Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Raising The Debt Limit

Current polls are showing 70% of Americans are against raising the national debt limit. Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner himself has indicated for a "price" he is willing to vote for raising the national debt limit.

I can think of no price worthy of such a vote disregarding the will of the people, other than Obama's immediate abdication.

Let the government shut down, they are a blight upon us anyway. What do we need courts who will not hear us for, or border patrol who will not secure our borders, or interior workers who deny us energy, or EPA regulators that makes living more costly? Do they believe we can not do without them?

There was a time, when hanging trees and ropes dispensed justice. Posses went after the rustlers. Midwives delivered babies, mothers schooled their children and militias defended our homes from invaders. There was a Washington D.C. in those days too, but it seemed as distant and unobtrusive to the citizens of those days as the moon. Somehow the nation survived.

The political reality though is this, there are 191 big government votes already, which will only need 26 defectors to join with them. The will of the people didn't stop them in the last congress, nothing has changed on that front in the 112th congress.


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