Will Incoming Retired Lt. Colonel Act on the Obama Eligibility Question?
by Sharon Rondeau

Lt. Col. Allen West served in the U.S. Army in Iraq and in 2003 was accused of improperly interrogating an Iraqi policeman regarding information on an impending attack
(Dec. 24, 2010) — Lt. Col. Allen West was born in
1961 in Atlanta, Georgia to a military family. He was
elected to Congress on November 2, 2010 to represent Florida’s 22nd district, having
relocated there from Georgia in 2004.
Like Lt. Col. Terrence
Lakin, West was the
recipient of many Army awards. Both received the Bronze Star and Meritorious Service Medal. Even more remarkable, both received the Army Commendation Medal three times while serving. Both have deployed to Afghanistan.
West and Lakin both have earned advanced degrees: West
holds a Master’s degree in Political Science and a second Master’s in Military Arts and Sciences; Lakin is a medical doctor who is board-certified in
family medicine and is a licensed osteopath.
West’s Facebook page and weekly message are
Lt. Col. Lakin was court-martialed December 14-16 at Ft. Meade, MD by Army officers who
refused to answer his concerns that Barack Hussein Obama did not meet the
constitutional requirements to serve as president and commander-in-chief. Another eligibility challenger who was also an eyewitness at the court-martial
stated that Dr. Lakin had requested a congressional inquiry to which he should have been entitled as an active member of the U.S. military which was never answered. The eyewitness,
CDR Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. (USNR Ret.) said it was “a kangaroo court” and that Lakin “was railroaded.”
The Post & Email will be publishing a full-length interview with CDR Kerchner on his observations from the court-martial in the near future.
In 2003, West was accused of employing overly harsh interrogation techniques and
faced the possibility of a court-martial. West had fired a pistol near an Iraqi policeman’s head and threatened to kill him,
not harming him, to obtain information about a “
planned attack” on the Army. At a preliminary hearing, West
said that “the method I used was not the right method” but added that “If it’s about the lives of my men and their safety, I’d go through hell with a gasoline can” and chose to go to trial on the charge of aggravated assault. He received “
non-judicial” punishment rather than a court-martial, forfeited $5,000 in pay and retired with 20 years of service.
Both men’s
defense attorney was
Neal Puckett, a retired Marine, whose slogan is “When your future is on the line…you need experienced lawyers in your corner.” However, Puckett did not achieve exoneration for either of these long-serving, decorated military men.
West received
support from various congressmen, while not one member of Congress has stepped forward to support Lakin’s
defense of the U.S. Constitution.
The following emails were sent to Lt. Col. Allen West’s transition team this evening, Christmas Eve 2010:
From: arnie
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2010 09:26:04 -0800
Subject: Congressman West: Merry Christmas–now do the right thing!
CC: arnie
To: Gowesttransition@gmail.com
Dear Congressman West,
Thank you for your Christmas greetings, your thoughtfulness is appreciated.
I have followed your campaign from the start. You seem to be the one man who appears to be the man as represented; the real McCoy.
While the rest of us may enjoy Christmas, there is one individual that should also be enjoying Christmas with his family. A man who has put his country first!
As a result, due to the most regrettable circumstances involving the illegal usurper in the White House, this man now occupies space in Leavenworth.
I write you with this suggestion, since Col. Lakin represents no threat to society, and since the Army and the government has done such a poor job of administering justice, perhaps with your help and influence, you might be able to persuade those in authority to at least permit Col. Lakin to spend Christmas with his family.
Such a marvelous gesture would be looked upon with great favor by all of us who have been greatly discouraged by the recent turn of events. Congressman West, we look to you as one outstanding human being who, not only understands And appreciates the sensitivity of this situation but the mood of the electorate as well.
Should you be inclined to agree with this suggestion, “We the people” look forward to your success in this endeavor.
Merry Christmas to you and to those you hold dear.
Congressman West: Merry Christmas
Congratulations on your election victory. I believe you are a strong conservative and as my co-patriot, Mr. Rosner states, the real McCoy.
Mr. Rosner and myself and many others I know of spend hours of our time on line communicating with each
other and our elected officials. Since the election of November, 2008, this has become for many of us almost a full time job. The assaults on our American freedoms by this administration are an outrage I never imagined to have witnessed in my lifetime.
Our country faces many issues and one which must above all be addressed is the issue of unconstitutionality of this presidency and in its wake the travesties which have been committed, including, but not limited to the injustice committed against Col. Lakin as cited below.
Without a complete and thorough investigation of Obama’s crimes and his illegal ascent to office, and a successful prosecution of these crimes and Obama’s removal from office, our country cannot move forward and heal.
I sincerely hope the new Congress will take on this task.
It remains to be seen if West will act on Lakin’s court-martial and subsequent incarceration. West will be sworn in early next month.
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