Sunday, January 3, 2010

Americans speak out...a sampling of the growing disdain for AKA Obama...

The Play-Doh Presidency.

Watching the Obama Administration reacting to terror reminds me of that 1968 tune, "Bend Me Shape Me."

You know the lyric, ..."Bend me, shape me
Anyway you want me,
Long as you love me, it's all right
Bend me, shape me
Anyway you want me,
You got the power to turn on the light."

Obama's 'team' is as malleable as Play-Doh. They'll now try to reset their face down performances since the Hassan shootings and the Christmas Day airliner attempt by focusing on the bureaucracy.

Sure, and if that doesn't catch-on, it'll be that old canard that poverty drives some people to do to mean stuff. Trouble is that Mutallab wasn't poor and Hassan was doing quite well thank you.

It isn't that the Intel communities aren't sharing information folks, it's that the President and his lot are creating an environment that denies the existence of Islamic terror and our war against it. Small wonder our services are not catching bad officers such as Hassan and spotting Mutallab before he boards. Everyone is spooked that they'll anger the White House if they call a Muslim a potential terrorist.

Obama is going to attempt to appear concerned about our security for the next few days. He'll try to sound tough, vigilant even.

Truth is, he's not fit for this job anymore than he's been for the Presidency since he took the oath. This is a man that never had a thought about anything strategic or geo-political until he had to appear in public and speak. Add his predisposition to currying favor and hod carrying for Islam and you have a Gumby like man, all twisted up while talking security as he struggles to keep his crescent tattoo hidden from view.

He'll say anything but the right thing. This Administration is anything they want to be ... just open the blue Play-Doh tomorrow and watch how they reconstruct their failures with craft and guile.

Too bad they can't mold themselves into Americans. - ANONYMOUS in California.


Objects of Obama's Affectation
President Bush is the usual suspect for all Obama's brilliantly masterminded failures. Next it is Capitalism. After that the old worn out Constitution and then the Bill of Rights. Next come the Tea Party Terrorists, then all those typical white people. Then there are the pesky Wepubwicans. After the Elepant in the room comes the evil Fox News, and Sawah Pawin would be high on the list as he is begging for half a million dollar campaign to wage what James Carville called "Wowah" (pronounced War in English), it seems that Demowits can't bring themselves to actually say the word, unless they are setting about destroying private citizens, like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, or the Secret Service instead of the people responsible for Security Lists at White House State Dinners. On down the list are all those of us still bitterly clinging to the guns that the smartest people in the world think we shouldn't have, so with an executive order he allows Interpol to come and conduct Assassinations with no punishment for collateral damage.

Now with regard to everything Muslim, he seems to tell the Generals, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, especially the obvious truth, gives rights to Muslim terrorists and sloughs off attempted murderers of Islamic descent the title of suspect in the alledged bombing attempt, as though he was not guilty.

I think Mr. Obama would be better off as the President of Iran than President of the United States. With his propensity to campaign instead of lead, I think he needs to take his wrecking crew on the road and try to win the fair and free election in Tehran or maybe Afghanistan, I think he understands those people better than us heathen Americans. Those people are already destroyed and with his leadership, he could actually make their lives more miserable than ours.

I refuse to believe that Barack Obama is the best man in this entire country, I can think of three women off hand that would be doing a better job. - James in Texas.

Muslim in the White House
I heard a talk show host the other day say, "the President deep down is a Muslim at heart." That comment is very perceptive. Even Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton seem to be more loyal Americans than Obama.

The election of a black American as President might have been a good thing if we were confident that he was really an American and believed in American values and American exceptualism. Obviously, he does not and, invitably, when that becomes apparent to even the most deluded Obamaite once we get rid of him it is highly improbable another black American will ever again be elected president in our lifetimes.

Obama obviously carries all the baggage of his natural father, a failed and alcoholic Kenyan who still believed in Communism before he died in a fatal car accident. I believe that President Obama felt a very personal triumph when he met Queen Elizabeth, whose British Empire once ruled that African country where his father was born. His feelings, roughly expressed, might have been, "Now, I'm top dog. How's it feel to be subordinate to one of your lowliest subjects, now master of the richest nation in the world?"

And we thought Willy Clinton had issues!
- ANONYMOUS in New Jersey.

