God bless Sam Alito

When Barack Obama attacked the Supreme Court of these United States for upholding Constitutional Law in his State of the Union lecture, it was Obama being a 3rd world thug.
When Justice Sam Alito responded to Obama with "NOT TRUE", as the maniacal mob of Democrats were jeering and having bodily secretions like at a cock fight, it was an American Patriot in Sam Alito rekindling the words, "Don't Tread on Me!"
This is not about protocols in what Obama did in smashing the decorum of the US Capitol which is the People's House with his attacking another branch of Government, but it is about Barack Obama overstepping his Executive authority as nowhere in the Constitution does it give the Executive the right to browbeat the Supreme Court, hold it hostage in the US Capitol and then turn a jeering mob screaming at it loose on that sacred body to terrorize it.
That is intimidation and assault. It is exactly the motive and operation of Obama threatening US bankers with pitchfork mobs. In Obama State of the Union lecture, the mob was Charles Schumer and his pitchfork was was his tongue screaming at innocent Americans.
Chief Justice John Roberts has not done his job on the Supreme Court in protecting the Constitution. Justice Scalia has noted to Attorney Orly Taitz that it requires one more Justice to hear the Obama usurpation case. That Justice is no doubt Justice Kennedy who is surrounded by the patrician ilk of Ginsburg and associates.
It is past time that Justice Kennedy join now in heeding his Constitutional responsibility in protecting the United States Supreme Court as Barack Hussein Obama just threatened that 3rd branch of Government with assault.
In true terror fashion, Barack Hussein Obama attempted to intimidate the United States Supreme Court in the United States Capitol.
For the protection of the Court as Mr. Obama has now progressed from Lawrence Sinclair, to bloggers, to Rush Limbaugh, to FOX News and now to the US Supreme Court to bully it so Obama's re election will be on his criminal ACORN money fraud grounds which allowed him to steal the Presidency of these United States in 2008.
This must stop immediately and the American Justices on the Court must now be roused to hold an immediate hearing, demanding that Barack Hussein Obama be held accountable for assault upon the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court of these United States.
Mr. Obama's assault was an attack upon the Constitutional Government of these United States and the shattering of his oath he took twice.
As evidence against Mr. Obama, he also attacked minority Constitutional rights in his lecture by threatening Republicans to not filibuster in the United States Senate, but instead to bow to Obama's mandates and join with his illegal destruction of the United States form of government.
The US Supreme Court in checks and balances can indeed schedule hearings to investigate, and demand that Barack Hussein Obama produce his real Hawaiian birth certificate, US passport, college tuition information, all to prove he is or is not a US Citizen.
Thus finding he is not, the US Court can negate every single issue Mr. Obama is connected to as unConstitutional.
Justice Sam Alito in upholding Truth, Justice and the American Way spoke the most resilient of Free Speech in informing the cheering Obamaniac mobs that their leader is a liar.
Mr. Obama broke his oath in promising to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States by attacking the US Supreme Court in 3rd world thuggery.
Mr. Obama must be removed by the US Supreme Court in a case of their own making as the final check and balance on a Barack Obama making war on branch of the United States Government.
Semper Fi Justice Alito.
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