Wednesday, October 7, 2009

These Items From Orly Taitz Esq,

From retired military Magistrate and one of my plaintiffs Steve Neuenschwander
Posted on | October 8, 2009 | No Comments

Has The Judge Thrown You Two Olive Branches
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 9:41 PM From: “Steve Neuenschwander” View contact details To: “Orly Taitz”

HI, Orly. Is it possible the judge has saved you from two possible or most probable appeals by the defendants? As he has indirectly, as it appears, denied their motion to dismiss without specifically stating, he has in effect barred them from an appeal on that matter. Likewise, he has also forced them now to either come clean or continue with discovery of the facts. In either case he puts them in the uncomfortable position of perjuring themselves along with Clinton and Biden. I was thinking that as we now have evidence that Pelosi altered the DNC Certification that she to be added as a defendant to the case as well as the witness and the notary public to the two certification documents as even the notary is at minimum culpable in the conspiracy as she notarized both documents on the same date and most probably at the same time.

It would appear that the only recourse the defendants would have at this point is an appeal should the judge rule in our favor after the full trial. If the documented evidence is there that would also be most probably moot as well.

Steve Neuenschwander

Steve Neuenschwander

From Attorney Teresa Ward
Posted on | October 8, 2009 |

Re: *** Barnett v Obama – argue Amendment XX Sect. 3 as supreme law supercedes DC 16-3501 quo warranto ***
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 8:18 PM
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“Teresa Ward” >
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Congrats due only to Orly alone. Good work.

“Thou has formed us for Thyself, and our hearts are
restless until they find rest in Thee.” ~ St. Augustine

Teresa Cooper Ward
Attorney at Law

Category: Letters from Readers and Patriots, Letters/Feedback from Readers

From another attorney
Posted on | October 8, 2009 |

Wednesday, October 7, 2009 9:21 PM
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“P Lang”
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God Bless you. You are in my prayers. I live in New Orleans and I am a RN JD who has raised five children. I work for numerous attorneys on medical aspects of their cases. I find your determination in this very refreshing. I believe that your litigants deserve to be heard. I believe that you are noble in your efforts for justice and I believe that your perseverance and endurance in the face of so many detractors is admirable. Clearly the United States is morphing into a communist country for numerous reasons. I have understood that for many years. We need to learn the truth about Barak Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro….. The citizens of this nation were failed by our system in the procedures to determine eligibility for President. Our service men and women were failed and many do not know whether they are operating under a valid President. No one should have to wonder. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you and Thank all your plaintiffs for their courage. I pray you will not give up but continue on until we all know the truth. I pray the Judge will provide your plaintiffs with an opportunity to be heard and have their day in court. I believe this is a pivotal period in our nations history and whether your case succeeds or fails is really a barometer of whether this nation will fall into an atheistic communistic ideology that seems to be rapidly creeping into all aspects of American life via our government and the “free press” (misnomer). I believe that God is with you and I know many people who are in agreement with you. Hang in there.

1 comment:

  1. Not too bright, are you? Well, if you follow Orly Taintz you couldn't be.


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