If anyone had read any of the many books that have examined President Obama's life and his many questionable qualifications for office, including a Social Security number that appears to have been purloined from someone else, he should not be allowed to take the oath of office for a second time.
The Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi
Where's the Birth Certificate? By Jerome Corsi
Deconstructing Obama by Jack Cashill
The Blueprint: Obama's Plan to Subvert the Constitution
And Build an Imperial Presidency by Ken Blackwell & Ken Klukowski
The Post-American Presidency by Pamela Geller with Robert Spencer
The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American values by Brad O'Leary
The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, The Untold Story of Barack Obama by Paul Kengor
The Manchurian Candidate by Aaron Klein
An American Obsession: Race and Conflict in the Age of Obama by Seth A. Forman
If only one half or one quarter of the facts cited in these books were true, Obama has no legal right to be President and is committed to an ideology that seeks to undermine capitalism. He is set to take the oath of office a second time.
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