Sweet Teets Pelosi from LAME CHERRY

One can in real data in female police officers being too light and beaten up by suspects are in fact sugar tits to the feminist movement, putting women, other officers and the public into jeopardy (criminals also as criminals who beat on female officers get shot for doing it), is something which should indeed be examined, because I have always ascribed to the fact that Police Officers and Firemen must be males due to the heavy and dangerous work, at least six feet three inches and be a fit 230 pounds.
I was stunned the other day in a store to see a kid I had not seen for decades in his being almost 7 feet, had to have been 250 pounds fit and this is the type of Fireman and Officer I would mandate America be served by.
What this all leads into is the Sweet Teets of Nancy Pelosi who has developed a 2 million dollar nursing of public money in her travels and a pacifier of over one hundred thousand dollars in booze.
From the list of booze Nancy and her Democrats have stocked in her pantry, the Democrats do not drink anything cheap. They drink straight shots, because one does not mix expensive liquors with coke or water.
When this blog noted it looked like the Democrats and especially Queen Pelosi appeared stoned or drunk at Obama's State of the Scrotum speech, the data appears exactly that they were.
Why this matters is, I have seen enough Obama suckling in my days to know once they get on the sugar tits their hands start grabbing discounts too. By this I mean, when Nancy Pelosi develops a taste for DeWars Scotch which is $200 for 750mls, she is not going to be paying for it, but a bottle will end up in her purse from the wet bar in every trip she and her drunks take as taxpayer expense.
This blog exclusively noted this in the Obama hidden funds of almost a trillion dollars in travel in 2009. This is not White House money, but it is Pentagon funding hidden for Obama. These scoundrels are always loading up on free first dates, Copenhagen junkets and living high off the lipstick hog. They pay for nothing and stick Americans with these lavish bills hidden away.
Judicial Watch uncovered the Pelosi spending, but what MUST BE REQUIRED NOW is a complete audit of Pelosi flights in manifest and lodgings to determine just what is and is not disappearing from the travel supplies.
The FBI must be brought in and a search made of the Speakers office and her home to ascertain if there is anything from toilet paper to expensive booze which she is stealing from the government which is ending up in private use.
I put nothing past these folks in lifting toiletries even. This must all be reviewed by the GAO and IRS also, to match what Speaker Pelosi is spending and what is appearing at her homes, vacations, offices and what is disappearing from Air Force flights.
Any Nancy who can not make things easier for the Air Force, but demands she be picked up at federal military base instead of the public San Francisco airport is going to be helping herself to other goodies.
Plainly put, Nancy Pelosi, should be forced to step down as Democrat Jim Wright was. She though will not in her lavish queenly spending of taxpayer's money. It therefore must come to a criminal audit of the Speakers finances, what is and what is not disappearing from Air Force flights, all for the purpose of finding the criminalities involved with Ms. Pelosi and the Democrats around her.
Democrats should try drinking tap water as God intended. It certainly is cheaper than two hundred dollar a bottle whiskey and 3 dollar Mexican Corona beer.
In that too, the Democrats booze choices are mostly expensive foreign imports.
They can't even buy American booze to get drunk on.
Audit these crooks.
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