Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Emergency Ex-Parte Motion for Relief From Stay of Discovery

Updating Taitz files Motion for Relief, in Barnett vs. Obama

Dr. Orly Taiz

Notice of Electronic Filing
The following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 10/7/2009 at 4:35 PM PDT and filed on 10/7/2009

Case Name: Captain Pamela Barnett, et al v. Barack Hussein Obama, et al
Case Number: 8:09-cv-82
Filer: Cynthia Davis
Timothy Jones
Alan Keyes PhD
Pamela Barnett
Richard Norton Bauerbach
Robin D Biron
John D Blair
David L Bosley
Loretta G Bosley
Harry G Butler
Glenn Casada
Jennifer Leah Clark
Timothy Comerford
Charles Crusemire
Thomas S Davidson
Matthew Michael Edwards
Jason Freese
Kurt C Fuqua
Clint Grimes
Julliett Ireland
D Andrew Johnson
Israel D Jones
David Fullmer LaRoque
Gail Lightfoot
Lita M Lott
David Grant Mosby
Steven Kay Neuenschwander
Frank Niceley
Jerry ONeil
Robert Lee Perry
Harry Riley
Jeffrey Wayne Rosner
Jeffrey Schwilk
David Smithey
John Bruce Steidel
Douglas Earl Stoeppelwerth
Eric Swafford
Neil B Turner
Richard E Venable
Jeff Graham Winthrope
Mark Wriggle
Document Number: 82

Docket Text:
EX PARTE APPLICATION to Accelerate motion for relief from stay of discovery Order on Motion to Dismiss Case, Motion Hearing, Scheduling Conference,,,,,, [81] filed by plaintiffs Clint Grimes, Julliett Ireland, D Andrew Johnson, Israel D Jones, Timothy Jones, David Fullmer LaRoque, Gail Lightfoot, Lita M Lott, David Grant Mosby, Steven Kay Neuenschwander, Frank Niceley, Jerry ONeil, Robert Lee Perry, Harry Riley, Jeffrey Wayne Rosner, Jeffrey Schwilk, David Smithey, John Bruce Steidel, Douglas Earl Stoeppelwerth, Eric Swafford, Neil B Turner, Richard E Venable, Jeff Graham Winthrope, Mark Wriggle, Alan Keyes PhD, Pamela Barnett, Richard Norton Bauerbach, Robin D Biron, John D Blair, David L Bosley, Loretta G Bosley, Harry G Butler, Glenn Casada, Jennifer Leah Clark, Timothy Comerford, Charles Crusemire, Cynthia Davis, Thomas S Davidson, Matthew Michael Edwards, Jason Freese, Kurt C Fuqua. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1st response from US attorney Roger West, # (2) Exhibit 2nd response from the US attorney Roger West)(Taitz, Orly)

8:09-cv-82 Notice has been electronically mailed to:

David A DeJute,

Gary G Kreep,

Orly Taitz

Roger E West,

8:09-cv-82 Notice has been delivered by First Class U. S. Mail or by fax to: :

The following document(s) are associated with this transaction:

Document description:

Main Document
Original filename:C:\Documents and Settings\Orly Taitz\My Documents\Keyes Motion for Expedited Relief from Discovery.pdf
Electronic document Stamp:
[STAMP cacdStamp_ID=1020290914 [Date=10/7/2009] [FileNumber=8568669-0]
Document description:Exhibit 1st response from US attorney Roger West
Original filename:C:\Documents and Settings\Orly Taitz\My Documents\Keyes West 1st October 7 2009.pdf
Electronic document Stamp:
[STAMP cacdStamp_ID=1020290914 [Date=10/7/2009] [FileNumber=8568669-1]
Document description:Exhibit 2nd response from the US attorney Roger West
Original filename:C:\Documents and Settings\Orly Taitz\My Documents\Keyes West 2nd letter October 7 2009.pdf
Electronic document Stamp:
[STAMP cacdStamp_ID=1020290914 [Date=10/7/2009] [FileNumber=8568669-2]

Dr. Orly Taitz, Attorney-at-Law

29839 Santa Margarita Parkway

Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688

Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7036

California State Bar No.: 223433




Captain Pamela Barnett, et al., §

Plaintiffs, §


v. § Civil Action:


Barack Hussein Obama, § SACV09-00082-DOC-AN

Michelle L.R. Obama, §

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, §

Robert M. Gates, Secretary of Defense, §

Joseph R. Biden, Vice-President and § EMERGENCY EX-PARTE

President of the Senate, § MOTION: EXPEDITED





Come now the Plaintiffs with this Motion for Relief from Stay of Discovery which this Court entered by written Minute Order in Chambers (Document 66) on September 16, 2009.

On October 7, 2009, the undersigned counsel received this Court’s Minute Order Filed October 5, 2009 (Document 81) apparently immediately after the hearing held that morning, in which order the scheduling order tentatively entered by the Court on September 8, 2009, was confirmed: “The Court now orders those dates be made final.”

