The Miami Herald gave a
fairly balanced report on the ballot challenge brought by Michael Voeltz
(registered Dem) against barack Hussein obama.
I’ll post a screenshot, and include the link to the full article. WND has an article up as well.
click to enlarge

The Miami Herald 6/18/12
So, the attorneys for obama and the FL Dept. of State, argue two things. One is that obama HAS NOT YET BEEN NOMINATED
for this upcoming (re) election. So, since he hasn’t been nominated,
he can’t be held to the requirement of someone who has. Get it? Next
is that “federal law precludes state courts from determining the
qualifications of presidential candidates.”
Larry has argued, “Florida’s
election statutes provide broad protections for voters to ensure that
the integrity of the election system is beyond reproach. One of the laws
allows voters to challenge the nomination of a candidate who is not
eligible for the office he is seeking.”
So obama lawyers say that obama
isn’t OFFICIALLY nominated (yet) and therefore this question of whether
or not he is ineligible can’t be heard. Add to that, the state of FL,
in fact not a single state in this country, has a RIGHT to challenge a
nominated candidates eligibility.
The question that hangs in the
air, like a big fat pink elephant, is that if “Congress” fails to act,
or flat out refuses to act on proof of obamas ineligibility, what
recourse can there be?
Are we expected to believe that nothing at all can be done?
We've already been down this path.
ReplyDeleteThey tell us you can't challenge him because he's not the nominee yet.
Then they'll tell us you can't challenge him until after he's sworn in.
Then, after he's sworn in, they'll tell us it's too late, we should have done something sooner.
ReplyDeleteRebellion comes to mind. Or, we can vote the Thug-in-Chief out in November and pray he doesn't do irreparable harm to the country until Romney is sworn in January 2013. "Our" Marxist Campaigner-in-Chief will not go quietly. I will not feel safe until Romney is actually sworn in. And if Romney is elected--hopefully with a constitutionally eligible VP at his side--I pray the investigations continue and that Obama and his henchmen are brought to justice.
ReplyDeleteRebellion comes to mind. Or, we can vote the Thug-in-Chief out in November and pray he doesn't do irreparable harm to the country until Romney is sworn in January 2013. "Our" Marxist Campaigner-in-Chief will not go quietly. I will not feel safe until Romney is actually sworn in. And if Romney is elected--hopefully with a constitutionally eligible VP at his side--I pray the investigations continue and that Obama and his henchmen are brought to justice.