS, so he could keep flipping the bird to his opponents.

At this point, I do not believe Obama has had it explained to him he is being cut off from the inside in his Berliner boys have a better deal working and it does not include Barry Soebarkah.

Do not miss that House vote cutting Obama down to size on that Libyan terror mission. That is a signal that Obama is of no use to the European cartel any longer on future projects. They have absolutely no reason to protect him any longer..............his goose has stolen the last golden egg from the US Treasury as patrician Boehner is closing the purse.
Thee old New York Times guard is out of the loop in this Obama coup. This is generating from the Washington Post as in the Nixon coup. These are the power players who bring down occupants of the White House and they are on the move.

As stated, Obama is rattled, but his inside group which includes Jarrett is still functioning like they do not have Cassius and Brutus in their toga midst. There will be more hits with Bill Daley feeding Obama plenty of rope.

Did you miss Obama prattling on about that Medal of Honor winner in not knowing the guy was dead, and he gave the medal to the dead guy?
That was not an accident nor a misspoke as Jay Carney lied about. Those events are all scripted as Obama has his teleprompter running his thoughts...........yes Obama was told it was a "mistake", but that is the thousand straws Daley is piling on camel Obama to erode him and expose him for the teleprompter reader he is.

Do not though put all of your bets on the forgery bringing down Obama as it is the Catch 22. Yes it is the felony which caught Obama, but it is a forgery of forgeries..........meaning it catches Obama, but the operative which created it, know in a blow up, they will be looked for and that is not what they want.
The operative created this to distract Obama and rattle him with the inner maniacs serving him. There is a part two coming in this series to hit Obama and that is what this group of coup plotters will work with to force and LBJ not running or RMN resigning.

They are concerned about this so bringing down everything and alienating the black voter base, that is why they are using this as a misdirection as the Birther issue cuts to close to the latino and black mob for Obama.

You now know a whole lot more of the inner workings of this than you ever were supposed to.....actually you know more than Barack Obama and Val-erie Jarrett do as they are still operating in the vacuum of trusting their sources as Dan Rather did.

If you have a macabre heart in being fascinated at a half brain dope head like Rodney King getting tasered, you will see some Obama shock therapy if you know what you are looking at. Do not and I repeat DO NOT focus on what the mass story is, but keep in mind the things posted above and you will start seeing some things to make you giggle at for some reason it is always funny when a guy is getting a shot to his nuts.

The forgery might never blink..........but Obama's eyes are fluttering like Nancy Pelosis and it will get worse.

Shhhh just our little secret.

agtG 287 hartes rückseitiges feuer stärker am ende


  1. "...a kook as Rush Limbaugh keeps calling Tea Party people."

    Huh? Where do you get that from, Lame Cherry? It's dead wrong and makes the rest of what you write suspicious.

  2. This is a great site. My first time. Can't believe I just found Lame Cherry, here. I am a faithful reader. I'm awed by your psychological and political insight. I'm awed by your breadth of knowledge - and wisdom. Thank you.
    I'm grateful to, finally, have this opportunity to say, "Thank you."


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