Saturday, June 30, 2012

A MESSAGE FROM CPT Pamela Barnett, USA Retired...

Call to Action: Turn Independence Day’s Red, White and Blue to Black in Defiance of Obamacare and All Other Unconstitutional Acts By Obama

Posted by By at 30 June, 2012
Call to Action: Turn Independence Day’s Red, White and Blue to Black in Defiance of Obamacare and All Other Unconstitutional Acts By Obama
By CPT Pamela Barnett, USA Retired
Director of

In light of the tyrannical, anti-freedom Obamcare Supreme Court ruling, this Independence Day make a strong statement of mourning and defiance to your friends, families, neighbors, government officials, etc.
After the strong feeling of darkness and loathing overcame me after reading about the anti-constitutional decision, I began to think of ways to protest not only this decision but the unethical Elena Kagan’s ruling on this decision when she was intimately involved with Obamacare planning.  Kagan had a responsibility to recuse herself and Chief Justice Roberts had a duty to require her to do so.  Furthermore, Kagan and Sotomayor were appointed by the unconstitutional usurper pResident aka Barack Obama so Obamacare should also be void for these additional reasons.

Because of this strong blackness taking over our country, we should write letters to SCOTUS and Congress and mail them in black envelopes and write “Treason” or a letter “T” in red.
Please consider doing this this Independence Day and asking everyone to join!!
A facebook friend Anita and her sister came up with some great ideas that I added to.
1.      – Wear All Black for mourning.
2.      – Wear a black armband.
3.      – Fly your American flags upside down at your house and walking in a parade – even the ones on your car, motorcycle.  This is a sign of severe distress!

If you are going to be in a parade, make floats symbolizing the tyranny of Obamacare, or carry signs with messages conveying how Obamacare strips us of freedom, equates us with subjects and not citizens endowed with unalienable rights from our Creator.

AKA Obama was born British.  OBAMA IS NOT A U.S. NATURAL Born Citizen.  Obama should never have been allowed in the White House.   Obama’s disdain for Americans has been more than obvious.  He does not have sole allegiance to this country as it was intended by our founders.
You can also give a donation to, which is raising money to prove aka Obama is not constitutionally eligible to be President.  If we can expose that Obama is a criminal fraud that usurped the Office of the President, Obamacare is subject to becoming null and void because it was signed by a constitutionally unlawful President.

Note: Larry Klayman, Esq. will be attempting to run Citizen Grand Juries to indict Elena Kagan and Chief Justice Roberts for not requiring her to recuse herself.

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