In particular, the Court ordered the Motions for Summary Judgment must be filed by November 16, 2009, to wit, the 40th day after today (less than 6 weeks). Plaintiffs can neither prepare any possible motions for partial or complete summary judgment nor prepare themselves to defend any such motions under Rule 56 by the defendants without conducting discovery, in particular, the depositions duces tecum of Defendants:

(1) Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle L. R. Obama (who, whether they have any personal knowledge concerning Mr. Obama’s actual place of birth or not [the Court suggested in Court on October 5, 2009, that few individuals recall any details concerning the circumstances of their own birth or immediate post-natal citizenship and residence], both have separate and independent personal knowledge of Mr. Obama’s life & medical history and records in his actual or constructive possession, his history of applications for passports and/or compliance with Selective Service Registration requirements, his personal physicians’, hospitals’, and educational records, as well as his presidential records and personal papers and archives which may have effectively been sealed at his sole discretion as a matter of executive privilege by Executive Order 13489 entered on January 21, 2009, whether such order was designed or intended to expand or contract access to previous Presidents’ records); these defendants also have direct and personal knowledge concerning Mr. Barack Hussein Obama’s recent residence and employment history and causes or justifications for the use of one or more social security numbers in relationship to such residence and employment history.

(2) Hillary Rodham Clinton, who as Secretary of State is in charge of the extent United States Passport Agency and other governmental records concerning Barack Hussein Obama’s citizenship and other relevant records, as well as having personal knowledge of what private disclosures Barack Hussein Obama may have made to her and other Democratic Party leaders and officials of the Democratic National Committee during the 2008 Presidential Campaign.

(3) Joseph R. Biden, who has parallel but independent access to many of the same sources of information as Hillary Clinton, as well as closer access to the President as his life history and personal information during the 2008 campaign.

(4) Robert M. Gates who as Secretary of the Department of Defense is custodian of all records concerning Mr. Obama’s history of security clearances, his selective service registration, his level of Department of Defense clearance (if any), and, together with Defendants Michelle L.R. Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Joseph R. Biden, parallel but independent information concerning Mr. Obama’s private discussions and disclosures to other Democrats during the 2009 elections.

(5) Non-party witnesses around the United States who must be subpoenaed and summoned to appear for depositions duces tecum on not less then 33 days written notice unless the Court specifically shortens the time to notice and/or subpoena each and every party or non-party witness.

There is no possibility of agreement or stipulation regarding the initiation of discovery in this case. The Plaintiffs have corresponded and conferred with counsel for the Defendants this 7th day of October, 2009, by electronic mail, and submit the Defendants’ paired responses as Exhibits A & B. Because the Defendants’ position has been clarified, this Emergency Motion is submitted to the Court for resolution.

There is simply no time for an ordinary time-table for setting hearings upon notice, and this Motion is accordingly submitted to the Court upon an emergency and expedited basis. If a hearing is required, Plaintiffs’ undersigned counsel is available at anytime upon 2 hours notice to appear in person in Court in Santa Ana, or upon 5-10 minutes notice for appearance at anytime by telephone at any telephone conference.

In the alternative, if the Court is unwilling to vacate its order granting limited stay of discovery completely, Plaintiffs pray that all proposed discovery be certified as relevant to the questions of standing, jurisdiction, and venue, on the grounds that Executive Order 13489 may have caused particular injury to each of the Plaintiffs in that it radically curtailed all Plaintiffs’ ability to exercise their rights under the Freedom of Information Act and their reserved Ninth Amendment as heirs to and beneficiaries of the sovereignty of this nation to the exercise of their right to petition for writ of quo warranto.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs request a speedy resolution of their Motion for Relief from Limited Stay of Discovery entered on September 16, 2009, by Document 66, so that Plaintiffs can prepare for and abide by this Court’s scheduling order confirmed on October 7, 2009, by Document 81.

Respectfully submitted,

Wednesday, October 7, 2009



Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. (California Bar 223433)

Attorney for the Plaintiffs

29839 Santa Margarita Parkway

Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688

Tel.: 949-683-5411; Fax: 949-766-7036



I the undersigned Charles Edward Lincoln, being over the age of 18 and not a party to this case, so hereby declare under penalty of perjury that on this, Wednesday, October 7, 2009, I provided facsimile or electronic copies of the Plaintiffs’ above-and-foregoing Notice of Filing of the 28 U.S.C. §1746 Declaration of Charles Edward Lincoln to all of the following non-party attorneys whose names were affixed to the “STATEMENT OF INTEREST” who have appeared in this case in accordance with the local rules of the Central District of California, to wit:



ROGER E. WEST (designated as lead counsel for President Barack Hussein Obama on August 7, 2009)


FACSIMILE (213) 894-7819

DONE AND EXECUTED ON THIS Wednesday the 7th day of October, 2009.

/s/Charles Edward Lincoln, III

Charles Edward Lincoln, III

Tierra Limpia/Deo Vindice

c/o Peyton Yates Freiman

603 Elmwood Place, Suite #6

Austin, Texas 78705

Tel: (512) 923-1889

Exhibit A:

Roger West’s First

Response to Plaintiffs’

Request for Agreement:


Exhibit B:

Roger West’s

Clarification of

First Response

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