Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Our Honest Public Servants

Are these the fine and honest public servants Justice Carter refers too? What about Congressman Rangel or cold cash Congressman Jefferson who now sits in jail, or the former Mayor of Detroit. How about Sen Dodd, Sec of the Treasury Tim Geitner, or Obama nominee for Sec of the Treasury Senator Tom Daschle who had to withdraw because his tax cheating was bigger than Geitner's. What about Govenors Blagovich, Sanford,and Spietzer.Presidential candidate Sen John Edwards misusing campaign funds for his mistress. The Judge in Alabama reducing sentences if prisoners let him spank them (lol) Lest we forget Obama. These are just a few off the top of my head. I'm sure you could add many more... feel free in the comments section.


From Michelle Malkin 10/7/09

Maxine Waters: “Many members” are as sleazy as my friend Charlie Rangel
By Michelle Malkin • October 7, 2009 12:44 PM House floor votes are underway. As I noted this morning, GOP Rep. John Carter is set to introduce a resolution this afternoon to remove corruptocrat/tax cheat/race hustler Charlie Rangel from his chairmanship of the House Ways & Means Committee.

He tweets this afternoon: “About to introduce the Rangel Resolution on the House Floor. We’ll see what happens.”

Meanwhile, Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters mounts her best defense of her buddy Rangel: Congress is full of sleazoids as bad as Charlie!

Ok, she didn’t say sleazoids…but she might as well have:

“Many members” of Congress suffer from the same disclosure issues as Rep. Charles Rangel (D.N.Y.), one of his allies said Wednesday.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) downplayed the seriousness of allegations against Rangel that he failed to disclose sources of income and pay taxes on some properties, saying that many lawmakers suffer from innocent lapses in judgment when filing mandatory financial disclosure forms.

“I want to tell you, there are many members who, if you go back over all of their records, over all of the years, you’re going to find that there were disclosures that were not made,” Waters said during an appearance on MSNBC Wednesday morning.
Birds of a feather indeed.

1 comment:

  1. It is sad that a person that is so bias expect to be believed....There are many republicans politicians that are in jails for assorted charges of misconduct....Yet, she does not include them in her observation. nsane!Which makes her rant i


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