Thursday, August 25, 2011


Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – the political-media complex
 By Lawrence Sellin Full Story To paraphrase President Dwight Eisenhower, the country is governed by a powerful and coordinated political-media complex, which is determined to maintain the status quo regardless of the wishes of the American people.
Their lust for power is so great and their greed so boundless that Washington, D.C. is willing to accept and protect an illegal and criminal President.
To retain their privileged positions, they are prepared to violate their oaths of office, illegally circumvent the Constitution, erode the rule of law and ignore their constituents.
 Who We Are as a Nation
 By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Full Story America used to mean something. The Statue of Liberty represented independence, what it meant collectively to be an American. There was a reason why millions risked life and limb to come to our shores. We are a nation of immigrants with a strong work ethic. America was built on hard work, sweat, self-determination, and freedom. We were free and we were proud to be Americans.
We are not who liberals decide us to be. We are not children who need to be told by the government how to live and to be shameful and apologetic about our American exceptionalism. We are patriots and love our country because we feel so in our hearts, because we are free. We are not children who have to stay in their parents’ homes until the age of 26, finding ourselves, because some misguided elected official says we should be on welfare and free healthcare.

Political Messiahs in Tailored Suits
 By Daniel Greenfield Full Story Let’s not pretend that the right is any more immune to leader worship and cults of personality than the zombie hordes on the left. The cult of personality as a means of power predates political orientation, it dates back to the first men who understood that leadership is not about doing what the tribe wants, but about elevating yourself above the tribe.
Reasoned political involvement is about fixing toilets. When your toilet is broken, you look through the listings, find a plumber who seems to have a good track record, look at his rates and decide if you want to bring him in to do the job.
Leader worship is about ignoring the broken toilet and reveling in the greatness of the plumber who doesn’t actually fix your toilet, but spends hours talking tough about fixing all the toilets or movingly about the broken toilet inside each and every one of us.

The Usurper in Chief and Kingfish Liar Again Misleads Public
 By Jerry McConnell Full Story An inquirer asks, ‘How do you know Obama is lying?’ to which I replied, ‘When his lips are moving.’ 
OK, that’s a bad old joke; but strangely, it fits so well with that foreign operator who plays with our money out of our White House.  The problem today is to even remotely know when he is telling the truth.  I don’t think even he knows when that rare occurrence happens.  His entire existence is based on lies, misconceptions and outright deception.

Hatred never holidays By Judi McLeod Full Story The ice cream-licking, golf club-swinging pictures of Barack Obama dominating the late summer media are straight out of Saul Alinsky rules.  The Satan-loving, Communism-pushing Alinsky would have put it in loftier words.  To the street person, Obama’s tactics are called “rubbing it in”.
It’s so easy to demoralize one’s lessors from the comfort of luxury holidays.

America is Under Attack
 By Michael Oberndorf, RPA Full Story If I recall correctly – which I do – the federal oath of office binds employees thusly: “I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…” I would like to take a look at that word “domestic” as it applies to what has and is occurring in America.

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