by John Charlton
(Oct. 17, 2009) — In a stunning blow to the impartiality of the American Judicial system, Federal Judge David O. Carter, who is hearing the case Barnett vs. Obama, has just hired a lawyer who works a law firm where Robert F. Bauer, one of Obama’s top lawyers is a partner.
Siddharth Velamoor is the lawyer chosen by Carter to serve as one of his two official clerks, from Oct. 1, 2009, till Sept. 30, 2010, according to Wikipedia. Velamoor is listed as an associate with Perkins Coie, LLP of Seattle, Washington.
Robert F. Bauer, is a partner of Perkins Coie, LLP, of Washington, D.C.. His bio at the company identifies him as holding the Chair of the Political Law group at the firm; general counsel to Obama’s Campaign for America and general counsel to the Democratic National Committee.
Since Siddharth Velamoor could ostensibly loose his job or be blacklisted by Perkins Coie, if the case did not go Obama’s way; his presence in Judge Carter’s chambers clearly impugns the integrity of the court, and will be the cause of dismay in the general public.
Something else MAY be going on here, that is, by Judge Carter's hiring of Siddharth Velamoor (from the law firm representing and closely connected to Obama) as his law clerk 4 days before the Oct 5 hearing.
ReplyDeleteIt's simply too obvious. I'm assuming Judge Carter would surely know this would be relevant -- and be grounds for Motion for Recusal by Orly of Judge Carter.
Since there conceivably can be an Evidentiary Hearing (which would entail discovery) in connection with a Motion for Recusal of Judge Carter for hiring an Obama-connected law clerk, perhaps this is an avenue for Orly to be granted discovery without Judge Carter having to deny Obama's and the Government's Motion to Dismiss, which would be appealed and tied up in the Fed. Appeals Ct.
ReplyDeleteJust thinking -- especially since Judge Land's (obviously) gratuitous rulings and penalties against Orly would give ground for discovery there.
Judge Carter has brought shame to the American Judicial System with his dispicable action.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Constitution, Obama is not eligible to be President. There are 3 portals of entry for citizenship: 1) a “naturalized citizen,” one born in another country and qualifying for citizenship in the US, 2) a “citizen,” a child born in the US of at least one foreign parent, and 3) a “natural born citizen,” a child born in the US or under US jurisdiction of two citizen parents. The first 2 categories do not qualify for the Presidency as specified in Article II, which is the only place in the Constitution to use the term “natural born citizen.” [See Greschak.com exhaustive essay on Natural Born Citizen.] It doesn't make any difference if Obama was born in Hawaii, or not, and he may well have been born in the Coast Province General Hospital in Kenya for which there is a birth certificate (on line.) One parent, his father, was NOT an American citizen. The specific intent of the Founding Fathers was to assure that any candidate for President of the United States NOT have divided loyalties. To quote John Jay’s July 25, 1787 letter to George Washington: “Permit me to hint whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national government; and to declare expressly that the command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on any but a natural born citizen.” (see Vitell, Apuzzo ). Maximum loyalty would have been a sensitive post-revolutionary requisite, and one must live through the writings of that period to understand the intent. Amendment XIV does not alter the conditions of Article II. By his own admission Obama and his father held British citizenship under Kenya. Also, there is a further issue: If he assumed citizenship in Indonesia while living with his American mother and Indonesian step-father, Indonesian law is "Supreme" and supersedes all other national and international law so that he may NOT become a citizen of any other nation. It is clear, then, why Obama has paid over $1 million since the election to the Perkins Coie international law firm to block access to his records and quash all suits questioning his eligibility. He is an Imposter.
IMHO, Judges, especially federal, simply don’t do such obvious over the top things, like with Judge Land bashing Orly, gratutiously, as he has done — giving grounds for Recusal, OR, Judge Carter, hiring an Obama Law Firm-connected attorney 4 days before the hearing on the Gov’s Motion to Dismiss.
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, were Judge Carter to deny the Gov’s Motion to Dismiss, there’s the very considerable possibility/probability the Gov could tie the case up in the Fed Ct. of Appeals — because they would instantly appeal — so we’d never get to discovery or trial for a very long time.
