Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Obama Administration is Planning a Second-term Attack on Gun Rights

Wayne LaPierre,The Daily Caller

Obama administration officials are deliberately keeping gun owners in the dark about the president’s gun-control agenda as we head into next year’s national election,because administration officials know that when NRA members and gun owners show up at the polls en masse,anti-gun candidates lose.
The Obama campaign’s strategy goes like this:
  1. Neutralize gun owners and NRA members as a political force in the upcoming national election by pretending to be pro-gun or at least not focused on pushing a gun-control agenda;
  1. With gun owners neutralized,Obama will be able to win the election. After the president is re-elected,he won’t have to answer to voters because he won’t have to face another re-election battle;
  1. Launch a full-scale,all-out assault to rip the Second Amendment out of the Bill of Rights through legislation,litigation,regulation,executive orders and international treaties — in short,every lever of power at the administration’s disposal.
Barack Obama spent his entire political career proudly and publicly pushing for the most radical anti-gun positions you can imagine. He endorsed a total ban on the manufacture,sale and possession of handguns. He opposed right-to-carry laws. He voted to ban nearly all commonly used hunting-rifle ammunition.
During the presidential primary debates,Obama even vowed to re-impose the discredited Clinton gun ban,which banned many commonly owned firearms used for hunting and self-defense.
Obama hasn’t had a sudden change of heart;rather,he’s making a purely political calculation by staying quiet on the gun issue until the time is right. In the meantime,he’s gearing up for his second-term assault on the Second Amendment in a number of ways.
Just consider….

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