Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Az Eligibility Bill-Hold The Damn Phone.

Before everyone on the Right gets into a panic over Donofrio's article about AZ's Birther Bill, I decided to contact a GUL reader and activist in Arizona. You might have heard of him, Jeff Lichter.

I emailed Jeff today as to what was going on in AZ -I got this back from him. To me this activity sounds like it is very much on track. What may be confusing to some is, there are two separate bills- one dealing with eligibility and the other anchor babies. If the language conflicts, I would expect these bills to go back into committee for tweaking.

On top of that AZ is passing bill after bill restricting illegal immigration. Such as making it illegal for them to have a driver's license, making it a crime to have false ID's, and more.

Forget the Betrayal stuff, let's see what the finished product is before jumping off a cliff.


Jeff's reply:

It was about a different bill SB 1370 on the birthright citizenship of children born in the US to illegals. But Leo D'Onofrio picked up on some of the language within that bill which is in apparent conflict with the two parent citizen definition of natural born citizen. How it would precisely effect our attempt on the Presidential Certification bill is currently unclear as is the precise status of that bill (SB 1526 and HB 2544). I should know something within a couple of days I hope.

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