Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Revoke Tenure-Repeal, Remove,Replace

One thousand Madison Wisconsin teachers called in a "personal" day off so they could attend the protest at the state capitol, against Governor Walker's plan to cut taxpayer funding of public unionized medical insurance and pensions.

The move was going to take 18.5 % from these state worker's paychecks. Fire and police were not going to be affected by this move to balance Wisconsin's state budget.

Tenure in the case of the aforementioned teachers, means job security for life. You've got to be kidding me. The legislators of Wisconsin and those other states which suckered off and gave tenure, need to revoke it. Immediately.

Governor Walker needs a roster of the 1000 teachers who shut down the Madison school district, and he needs to fire every last one of them.

The Air Traffic Controllers tried to strong arm Ronald Reagan.... once. If Governor Walker allows this hostage taking activity to go unpunished, then every unionized group across the country is going to disrupt the nation, as they try to maintain their crooked sweetheart union deals. States such as California, New York, New Jersey and Illinois are prime targets for just such disruptions.

Governor Walker would have zero problems finding suitable replacements. There are how many unemployed Americans right now ?


1 comment:

  1. Being unemployed is much of a qualification for being able to teach. The candidate must have extensive knowledge of the subject. And they need to understand how to make lesson plans that comply with the law and also get students to learn. Oh, they also need direct experience as apprentice teachers -- otherwise no school district in the country would hire them.

    But let me guess: you don't really think teachers have to know anything about anything, right? You think education in this country is a joke. Imagine how much WORSE it would be if we followed your advice and hired people who REALLY have no qualifications.


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