On the other hand, if Judge Carter does something giving Orly grounds to seek Recusal of Judge Carter by reason of the appearances of, if not real, conflict of interest — which relief is afforded Orly under federal statute, there would be a hearing in connection with that Motion for Recusal, for which Orly could present evidence (and maybe there’d be discovery in connection therewith) to show the Obama-related conflict of interest which could embrace issues surrounding Obama which are in issue in the case. So, BINGO, Obama matters (birth, natural born citizen, etc.) including operations of the law firm on behalf of Obama and the DNC (which it apparently represents as well) are before the Court AND NOT ABLE TO BE APPEALED OR KEPT FROM THE COURT, AND EVEN IF THERE IS ATTEMPT TO HIDE THOSE MATTERS, IT WOULD PLACE TEAM OBAMA IN AN EXTREMELY UNTENABLE POSITION.
Remember, the key to the whole case is Standing and Jurisdiction, not the merits of the case — which are SLAM DUNK AGAINST Obama, at least insofar as the meaning of “Natural Born Citizen” requiring two citizen parents. So, Standing and Juruisdiction ARE THE BALL GAME. If there ever is standing or jurisdiction, it’s then immediately all over for Obama; it will never even get so far as a trial — discovery would end it all (and a scenario could then very well be the Democrat Congress selects/votes Hillary Clinton as President — and I already think she knows this may be coming down the pike, hence her re-emergence on the national scene — obliquely challenging Obama).
OK, all the above is IMHO, but seems to make sense.
and remember, Judge Carter is more than between a rock and a hard place. He’s sitting (assuming he never wanted it) on the most significant single federal case since the Civil War era, perhaps most significant federal consitutional case in all of American history.
ReplyDeleteWouldn’t want to be in his shoes!
I’ve walked around this question of whether Orly will or will not file a Motion to Recuse Judge Carter.
ReplyDeleteI think she has to and will, and I think this could be checkmate for Orly against Team Obama — and here’s why I think this could be the case:
If Team Obama (which team really is the US Govt. thru the Justice Dept.) opposes Orly’s Motion to Recuse, they’ll have to argue why, and an evidentiary hearing on the recusal motion would follow. Evidence would encompass “birther and natural born citizen issues” since that is the case for which recusal is sought. As soon as a court is forced to look at the evidence (that being evidence of what facts are germaine to the case and areas of law which would need to be addressed in the main case, and/or discovery on those matters) IT’S ALL OVER FOR OBAMA! As I said before, the case will never go to trial anyway. If there ever is jurisdiction (standing), it’s all over THEN for Obama.
On the other hand, if Team Obama (meaning the Fed. Govt.) agrees to the Recusal (to avoid the Motion and Evidentiary Hearing on the issues of recusal) WHAT DOES THAT SAY?
And even aside from the above, even were the Judge to Summarily dismiss Orly’s Motion to Recuse, she needs to have her Motion for Recusal on the case record, to preserve her rights for later.
Either way, I think Orly is gonna have to file the Motion to Recuse.
The real interesting question is why did Judge Carter do such a blatant thing of hiring an Obama-law firm attorney as a law clerk 4 days before the Oct 5 hearing.
Did he do it on his own as the only way to get this case to evidence without delays in the Appeals Court (which would happen if he simply denied the Motion to Dismiss), or did Obama people (stupidly) put the pressure on Judge Carter to hire the lad.
Wow, this is better than any book or movie of fiction!
This thing keeps folding in upon itself making many layers one on the top of the other, hiding things from view. I read the transcript from the 5th and it seemed Carter wanted both sides to answer his questions in a certain way, a way I thougt was to make the case have standing and jurisdiction. Carter is not a man that makes random mistakes, if he does something he does it for a reason. I agree, I think it got to hot and he just wants it off his books and wants someone else to take the heat. Thought we had a warrior in this man, I hope im wrong but it looks like hes passing the buck.
ReplyDeleteQuo Warranto may be a red herring.
ReplyDeleteOrly’s case vis a vis Alan Keyes is a tort case in fraud against Candidate Obama — and the US Govt. is not a party to THAT case, nor does Alan Keyes necessarily seek removal of Obama, just recovery for the fraud!
Once Candidate Obama is shown (proven) in Judge Carter’s court to be a fraud, Congress will make Obama leave office under tremendous political pressure to do just that (and then, of course, the Congress votes on/selects Hillary Clinton as the President — who will then be the best Democrat to face Sarah Palin in 2012).
I’m assuming Hillary is aware this is coming; and remember that Judge Carter was a Bill Clinton appointee.
do you think that the attorney clerk is just placed there to get his hands on any evidence Orly presens so documents might disappear?