Thursday, September 20, 2012

Appellee Obama has never established his eligibility for the presidency of the United States.

Attorney Larry Klayman Appeals Florida Obama Ballot Access Lawsuit: 
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Affidavit Included
Voeltz v. Obama


Plaintiff Michael Voeltz, registered member of the Democratic Party of Florida, having sworn an oath to "protect and defend" the U.S. Constitution as an of the state of Florida, brought forth a lawsuit to challenge the election and nomination of Barack Obama as the Democratic Party candidate for the 2012 presidential election.

The Democratic Party of Florida has submitted the name of Appellee Barack H. Obama as the only candidate for the presidency of the United States. Under Florida law, by submitting Appellee Obama's name as the only name for the Florida Presidential Primary the Democratic Party of Florida nominated Appellee Obama for the office of the presidency of the United States.1 (R.112-114) As with the presidential election of 2008, Appellee Obama has never established his eligibility for the presidency of the United States. Indeed, neither Appellee Obama, nor the Democratic Party of Florida has even stated that Appellee Obama is a "natural born citizen" as required to run for president as set forth in the Article II, section 1, clause 4, of the U.S. Constitution. (R.112-114) The only so called evidence of Appellee Obama's birth within the United States has come in the form of an electronic version posted on the internet. (R.112) There is uncontroverted evidence, however, on the record, to show that this "birth certificate" has either been altered or is entirely fraudulent. (R.260-278) No physical, paper copy has ever been presented to firmly establish that Appellee Obama was indeed born within the United States. (R.112)

Yet even if his purported "birth certificate" is to be believed, Appellee Obama was born to a mother who was a citizen of the United States, and a father who was a Kenyan citizen. (R.112) The U.S. Constitution requires that all who serve as President of the United States must be "natural born citizen[s]." The U.S. Supreme Court has defined this term to mean a child born to two citizen parents. (R.245-260) Since Appellee Obama was not born to both parents who were citizens of the United States, he is not a "natural born citizen" as required by the Constitution.

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