Monday, January 4, 2010

SEVEN Questions for Glenn Beck and while we are at too, Mr. "No Spin" Bill O'Reilly...

These questions refer to AKA Barack Hussein Obama, i.e., the USURPER in the White House:

Mr Beck and Mr. O'Reilly:

1. Where was Barack Hussein Obama born? Was he born in a hospital?

Prove it.

2. Who was Barack Hussein Obama's natural father?

Prove it.

3. Is Barack Hussein Obama a legal resident of the United States? In other words is he currently in the United States legally?

Prove it.

4. What is Barack Hussein Obama's current legal citizenship, i.e. status?

Prove it.

5. Is Barack Hussein Obama actually an American citizen?

Prove it.

6. Is Barack Hussein Obama constitutionally qualified to be POTUS?

Prove it.

7. What is AKA Obama's real legal name at this very moment?

Prove it.

And while we're at You-Know-It-Alls, Beck & O'Reilly...give us a reasonable explanation why Americans are supposed to be funding with our taxpayer money -to the tune of $2 million no less- the evasive legal actions of BOH to HIDE ALL OF HIS RECORDS including where he was born!!!!!!! Are we are supposed to sit back like dummies and accept the word of this liar? Is that reasonable? Give us a break!

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