Note to Congress: "Are you serious?"
"We can unify behind this in Congress. It is one thing that both parties agree on, leadership and accountability in keeping us safe,”
The last thing I feel is safe and it matters little who is riding in the cab as the engineer of the locomotive that is juggernauting closer and closer to the cliff. A nice Ross Perot-like "YOU PEOPLE (in Congress) just don't understand".
Congress is the problem. You people do your lunches and let them bastardize the Constitution where we don't get protected from emminent domain any more. You people get elected one time and the odds of getting you gone are lower than it was for ousting members of the Politboro. No consequences. Just how corrupting might that be? You people have been racking up the debt like the world has never seen, chasing Keynes instead of Hayek. How come your popularity stays in the teens, some where between incurable lepers and curable lepers?
Read the bill, hell. I expect you to have read and memorized the Federalist Papers, let alone the porkfest that you are cavalierly committing me to just because I happen to work for a living. You even had the gall to give yourself a nce raise. And your retirement is locked in after getting elected once. Of course there's no need to retire since the physical and mental demands of the job appear to be less long term than that of getting a driver's license.
What I see instead of leadership and accountablity is tenure and nothing is ever too unethical to get more than a verbal slap for. In my state, folks that did what folks in Congress do would be in jail.
I want my Constitution back.
MY Constitution.
17 enumerated powers.
I am serious.
- Rick in Georgia.

Says a lot about our system
when you can get a "symbolic" impeachment for a President who drops his drawers and plays cigar games with an intern, yet this president gets away with the raping of our Constitutional rights.

The unlawful mandates, 2000+ page non-read bills voted on, bribery(Our Tax dollars for votes)arrogance towards the very people who put him in office with lies and deceit.

Condoning the Honduras Presidents attempt to supersede their Constitution and continue his Presidency after his time was up, while standing on the sides of Dictators such as those from Venezuela and Cuba and against the people.

Bringing avowed Communists, Marxists, Socialist etc...those who turn to Mao for guidence into our White House along with lobbyists and big business labor thugs.

Appointing a "safe" school czar who supports child sex in schools, including the support of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) Name says it all.

Giving American citizen rights to those who have no other purpose in life but to kill Americans in order to unite with their 72 virgins.

This list goes on and on and on, yet not even a Republican will push hard and unite the country. Talk is cheap, we no longer believe a single word that is said. Action required.
- Michael in Washington.

Just one scenario...
We just thought Clinton was bad news. We had no idea just how bad news could be.

The year 2010 is going to be fraught with peril. Obama and his Socialist Party of America are hell bent on weakening this nation to the point that a 'national emergency' will occur, requiring the imposition of direct presidential control. The National Emergencies Act will allow him to do just that for a period of up to two years. During that time we'll have suspension of the Constitution, martial law, confiscation of firearms, gold and whatever else Obama deems important, etc., etc.- all of the crap that is normally associated with a third-world coup.

Oh, and BTW, everyone thinking that the power will be returned to the people at the end of two years, raise your hand. - Earl in North Carolina.
And they said she didn't have enough experience to lead this nation.She would have surrounded herself with people that loved this country.
- Jax in Iowa.

I enlisted in the Air Force in 1950, at that time the Communists were the enemy. Had I known at that time that a Communist would be elected to the Presidency I would have gone to Canada. - ANONYMOUS in Nevada.

And what do you get?
You get more evidence that Barack Hussein Obama is not just inept, weakly and morally anchorless, but also someone who has broken his oath of office.

He and his thugocracy are clear and present dangers to our country and our Constitution.

They must be removed soonest, before they do further damage to America and, really, the world. - CA in Wisconsin.

A Patriotic Fire
is totally missing from Barack Obama's demeanor.
Go back a couple of years - and think about his refusal to wear an American flag on his lapel, standing there with his hands limp by his sides during the nation anthem - can not get beyond those visions. All the Chicago connections - some very questionable connections - befriending RevWright for 20 years - yet not hearing any of the anti American hatred he spewed. Can not get beyond those issues.
The statements he has made over the last few years to his brain dead supporters - can not get beyond those - nothing absolutely nothing Obama says or does that smacks of his displeasure for the USA - is no surprise.
We must remember when he apologizes for this country - he is tempering his words - imagine what he really wants to say.
What did he take - 2 minutes to give Janet Napalitano the job as head of homeland security - my God - can not get beyond that appointment - totally unqualified - the unqualified appointing many unqualified - after all - Obama thinks between pandering to his base - secured by his ACORN and union supporters and getting amnesty passed he will be all set!! - Rosemary in Rhode Island.
how do you know he is a christian.

We know that while he attended wright's church for 23 years and saw wright as his mentor and substitute daddy, it can be argued that teaching black nationalism is not religious doctrine.

And since he started infesting the oval office, there is no record of the messiah choosing a dc church or having even attended any services.

Yet the messiah is far more supportive of the muzzies and their blood cult than he has been of Christians since he split with wright - Alphonse in Arizona.

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