Friday, October 21, 2011

10 Steps to Fascism

Policies of Hitler, Mussolini, Pinot, and Obama.
1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy. (911 attacks, war on terror, homegrown terrorists such as Ron Paul voters, believers in the Constitution, Bill of Rights supporters, Tea Party, demonize opposition)
2. Create a gulag. (Guantanamo, Secret prisons overseas)
3. Develop a thug caste. (Police tasering, beating, shooting innocent citizens with impunity, Union groups assaulting and trespassing, politicians insulting constituents)
4. Set up an internal surveillance system. (Homeland Security. Emails, phone calls monitored, traffic cameras “See Something. Tell somebody”, 1-800-RAT-NEIGHBOR, train kids to inform on their parents)
5. Harass citizens' groups. (Town Hall meetings, demonstrators, protestors, Quaker meetings)
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release. (Filing multiple charges, either plea bargained or dismissed, DUI-Seatbelt checkpoints, Can’t charge someone? Put them on mental health holds)
7. Target key individuals. (How would we know? Suspicious deaths, Suicide by 5 shots to head etc.)
8. Control the press. (Major news yes. Internet not yet, but trying ie: illegally arresting citizens for videoing police brutalities-charges later dismissed)
9. Dissent equals treason. (Not yet, but accusations of Treason are made against opposing views)
10. Suspend the rule of law. (Obama disregards US Constitution. Judges legislate from the bench, reversing voter passed issues, no immigration enforcement, etc.etc. etc.)
The End of America
Naomi Wolf video on the 10 steps to Fascism. (1hour, 20 minutes)
Policies of Hitler, Mussolini, Pinot, Bush and Obama.
You will see that we are getting there.

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