Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Ask Our Readers- What Are You Doing?

We ask for your ideas, we get 3 or 4 of you who respond, we ask for leaders we get 2 of you to step forward.....

What part of ---We Are Very Much In Danger of Losing Our Country--- don't you understand?

Are you afraid to come forth, in fear of being identified? Trust me if "they" want to find you,they can, burying your head in the sand, makes you nothing but a stationary target. Fight Back, and go down fighting if necessary, but for God sake join us and fight! Now !!


THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but "to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER" and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God.---Thomas Paine December 23,1776


  1. << ...Fight Back, and go down fighting if necessary, but for God sake join us and fight! Now !!>>

    Where is ... WHAT is the Target. As "I" see it. the "target" is ideological and we have, at the least, THREE generations that have been indoctrinated in public schools to honor, nay, to IDOLIZE the omnipotent State and to submit to it as subjects! Today, a "reputable" poll showed that 43% of Americans approved on the job that Obama is doing. They don't care a spit whether he is a legitimate POTUS OR, if the Constitution has been thrown in the trash.

    Our District Federal courts no longer honor their Oaths of Office, why should THEY be concerned whether the Pres. is, or isn't legitimate?

    Moses took his people into the desert for 40 years - 2+ generations, in order to purge the mental conditioning of "being a slave" from the consciousness of the masses.

    So, with you call "to action", where would you have us act effectively? Support for Dr. Orly Taitz and Mario Apuzzo seem most expedient and, in the long run support for Congressman Dr. Ron Paul's Campaign for MAY be os some help. But, their successes -- if they do happen, will not change the ignorance of the entitlement mentality masses. Moses had it right! /s/ A Sovereign Soul

  2. I have two ideas. on oct 19-25 the government is going to have control of the air ways. They want you to go to and I think we should all turn off our TV for that week. That will send a strong message that we are not interested in their agenda. They want us to serve the country, be slaves to their agenda i dont think so...

    Secondly, I just suggested in the last couple of days, that the tea party organization should go back to washington. We should have maybe you could ask one or both of those leaders who have enough you know what to go talk to congress while us 2 million stand outside, and ask them what is going on with this government. We dont like, we want you to respect us and respect the Constitution. We think the government is destroying America and we are here to take it back. What are you going to do about it?

    that's my ideas for today.

  3. To Sovereign Soul

    We can not let these 43% destroy what 57% have.

    I fully agree with you, our courts are a shell of what they once were as far as dispensing justice, -they are part of the problem.

    I will let you in on some private conversations my blog partner and I have had and what motivated us to get active.

    Many of us have children, even those who do not, owe it to them anyway and to those who have stood in the breech when called in the past.

    We are hoping to avoid blood shed. However we discussed this issue last June, and came to the conclusion, Obama's removal would at the minimum result in riots across the country. However the longer he stays in power, the greater likelihood it will result in revolt, which will be even more bloody. Either way Obama the Usurper can not be allowed to remain in office, unless he can prove he is who he says he is and legit. If he is legit hey fine majority rules, see ya next election. The issue is though, given what we do know, he is with 99.99% certainty , not legit, if he was he would have proven it by now.

    The more the American people learn of Obama and his communist agenda, the more they are at least awaking to what life under a dictator will be like, or they should if their brains are engaged.

    One other of the other conversations we've had is 28% of the voters are hardcore, and will never admit their way is wrong. No Matter What.

    What we need to do, is go after i the 15% on the left that we can try to salvage. Of the so called non Obama 57% at least half of these are apathetic or clueless.

    We need to educate, bring them over away from the darkside.This issue isn't about court cases alone, it about We The People getting off our butts and rising up either to say "No You Can't," or fight for our survival literally.

    You need to help us. Anybody can be a cynic.
    The alternate is to do nothing and watch this country be gutted, alone with it's loyal citizens.

    A Free America needs it's educated like you and me, and more like us, to put forth the effort now.


  4. Brenda yes I think we need to go back and march again. I'm serious about this proposal too, This time we need to bring Tar and Feathers and some rails. Congress either gets on board with the people of this nation including the eligibility issue or they get the tar baby treatment. Assault charges be damned, We should file treason against them and stand them against a wall.


  5. << Congress either gets on board with the people of this nation including the eligibility issue or they get the tar baby treatment. Assault charges be damned, We should file treason against them and stand them against a wall. >>

    IMO, our FIRST, most affective display of anger over the incumbent congresspersons should be at their home district offices. Yes the need IS educational -- but that takes TIME and is only partially affective. The ignorant are fiercely defendant of their right to remain ignorant. It's almost a univrsal cliche that the Left never saw a fact that they could not ignore. For example, look how long David Horowitz has been at work trying to get the dominant anti-Americans in academia to even allow the "conservatives" the right to a peaceful assembly! A sixth grade girl was sent home because she was wearing a "gang symbol" -- a crucifix on a chain around her neck. Do we have the "time" to try to get 15% of these Left wing radicals to be persuaded to change their minds?

    I don't think so. BUT, we "might" be more affective IF we were to confront EVERY Congressman AT THE FRONT DOOR OF HIS DISTRICT OFFICE. A daily sign wave, 8:00 am to sunset -- with only a handful of participants waving signs that reveal the congressmans VIOLATIONS OF HIS OATH OF OFFICE should get attention in local papers and radio stations if not TV. Our efforts to OUT the INcumbents shoudl be relentless.

    Additionally, we might render the congressperson less powerful in misadministration of his/her office if active law suits IN EACH Congressional District, claiming violations of fiduciary trust in that they had taken an Oath of Office which was evident by their following votes... and list the
    unconstitutional legislation.

    I proposed the above sign wave in Sep. '08 when Bush was pushing his $785 BILLION bail-out which was immediately endoresed by my Congressman, John Campbell. NO-ONE it my local RonPaulMeetUp group was interested! The local RP establishment and the O.C. Register (formerly known as a Freedom Press publication), gave the Congressman a complete pass! Bush's transfer of wealth from taxpayer to special interests at that time -- unchallenged by the RP -- except for Dr. Paul,gave Obama all the justification he needed to do the same ... on steroids.

    Think globally, act locally, has lots of merit.

  6. To Anon.

    "Think globally, act locally, has lots of merit."

    I think your sign wave idea has merit. Given the Congressrats are home in their districts only a few days per year, and there can only be a few entrances to their offices,and only a few hours of a workday need coverage a wave guantlet 5 days a week seems doable. Of course the more outraged sign wavers the better, but even 20 to 50 is a start. If you recruited 2 retired people, and they each recruited 2 each and so forth wouldn't you soon have a group to carry out your idea? What else could your "local" group do when not needed for sign wave duty, ... they could be talking to their neighbors, walking their blocks getting petitions of greivances signed, calling Washington, buying guns, did I just say buying guns?? Uh next thought, I think the point is we the people hace to organize, it starts with one, saying NO. Then acting upon it. Can't never did a thing.

    email me at



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